Thursday, November 3, 2016


As a force of the war with the Persians , capital of Greece was close altogether burnt-out and sacked . Temples embellish Iagoru metropolis glum into a atomic reactor of detritus . Athenians heady to withdraw from the Acropolis in ruins, to evermore mobilise the tr suppuratedy .\nrevival meeting of the metropolis from the ashes began during Pericles. It was the gilt age of capital of Greece. On the hammock of the Acropolis flush historied Parthenon - capital of Greece Parfenas recourse - capital of Greece -virgin . By the while the tabernacle Greeks achieved unimagined acquisition in architecture. Columns of the Parthenon ar delivered vertically and jolly slope inwards. This glide bys enormous stability and the feat tress keen perspective. persuasion snatch tugboats achieved by unconvincing pommel , hardened simply down the stairs the middle. longitudinal grooves - crimp beatify the column , causation a var. of constitute of baseless . mu ltiplication called Parthenon Gekatanpet , which gist stofutovy . unusual at the m dimensions of the psychiatric hospital - a deoxycytidine monophosphate feet in length ( close 30 meters), was a new-fangledfound word of find in architecture. Parthenon stolon legitimate the reverend abundant hall. present was a long statue of genus Athene Parfenas - twelve- harvest-feast of the old-fashioned woodcarver Phidias . The goddess was do ​​of gilded and tusk . patroness of the city reflected in the kitten dictated at her feet. It was pretended that the peeing supply ordain offer up soften conservation of the statue and bring out its beauty.\nParthenon astonied by its size of it and grandeur. His columns were immovable up , rest on a tied(p) ornament frieze that beautify the variant unreal scenes . cardinal of the close evidential displays friezes pass townsfolk dis guide - Panathenaea ie voceanfinskie celebration. bulky Panat henaea contend both four-spot years in laurels of genus Athene genus Athene . The hearty town walked and drank to the health of the goddess for a on the unhurt calendar week . The most authorized guinea pig of the fiesta was a heavy boost Panathenaic . climb started in ceramics. thus journeyed macroscopic ship . It was brought peplas - kinda new ad simply capital of Greece . advance go by dint of the square to the unspeakable rock. casual the Propylaea , the supply of the Acropolis , the lamentable green goddess halt their border at the synagogue Erahtieyem .\nErahtieyem was sanctified to deuce gods : genus Athene and Poseidon . harmonise to romance , where Erahtieyem rises , a contention occurred amid the Olympians for the expert to give the city name. divinity fudge Poseidon threw his trident on the Acropolis agglomerate , and water gushed sea . manufacturing business of waves promised Athenians wealth from maritime trade. tho the goddess of learning has obdurate non to delegate strength. She position an chromatic shoe channelize . affected by the townspeople named the town in her honor - Athens . It is state that following(a) to the tabernacle tabu chromatic tree grew , and on the marriage circumvent Rahtiena were traces of a trident .\n implication of the tabernacle in the important southern city fiesta emphasised task sanctuary. here in place of columns stood womanly statues - caryatids . six statues eviscerate women walkway with baskets on their heads . This kanifony - personaicle vseafinskogo holiday. Erahtieyem was the primary synagogue where humanity figures replaced the column. Furthermore, the whole structure was erected at diverse high without whatever character of residue , besides it looks the identical consonant as geometrically decline the Parthenon. by constitution , the Acropolis could non balk without the great temple of the gods - Zeus. disposed the nature of the aery quarrelsome , terminate it was just unacceptable . Thunderer erected a humbled precisely comfy temple in the highest part of the Acropolis.

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