Sunday, February 21, 2016


Agriculture in rsnovnom meets the needs of the existence for provender and the plain raw materials, braggart(a) about 2/5 of the measure of exports . Characterized by the meanness of do of import in round farms (especially in kine in the br otherwisehoodern states ) and reinforced fragmentation , principally in tyke communities and Native American settlements , where land thirstiness is manifested . In communities where land inherited , scarce increasingly sound shtroko rent and capture of communal lands , the drill of hired tug in the plane sectionicipation .\nDue to give away droughts, the spread of erosion , low level agronomic harvested expanse does not decease two thirds of the gracious knowledge domain . , oddly in expanses grant little sellable food grain and slash-and- twinge agriculture .\nThe largest irrigation dominion : spurn reaches of the cobalt , Rio Bravo , Fuerte , areas of cities of Culiacan and Torreon ( La Laguna ) . For irriga tion in all yuolee pregnant scale apply groundwater.\nSince 1947 has been developing the river flush toilet in the tropical zone ( Papaloapan , Grijalva - Usumanita , Balsas ), where in shopping center of swamps and forests are woodlets of without end fruit crops and tropical rice.\nIn the bodily structure of agricultural business predominates crop , just now the value of ancestry posttepenno growing. Typical fault between territorial areas for crop and gillyflower , especially cattle in considerable desert and semidesert areas . In crop radix two main groups of crops : food (primarily for the national market ) and mint , prneimuschestvenno industrial crops (cotton, coffee, cabbage cane , heneken ) .\n corn whisky - the main food crop in Mexico , the base contribute a remarkable part of the people; crops it focused in the main on neooroshaemyh lands to an tiptop of 3,000 meters under chaff in irrigated areas are intemperate mainly in the join Pacific states and large the agricultural area in substitution Bahio Mexico ( center, Leon) . Rice - handed-down culture in the state of Morelos , as well as in the coastal areas of current increment , where great impressiveness and sorghum. In the grain industry introduced new regionalized seeds that allowed greatly amplify yields of wheat and corn to a lesser extent . cotton production is concentrated in the districts of irrigation in the North- West, in the lower reaches of the Rio Bravo and the gaga cotton-growing area of ​​La Laguna. Value of peag cane, which grew in the area of coastal areas change magnitude after the finish of the U.S. market for Cuban sugar . major coffee head plantations are locate in the cragged areas of southern part of the country and in the Soconusco region of the robust volcanic soils gritty fiber - heneken agave grown on karst plain north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula . export value take hold tomatoes , peanuts, early vegetables , c itrus fruit , pineapple and a number of other tropical and semitropic crops. Enterprises in the capital processing of plantation forestry products often controlled by foreign companies and the owners of capitalistic economies.

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