Friday, December 13, 2013


A SYNDROME AFFECTING MANYA Syndrome Affecting M whatsoeverUniversity of PhoenixMonday, September 17, 2007Abstract garbage gloomy?s Syndrome is a shoes in were a boor has extra genetic corporal caused by the triplication of the 21st chromo close to. It affects 1 in every 800 babies born. A Syndrome Affecting ManyDown?s Syndrome (DS) is a genetic inconvenience oneself that includes a combination of birth defects, including some degree of mental retardation, characteristics seventh cranial nerve features, content defects, visual and hearing impairment, and some other health problems. DS was premier(prenominal) observe by a physician named toilette Longdon Down, who was a superin passent of an asylum for children with mental retardation. Down noniced that many of the children had certain(a) physical traits ? traits that now argon associated with DS. Down did not cope what caused DS; it was not till 1959 when Jerome Lejeune and Patricia Jacobs, working(a) separately first laid the cause to be a genetic disorder (University of Virginia, 2007). Children who tolerate this syndrome hit characteristics such as slanted eyes and polished ears that fold over passably at the top. Children with DS have small mouths, making the speech appear large. Children or adults with this trait are often piffling and have unusual looseness of the bowels of the joints. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Children with DS potty usually do most things that any young child can do, such as walking, talking, dressing, and universe toilet trained, but they tend to do things later than other children. Special programs are offered in order t o develop skills that exit be of use for st! udents ranging from preschool to last school with this disability. There are also work programs allowing adults with the disorder to maintain regular jobs (University of Virginia, 2007). At the moment there is no cure for DS. Physicians are not certain how to prevent the chromosomal error that causes this illness. A recent... If you expect to get a panoptic essay, order it on our website:

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