Monday, December 30, 2019

The Pit And The Pendulum By Edgar Allan Poe - 2721 Words

Edgar Allan poe was a master at suspense, symbolism, and imagery. His special set of skills were evident in all his stories and truly make readers think about life and death. These are common themes throughout his stories and novels. Perhaps his stories are actually a reflection of his hard life and all the death he has faced himself.It seemed that throught Poe’s life he was dealing with the death of his loved ones very often and only had short periods of depressing grief between each one. The themes of life and death, and existence and consciousness are the ones to which he seemed to use most, and can all be seen in one of his most famous short stories, â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†. This is a renowned story that truly reflects on the type of writer poe really was and also shows what a master of horror and suspense he was. The theme of Life, Existence and consciousness in â€Å"The pit and the Pendulum† is a major reason that causes readers to reflect on his s tory. In this story we see a man caught in the midst of the Spanish Inquisition get sentenced to death by torture, but survives (surprisingly for one of Poe’s stories), which perhaps, creates a moral lesson too. It was not common, in Poe’s stories, that there was a lack of death or a sad ending, which makes this story stand out more than the others. In â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†, Edgar Allan Poe uses a selected group of literary devices, to which make this such a successful story. Poe, obviously seen from the story, writesShow MoreRelatedThe Pit And The Pendulum By Edgar Allan Poe852 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is a well known American author whose works continue to influence literature today. His difficult life was impactful on his writing. He is mostly known for his dark writings, but he was also a talented adventure author. Poe’s past and the influence it had on his writing makes him an interesting author to research. â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† as well as â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† are two of Poe’s well known short stories. â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† is written in a way thatRead MoreThe, The Pit And The Pendulum By Edgar Allan Poe994 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the semester, the class has read various stories from a variety of authors. We have witnessed through our analyses the detail that the writers have used; Edgar Allan Poe, author of â€Å"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar† (1845) and â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† (1842) used grotesque and fearsome imagery, as well as setting, to go in depth to give the readers the illusion of actually being there. Although these two stories are unalike, they share the theory of dread because of their disturbingRead More The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe Essay2025 Words   |  9 Pages In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum,† written 1843, and â€Å"using the anguish of imminent death as the means of causing the nerves to quiver† (Edgar Allan Poe, 2015), he takes the reader into the mind of a man who is tortured by various means by some unknown person or persons for reasons that are not given. The themes of death and time are portrayed strongly in this story and produce a sense of anxiety and uncertainty. â€Å"The first- person narration, in which the ‘I’ remainsRead MoreThe Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe Essay1280 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poes The Pit and the pendulum demonstrate an arabesque look at the human mind. Part of the terror of The Pit and the Pendulum stems from the apocalyptic imagery with which Poe establishes his narrative framework. The narrator of the tale seems not to parallel the characters of Poes other tales, in that he is very sane and his torture comes from without rather than from within. Poe has used apocalyptic imagery in many ofRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Pit And The Pendulum2286 Words   |  10 PagesEdgar Allan Poe has written many different stories and poems throughout his lifetime and the common themes of death, horror, and mystery help to prove him as a Gothic Literature writer. Many of his ideas came from his own life because he had a very hard life growing up involving a lot of death of loved ones. Throughout his stories, he has a common motif of suspense that help to exemplify the Gothic Literature sense. He also used a third person point of view very often as to help portray the horrorRead MoreFear in The Pit and the Pendulum, by Edgar Allan Poe Essay914 Words   |  4 PagesWhen he wakes he is somewhere else in the dark cell. Or is it a cell? Could it be a tomb? Just when he thinks the cell is so big he finds himself almost falling into a pit. He eats and sleeps again. Where or how will he wake? Does he wake from his drugged food? In this st ory â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum,† by Edgar Allan Poe, he tells the terrifying struggle of a man dealing with fear, torture, and confinement. In this complete