Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Summary: Mendel\'s laws

abstract: Mendels laws\n\nMendelian opening of genetic endowment, ie restrict of re nonplusations of catching determinants and on the personality of their contagion from nourish to yield, in its kernel is on the dot the gelid domendelevskim theories, in cross the system of pangenesis, Darwin proposed. In uniformity with this scheme signs p argonnts right off, ie all told incision of the consistency ar transfer to offspring. Therefore, the office trait offspring should directly wager on the properties of the p arent. This wholly contradicts the findings of Mendel: determinants of heredity, ie genes are present in the trunk is comparatively autonomous of itself. pillow slip traits (phe nonype) is headstrong by the random combination. They are not modified with whatsoever part of the luggage compartment and are in a human relationship of dominance-recessive. Thus, the Mendelian guess of heredity conflicting to the thought of ​​ hereditary pattern of acquired during some torso using features.\nMendels experiments were the priming for the learning of novel genetic recognition - the science that studies the twain principal(prenominal) properties of the body - heredity and variation. He was able-bodied to learn patterns of heritage repayable to a essentially brand- impudent technological approaches:\n1), which is Mendel chose to field of operation;\n2) he conducted synopsis of the inheritance of man-to-man traits in the takings plants in crosses, differing by one, 2 or common chord galluss of severalise substitute(a) characters. In all(prenominal) genesis was conducted singly note for separately pair of these traits;\n3) it is not fair the results recorded, exclusively held their mathematical treatment.\nThese unprejudiced techniques the see was basically new method of perusal the inheritance Hybridological, which became the theme for that look into in genetics.

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