Monday, December 30, 2019

The Pit And The Pendulum By Edgar Allan Poe - 2721 Words

Edgar Allan poe was a master at suspense, symbolism, and imagery. His special set of skills were evident in all his stories and truly make readers think about life and death. These are common themes throughout his stories and novels. Perhaps his stories are actually a reflection of his hard life and all the death he has faced himself.It seemed that throught Poe’s life he was dealing with the death of his loved ones very often and only had short periods of depressing grief between each one. The themes of life and death, and existence and consciousness are the ones to which he seemed to use most, and can all be seen in one of his most famous short stories, â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†. This is a renowned story that truly reflects on the type of writer poe really was and also shows what a master of horror and suspense he was. The theme of Life, Existence and consciousness in â€Å"The pit and the Pendulum† is a major reason that causes readers to reflect on his s tory. In this story we see a man caught in the midst of the Spanish Inquisition get sentenced to death by torture, but survives (surprisingly for one of Poe’s stories), which perhaps, creates a moral lesson too. It was not common, in Poe’s stories, that there was a lack of death or a sad ending, which makes this story stand out more than the others. In â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†, Edgar Allan Poe uses a selected group of literary devices, to which make this such a successful story. Poe, obviously seen from the story, writesShow MoreRelatedThe Pit And The Pendulum By Edgar Allan Poe852 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is a well known American author whose works continue to influence literature today. His difficult life was impactful on his writing. He is mostly known for his dark writings, but he was also a talented adventure author. Poe’s past and the influence it had on his writing makes him an interesting author to research. â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† as well as â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† are two of Poe’s well known short stories. â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† is written in a way thatRead MoreThe, The Pit And The Pendulum By Edgar Allan Poe994 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the semester, the class has read various stories from a variety of authors. We have witnessed through our analyses the detail that the writers have used; Edgar Allan Poe, author of â€Å"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar† (1845) and â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† (1842) used grotesque and fearsome imagery, as well as setting, to go in depth to give the readers the illusion of actually being there. Although these two stories are unalike, they share the theory of dread because of their disturbingRead More The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe Essay2025 Words   |  9 Pages In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum,† written 1843, and â€Å"using the anguish of imminent death as the means of causing the nerves to quiver† (Edgar Allan Poe, 2015), he takes the reader into the mind of a man who is tortured by various means by some unknown person or persons for reasons that are not given. The themes of death and time are portrayed strongly in this story and produce a sense of anxiety and uncertainty. â€Å"The first- person narration, in which the ‘I’ remainsRead MoreThe Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe Essay1280 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poes The Pit and the pendulum demonstrate an arabesque look at the human mind. Part of the terror of The Pit and the Pendulum stems from the apocalyptic imagery with which Poe establishes his narrative framework. The narrator of the tale seems not to parallel the characters of Poes other tales, in that he is very sane and his torture comes from without rather than from within. Poe has used apocalyptic imagery in many ofRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Pit And The Pendulum2286 Words   |  10 PagesEdgar Allan Poe has written many different stories and poems throughout his lifetime and the common themes of death, horror, and mystery help to prove him as a Gothic Literature writer. Many of his ideas came from his own life because he had a very hard life growing up involving a lot of death of loved ones. Throughout his stories, he has a common motif of suspense that help to exemplify the Gothic Literature sense. He also used a third person point of view very often as to help portray the horrorRead MoreFear in The Pit and the Pendulum, by Edgar Allan Poe Essay914 Words   |  4 PagesWhen he wakes he is somewhere else in the dark cell. Or is it a cell? Could it be a tomb? Just when he thinks the cell is so big he finds himself almost falling into a pit. He eats and sleeps again. Where or how will he wake? Does he wake from his drugged food? In this st ory â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum,† by Edgar Allan Poe, he tells the terrifying struggle of a man dealing with fear, torture, and confinement. In this complete darkness the main character has no idea where he is. Could it beRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s `` The Raven, And The Pit And The Pendulum 1872 Words   |  8 PagesThe use of characters in Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories like â€Å"The Raven,† and the Pit and the Pendulum,† show psychological elements, and make the stories more mind boggling and delusional. Authors choose a certain technique on how they write their stories based on how they want the audience to feel and think when they read it, and also based off of their personal backgrounds. Edgar Allan Poe’s stories are described as â€Å"disturbing† with disturbed characters. His