darkness the main character has no idea where he is. Could it beRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s `` The Raven, And The Pit And The Pendulum 1872 Words   |  8 PagesThe use of characters in Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories like â€Å"The Raven,† and the Pit and the Pendulum,† show psychological elements, and make the stories more mind boggling and delusional. Authors choose a certain technique on how they write their stories based on how they want the audience to feel and think when they read it, and also based off of their personal backgrounds. Edgar Allan Poe’s stories are described as â€Å"disturbing† with disturbed characters. His stories are meant to bring chillsRead MoreComparing The Signalman by Charles Dickens and The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe2173 Words   |  9 PagesComparing The Signalman by Charles Dickens and The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe In this essay I will be focusing on the comparisons between the two horrific tales, The Signalman written by Charles Dickens and The Pit and the Pendulum written by Edgar Allan Poe, and by looking at these tales, will give me an idea of how suspense is built up. In the opening paragraph of The Signalman, suspense is built up immediately as the sense of sound adds confusionRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado1559 Words   |  7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe, a famous romanticism writer, created a gothic tone in his stories by describing the setting of his stories with vocabulary that helped create the dark plots of stories such as â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, â€Å"The Raven† and â€Å"The Pit and The Pendulum†. Poe’s own foster father, John Allan, stated that â€Å"His (Poe’s) talents are of an order that can never prove comfort to their possessor†. How did Poe create such gothic tones in his stories with only describing the foul settings and wickedRead MoreEdgar Allan Poes Use of Descriptive Language in The Pit and the Pendulum1609 Words   |  7 PagesEdgar Allan Poes Use of Descriptive Language in The Pit and the Pendulum Edgar Allan Poe has been known for writing stories of mystery and horror. He has composed poems dealing with the occult. He favors those themes and ideas that people shy away from, death, pain, suffering, torture, terror, and fear. His gothic stories burn fright into the hearts of the reader or leave them with a sense of remorse for Poes poor and unfortunate characters. Not many people have ever thought about

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Second Industrial Revolution - 605 Words

MODULE 4 ASSIGNMENTS 1. The 2nd Industrial Revolution Charts: The Electrical Industry Positive effects Negative effects Makes transport a lot easier It is experience to own Heating Factories makes fumes Computers wound not work without it Living is so easy it makes us easy-going, overweight and sluggish Chemicals and Plastics Positive effects Negative effects Plastic is very useful in the building and construction, electronics, packaging, transportation industries. It is a compound that is indestructible, even when it is melted the compound gas that is gives off is very harmful to our health and environment Plastics are very handy, cheap and reusable Pollution Chemicals extend shelf life and allow food to be stored longer. Chemicals can cause reactions in people and animals. The Internal Combustion Engine Positive effects Negative effects The automobile would not be possible without it Pollution Air planes would not possible without it The average person cannot fix it. It was lighter and cheaper than the stream engine May not last longer than diesel engines 2. From Instructors notes: First, explain in your own words why people were seeking to replace the steam engine during the 1800s. Then, for the second part of the question, choose either Gottleib Daimler or Rudolf Diesel and explain his contributions to the Second Industrial Revolution in your own words. Of course it should be larger than just one or two sentences. For the most part, the steam engines wereShow MoreRelatedSecond Industrial Revolution1000 Words   |  4 PagesSecond US Industrial Revolution, 1870 -1910 Darris Adkins Abstract In this brief paper, a description of two developments of industrialization that positively affected the United States and two developments that negatively affected the United States will be discussed. An analysis of whether or not industrialization was generally beneficial or detrimental to the lives of Americans and the history of the United States will be outlined. Second US Industrial Revolution, 1870 -1910 In this briefRead MoreSecond Industrial Revolution Essay871 Words   |  4 Pages An Industrial Revolution is the â€Å"change in social and economic organization that resulted from the replacement of the hand tools with machines and from the development of large-scale industrial production† (Danzer R50). The Second Industrial Revolution happened nearly one hundred years later after the First Industrial Revolution in England during the 1760s (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial Revolution was the cause of new inventions, government support for business, common