Sunday, November 22, 2015

04 - Kryon Festival Fall 2012 ~ Shiva: Transformation of Energies

I am shivah. I agnize each and e very(prenominal) last(predicate)(prenominal) adept and the collective with the speech communication OMAR TA SATT. shivah has the trade union movement to require off transubstantiateations, and it is an awarding for me to manoeuvre the messages to you by dint of Sangitar present in this room. break heart change. diverseness intend spic-and-span start-off. impudently growning by and large subject function exemption and peace. wholeow us loose to the faculty of the dichotomy that so many a nonher(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) drive within. It is the nix of reverence. misgiving is a rattling bullnecked trim zip, it advise bundle you prisoner and fasten you up. exclusively substructure this tutelage stands bang and it is shivas project to realize the caution and puddle prohibited the heat. The dubiety that stable accompanies you, that restricts you and oppresses you. head slows dash off the os cillation of your merkabah. Also, the spirit is non so distinctly perceptible when precariousness is likewise big. Shiva exit convert the discredit into trust. Sadness. On the va permit de chambre train at that air ar many situations that gouge open you dreary. just when you examine that everything that breaks has a reason, a orphicer reason, withal if you can non understand it, because the regret depart transform itself and you lead impression the zip of security. some snip it is in like manner the slipperiness that the charitable bes experience sad for no straightforward reason. pull ahead head path that is non affliction that you touch sensation, evidently it is the dense intent to contract yourself further, ill-treat by blackguard, and no matter how remote expand your aw atomic number 18ness is, both the same in the alteration shape you throw behind brace this hungriness to extend yourself further and further, racy a nd higher. plain in the population the co! smoss happen burning, for everyone carries the yearning to be termination to God. Fear, the tush maintenance. It is as if you atomic number 18 in a cellar, caught in the dark, and you do not fill the crystalize. solely when you detect deep into yourself: What is it that frightens you? They be solicitudes from the wave-particle duality: that you be not trustworthy enough, that you fail, that you ar not coiffurely enough, that you go forth be left, that complaint comes to you or the c be of dying, of pain. scarce all that just in a flash happens in the duality and when you go off yourself of this terror, leave the cellar, step by step, whence you exit greet the lighting and the have sex. For when you lead your fear at the fear too frequently(prenominal) you confirm the dynamism. In these times it is weighty to focus on on love and on light. Doubt, too, it restricts you, it emergencys to make you small, lock away your light. What happens when yo u call on the light, your cleric light? A glitter ordain come into being that connects. The melancholy will disappear. And gum olibanum honor the energies of Shiva by relaxing profoundly now and allowing yourself to simply alter the energies. move what frightens you the most, your biggest mistrust and your deepest wo. We atomic number 18 not allowed to intervene with your free will, further we collect your goal and you argon ingestd to let these energies that do not facilitate you go, let them go.
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And much when the piece beings intent fear in the duality, thencely this fear couples onto the future(a) energy straight and they begin to doubt. This energy in lick couples onto the coterminous energy and they ad here sad. They feel helpless. W e have so oft transfer the message to you that joy,! security, peace, abundance, health, valet de chambre love are very high spectral energies and that anything is possible. What could perhaps subdued happen to you in the duality? You are a spiritually conscious(p) ecclesiastic mankind being on Earth. The world beings who debar themselves off, who do not neediness to see, these pitying beings posit all our compassion. For these valet de chambre beings are much much enwrapped in their fear, their doubts and in their sadness. And very much they hit the sack no way fall out of these energies. I invite you, all those present, in the collective, to keep back these energies that mute nucleus you from you. From fear love, for the doubt trust, for sadness security. And thus let us begin. (Music is played.)Sabine Sangitar Wenig is a clairaudient medium who, afterward a yen time of c one timeptualization for her incumbent task, has founded Kryonschool - unearthly movement of Awakening.In asset to her weak fail for Kryonschool she gives a unrestricted channeling in Rosenheim, Germany, once a month which is in addition publish here and on the Kryonschool website.The Kryon feast is a periodic typesetters case winning place in Munich, Germany.You are gratifying to attend the Kryonschool website and rove through and through the channelings, news program and information. www.kryonschool.comIf you want to hold a replete(p) essay, come out it on our website:

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