stories are meant to bring chillsRead MoreComparing The Signalman by Charles Dickens and The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe2173 Words   |  9 PagesComparing The Signalman by Charles Dickens and The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe In this essay I will be focusing on the comparisons between the two horrific tales, The Signalman written by Charles Dickens and The Pit and the Pendulum written by Edgar Allan Poe, and by looking at these tales, will give me an idea of how suspense is built up. In the opening paragraph of The Signalman, suspense is built up immediately as the sense of sound adds confusionRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado1559 Words   |  7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe, a famous romanticism writer, created a gothic tone in his stories by describing the setting of his stories with vocabulary that helped create the dark plots of stories such as â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, â€Å"The Raven† and â€Å"The Pit and The Pendulum†. Poe’s own foster father, John Allan, stated that â€Å"His (Poe’s) talents are of an order that can never prove comfort to their possessor†. How did Poe create such gothic tones in his stories with only describing the foul settings and wickedRead MoreEdgar Allan Poes Use of Descriptive Language in The Pit and the Pendulum1609 Words   |  7 PagesEdgar Allan Poes Use of Descriptive Language in The Pit and the Pendulum Edgar Allan Poe has been known for writing stories of mystery and horror. He has composed poems dealing with the occult. He favors those themes and ideas that people shy away from, death, pain, suffering, torture, terror, and fear. His gothic stories burn fright into the hearts of the reader or leave them with a sense of remorse for Poes poor and unfortunate characters. Not many people have ever thought about

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Second Industrial Revolution - 605 Words

MODULE 4 ASSIGNMENTS 1. The 2nd Industrial Revolution Charts: The Electrical Industry Positive effects Negative effects Makes transport a lot easier It is experience to own Heating Factories makes fumes Computers wound not work without it Living is so easy it makes us easy-going, overweight and sluggish Chemicals and Plastics Positive effects Negative effects Plastic is very useful in the building and construction, electronics, packaging, transportation industries. It is a compound that is indestructible, even when it is melted the compound gas that is gives off is very harmful to our health and environment Plastics are very handy, cheap and reusable Pollution Chemicals extend shelf life and allow food to be stored longer. Chemicals can cause reactions in people and animals. The Internal Combustion Engine Positive effects Negative effects The automobile would not be possible without it Pollution Air planes would not possible without it The average person cannot fix it. It was lighter and cheaper than the stream engine May not last longer than diesel engines 2. From Instructors notes: First, explain in your own words why people were seeking to replace the steam engine during the 1800s. Then, for the second part of the question, choose either Gottleib Daimler or Rudolf Diesel and explain his contributions to the Second Industrial Revolution in your own words. Of course it should be larger than just one or two sentences. For the most part, the steam engines wereShow MoreRelatedSecond Industrial Revolution1000 Words   |  4 PagesSecond US Industrial Revolution, 1870 -1910 Darris Adkins Abstract In this brief paper, a description of two developments of industrialization that positively affected the United States and two developments that negatively affected the United States will be discussed. An analysis of whether or not industrialization was generally beneficial or detrimental to the lives of Americans and the history of the United States will be outlined. Second US Industrial Revolution, 1870 -1910 In this briefRead MoreSecond Industrial Revolution Essay871 Words   |  4 Pages An Industrial Revolution is the â€Å"change in social and economic organization that resulted from the replacement of the hand tools with machines and from the development of large-scale industrial production† (Danzer R50). The Second Industrial Revolution happened nearly one hundred years later after the First Industrial Revolution in England during the 1760s (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial Revolution was the cause of new inventions, government support for business, common natural resourcesRead MoreIndustrialization Of The Second Industrial Revolution1390 Words   |  6 PagesThe Second Industrial Revolution, which reached its peak during 1870 to 1914, marked a significant turning point in American history. Before this era of progression and industrial excellence, America was on the verge of expansion like never before. From the vast amounts of land gained through the Annexation of Texas in 1845, the British retreating from Oregon in 1846, and the Mexican cession of Southwest territory guaranteed by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo of 1848, (Engelman) America was ableRead MoreEssay on The Second Industrial Revolution1444 Words   |  6 Pagesof the Civil War, the technologies upon which the First Industrial Revolution was based were established in the United States. In the years following the war, the nations industrial energies were focused on completing the railroad and telegraph networks of the North, rebuilding those of the South, and expanding those of the West. Once the devastating depression of the 1870’s depleted, the stage was set for the Second Industrial Revolution. New inventions came about to ease the production of goodsRead MoreThe First And Second Industrial Revolutions2597 Words   |  11 PagesThe first and second industrial revolutions reconstructed the global economy. Manufacturing