natural resourcesRead MoreIndustrialization Of The Second Industrial Revolution1390 Words   |  6 PagesThe Second Industrial Revolution, which reached its peak during 1870 to 1914, marked a significant turning point in American history. Before this era of progression and industrial excellence, America was on the verge of expansion like never before. From the vast amounts of land gained through the Annexation of Texas in 1845, the British retreating from Oregon in 1846, and the Mexican cession of Southwest territory guaranteed by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo of 1848, (Engelman) America was ableRead MoreEssay on The Second Industrial Revolution1444 Words   |  6 Pagesof the Civil War, the technologies upon which the First Industrial Revolution was based were established in the United States. In the years following the war, the nations industrial energies were focused on completing the railroad and telegraph networks of the North, rebuilding those of the South, and expanding those of the West. Once the devastating depression of the 1870’s depleted, the stage was set for the Second Industrial Revolution. New inventions came about to ease the production of goodsRead MoreThe First And Second Industrial Revolutions2597 Words   |  11 PagesThe first and second industrial revolutions reconstructed the global economy. Manufacturing shifted from the simple artisan shop to the massive factory. The idea and practice of the local small business slowly faded, as the concept of corporation grew. These corporations had a simple goal: make profit, cut competition, repeat. Manufacturers and other large corporations did anything to achieve this goal, and strived to do it as cheaply as possible. In order to lower costs, they often cut workers’Read MoreEssay on Women in the Second Industrial Revolution1055 Words   |  5 Pagesin the Second Industrial Revolution The Second Industrial Revolution had a major impact on womens lives. After being controlled fro so long women were experiencing what it was like to live an independent life. In the late nineteenth century women were participating in a variety of experiences, such as social disabilities confronted by all women, new employment patterns, and working class poverty and prostitution. These experiences will show how women were perceived in the Second IndustrialRead More Andrew Carnegie and the the Second Industrial Revolution Essay581 Words   |  3 PagesAndrew Carnegie and the the Second Industrial Revolution Andrew Carnegie, the â€Å"King of Steel†, the benevolent employer, the giant of industry, was among the greatest influences of the second industrial revolution. It is sometimes questioned whether Carnegie was the ruthless, sneaky steel tyrant some made him out to be, or the generous, benevolent education benefactor he appeared to be. I believe him to be a combination of both, but more so the great giant of industry. Carnegie was the classicRead MoreWomen And Their Roles During The Second Industrial Revolution3502 Words   |  15 PagesWomen and Their Roles in the Second Industrial Revolution When discussing history, it is often assumed that the history of men is also the history of women. Historians often forget that women constantly experience historical processes differently because of the roles that they play and their biological differences. The second Industrial Revolution affected women uniquely, and their involvement and contributions were distinctive as well. The second Industrial Revolution lead to many advantages andRead MoreThe Sholes And Glidden Typewriter And The Second Industrial Revolution1294 Words   |  6 PagesGilded Age, or commonly known as the Second Industrial Revolution, lived up to its extravagant name that Mark Twain had given to the era. Inventions such as the telephone escalated communication among people despite the distance, and the creation of the automobile helped everyone to move from one place to another in a much shorter time. Besides these well-known and influential inventions, the Sholes and Glidden typewriter also contributed to th e economic, industrial, and societal growth of the AmericanRead MoreTesla s Invention Of The Second Industrial Revolution1677 Words   |  7 Pageslife having ideas stolen away from him by other inventors, but he ignored this and continued to work on his own. He was such an important contributor to American inventions that many people today call his inventions the majority of the Second Industrial Revolution. His inventions were used not only around the time when he invented them, but are still majorly used today. The way electricity is generated was changed by several of Tesla’s inventions and the different ways wireless currents are used

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Analyzing the Financial Statements of the World’s Retailer Free Essays