shifted from the simple artisan shop to the massive factory. The idea and practice of the local small business slowly faded, as the concept of corporation grew. These corporations had a simple goal: make profit, cut competition, repeat. Manufacturers and other large corporations did anything to achieve this goal, and strived to do it as cheaply as possible. In order to lower costs, they often cut workers’Read MoreEssay on Women in the Second Industrial Revolution1055 Words   |  5 Pagesin the Second Industrial Revolution The Second Industrial Revolution had a major impact on womens lives. After being controlled fro so long women were experiencing what it was like to live an independent life. In the late nineteenth century women were participating in a variety of experiences, such as social disabilities confronted by all women, new employment patterns, and working class poverty and prostitution. These experiences will show how women were perceived in the Second IndustrialRead More Andrew Carnegie and the the Second Industrial Revolution Essay581 Words   |  3 PagesAndrew Carnegie and the the Second Industrial Revolution Andrew Carnegie, the â€Å"King of Steel†, the benevolent employer, the giant of industry, was among the greatest influences of the second industrial revolution. It is sometimes questioned whether Carnegie was the ruthless, sneaky steel tyrant some made him out to be, or the generous, benevolent education benefactor he appeared to be. I believe him to be a combination of both, but more so the great giant of industry. Carnegie was the classicRead MoreWomen And Their Roles During The Second Industrial Revolution3502 Words   |  15 PagesWomen and Their Roles in the Second Industrial Revolution When discussing history, it is often assumed that the history of men is also the history of women. Historians often forget that women constantly experience historical processes differently because of the roles that they play and their biological differences. The second Industrial Revolution affected women uniquely, and their involvement and contributions were distinctive as well. The second Industrial Revolution lead to many advantages andRead MoreThe Sholes And Glidden Typewriter And The Second Industrial Revolution1294 Words   |  6 PagesGilded Age, or commonly known as the Second Industrial Revolution, lived up to its extravagant name that Mark Twain had given to the era. Inventions such as the telephone escalated communication among people despite the distance, and the creation of the automobile helped everyone to move from one place to another in a much shorter time. Besides these well-known and influential inventions, the Sholes and Glidden typewriter also contributed to th e economic, industrial, and societal growth of the AmericanRead MoreTesla s Invention Of The Second Industrial Revolution1677 Words   |  7 Pageslife having ideas stolen away from him by other inventors, but he ignored this and continued to work on his own. He was such an important contributor to American inventions that many people today call his inventions the majority of the Second Industrial Revolution. His inventions were used not only around the time when he invented them, but are still majorly used today. The way electricity is generated was changed by several of Tesla’s inventions and the different ways wireless currents are used

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Analyzing the Financial Statements of the World’s Retailer Free Essays

The Wal-Mart case is intended for an introductory or main course on Financial Statement Analysis. It may also be useful within a Corporate Finance/Financial Management course. After a class on financial statements and liquidity, profitability and solvency ratios – and some brief examples discussed by the lecturer – students should be capable of making a financial analysis of Wal-Mart. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyzing the Financial Statements of the World’s Retailer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Students can be asked to make this analysis in class, or to prepare the case outside the classroom, and to present it. Ideally, the case work is conducted in groups of 4 to 6 students, and it typically takes between 1 to 1. 5 hours (for the analysis itself – obviously, drafting a written report or presentation is more time consuming). The Wal-Mart case is aimed at both undergraduate and graduate students, and for general management programmes/MBAs as well as finance students – obviously, for the latter group, a much more fine-grained analysis, extensive discussion and adequate linking among various financials and between the numbers and Wal-Mart’s business is required. Evidently, the lecturer should highlight many more details in a class of finance students. In the teaching note, the authors first provide a detailed discussion of Wal-Mart’s balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement, mainly based upon common base and common size analysis. While the focus is on 2009 figures, conclusions for 2008 would be broadly similar. Furthermore, they also provide an overview of some key financials’ evolution over the past 10 years. Next, they calculate and interpret liquidity, profitability and solvency ratios for 2008 and 2009 and link these to Wal-Mart’s business model and operating activities. They summarize the main findings in a concluding section. Finally, the authors include a slide show that can be used while teaching this case. How to cite Analyzing the Financial Statements of the World’s Retailer, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Pioneering Executive Shares Career Success †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Pioneering Executive Shares Career Success? Answer: Introducation In five years, I want to hold a managerial position in a big company specifically a Chief Executive Officer. I would love to have the opportunity to work in the DHL Company where there are great chances of developing and handling challenging work so as to provide me with the opportunity to exploit my talents and skills. This will also be beneficial to the company as all my efforts will be directed to the betterment of the company as I grow my position. Based on my erstwhile research that I have done about the company, I have realized that it is the best company that can offer me such a chance routinely, and thus I am confident that the company will value my skills (Brown, 2016). I have also realized that once an employee gets deployed in the company, he or she works there for many years or simply there are less or no turnovers by the employees as it is the case with many other companies. This is an indication that the employees are well satisfied with the work environment and all the necessary benefits are available. In order to reach my five-year goal, I need to set the following short-term goals: firstly, I will need to acquire a bachelors degree in finance and economics since the position requires such qualifications. To hearken my chances of becoming a CEO, I will also study the MBA in the financial management so as to sharpen my skills in that field. I will also need to work in a big company consistently especially in a managerial position to help me exploit my leadership skills. This will give me a chance of knowing what the leaders of big companies are expected to do and how they can implement changes for a better working environment. Having gained excellent leadership skills in top managerial position, I will be able to plan, control, coordinate, instruct, and make the right staffing decisions for the company which I will be working with. Being a CEO, I look forward to acting as a role player, creating business links, liaising with other businesses, and also venturing in attracting more c lientele in the company. I am currently working in a law firm as the assistant accountant, and I hope to rise through the ranks as go back to the University for a Graduate Degree in accounting. I also concentrate on getting the financial knowledge from my current employer so as to be wise in making decisions. I normally take advantage and utilize fully any chance that the company offers so as to increase my financial knowledge including special classes, conferences, and other relevant events. This will help me expand my knowledge and skills, and the experience will be an added advantage to help me get endorsed up the corporate ranking. Being a leader in my current workplace is also an initiator to ensure that the board of directors consider me for such a position as I exercise initiative, competence, and vision in my workings (Butler, 2012). I normally practice some roles of a CEO including outlining and implementing the strategic direction of my organization. I will know I have reached these goals when I realize that I have implemented a positive change in the current employment. When I am able to oversee the financial team and ensure that the financial operations that are run in the company align with the specific goals of the organization and that every employee is working hard towards such achievement. After three years working in the same company, I will be able to assess the company's progress regarding profit making. Once I realize that the profits being made are increasing and that there are minimal or no losses occurring repeatedly, then I will know that my leadership skills have developed and that my dreams of becoming a CEO are still valid. I need the following resources to reach my goal: first I consider joining the California University one year after I graduate from my undergraduate degree to study an MBA in financial management. I am saving some money from my current employment which will enable me to pay the school fees. I also interact well with my workmates who I find them as my basis for practicing the leadership skills as they form my platform to exercise my knowledge and skills in financial management (Khan, 2017). I will also need the financial program of the company and the money which is to be budgeted for which will help me set my goals in accordance with the money available versus the needs of the company. My priorities for reaching my goals are: going back to the University for a Graduate Degree in financial management so as to develop my knowledge and the relevant skills. This will not mean that I stop working in the current employment but rather enroll for the MBA online so that I continue working because I will need the job experience as I study so as to apply my skills practically. I also consider working in the firm in a different capacity such as the accountant or the chief economist which will help me diversify my knowledge and application of the skills. This will also help me to be flexible in future when I become a CEO since I will have numerous roles to play in the position. Financial management skills will assist me advice the chief finance officer of the company accordingly in a manner that will contribute to improved record keeping and cost ascertainment for the company. References Brown, K. (2016).CEO, China: The rise of Xi Jinping. London: I.B. Tauris. Press. Bottom of Form Butler, S. B. (2012).Become the CEO of You, Inc: A pioneering executive shares her secrets for career success. West Lafayette, Ind: Purdue University Press. Khan, A. (2017).Where Will You Be in Five Years? Press. Schleckser, J. (2016).Great ceos are lazy: How exceptional ceos do more in less time. Place of publication not identified: Bookbaby. Press.Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Schmidt, W. (2013).From MBA to CEO: The job of the CEO and how you get it. Press. Vaz-Oxlade, G. (2016).CEO of everything. Press. Bottom of Form Webb, M., Adler, C. (2013).Rebooting work: Transform how you work in the age of entrepreneurship. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Press.