The Wal-Mart case is intended for an introductory or main course on Financial Statement Analysis. It may also be useful within a Corporate Finance/Financial Management course. After a class on financial statements and liquidity, profitability and solvency ratios – and some brief examples discussed by the lecturer – students should be capable of making a financial analysis of Wal-Mart. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyzing the Financial Statements of the World’s Retailer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Students can be asked to make this analysis in class, or to prepare the case outside the classroom, and to present it. Ideally, the case work is conducted in groups of 4 to 6 students, and it typically takes between 1 to 1. 5 hours (for the analysis itself – obviously, drafting a written report or presentation is more time consuming). The Wal-Mart case is aimed at both undergraduate and graduate students, and for general management programmes/MBAs as well as finance students – obviously, for the latter group, a much more fine-grained analysis, extensive discussion and adequate linking among various financials and between the numbers and Wal-Mart’s business is required. Evidently, the lecturer should highlight many more details in a class of finance students. In the teaching note, the authors first provide a detailed discussion of Wal-Mart’s balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement, mainly based upon common base and common size analysis. While the focus is on 2009 figures, conclusions for 2008 would be broadly similar. Furthermore, they also provide an overview of some key financials’ evolution over the past 10 years. Next, they calculate and interpret liquidity, profitability and solvency ratios for 2008 and 2009 and link these to Wal-Mart’s business model and operating activities. They summarize the main findings in a concluding section. Finally, the authors include a slide show that can be used while teaching this case. How to cite Analyzing the Financial Statements of the World’s Retailer, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Pioneering Executive Shares Career Success †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Pioneering Executive Shares Career Success? Answer: Introducation In five years, I want to hold a managerial position in a big company specifically a Chief Executive Officer. I would love to have the opportunity to work in the DHL Company where there are great chances of developing and handling challenging work so as to provide me with the opportunity to exploit my talents and skills. This will also be beneficial to the company as all my efforts will be directed to the betterment of the company as I grow my position. Based on my erstwhile research that I have done about the company, I have realized that it is the best company that can offer me such a chance routinely, and thus I am confident that the company will value my skills (Brown, 2016). I have also realized that once an employee gets deployed in the company, he or she works there for many years or simply there are less or no turnovers by the employees as it is the case with many other companies. This is an indication that the employees are well satisfied with the work environment and all the necessary benefits are available. In order to reach my five-year goal, I need to set the following short-term goals: firstly, I will need to acquire a bachelors degree in finance and economics since the position requires such qualifications. To hearken my chances of becoming a CEO, I will also study the MBA in the financial management so as to sharpen my skills in that field. I will also need to work in a big company consistently especially in a managerial position to help me exploit my leadership skills. This will give me a chance of knowing what the leaders of big companies are expected to do and how they can implement changes for a better working environment. Having gained excellent leadership skills in top managerial position, I will be able to plan, control, coordinate, instruct, and make the right staffing decisions for the company which I will be working with. Being a CEO, I look forward to acting as a role player, creating business links, liaising with other businesses, and also venturing in attracting more c lientele in the company. I am currently working in a law firm as the assistant accountant, and I hope to rise through the ranks as go back to the University for a Graduate Degree in accounting. I also concentrate on getting the financial knowledge from my current employer so as to be wise in making decisions. I normally take advantage and utilize fully any chance that the company offers so as to increase my financial knowledge including special classes, conferences, and other relevant events. This will help me expand my knowledge and skills, and the experience will be an added advantage to help me get endorsed up the corporate ranking. Being a leader in my current workplace is also an initiator to ensure that the board of directors consider me for such a position as I exercise initiative, competence, and vision in my workings (Butler, 2012). I normally practice some roles of a CEO including outlining and implementing the strategic direction of my organization. I will know I have reached these goals when I realize that I have implemented a positive change in the current employment. When I am able to oversee the financial team and ensure that the financial operations that are run in the company align with the specific goals of the organization and that every employee is working hard towards such achievement. After three years working in the same company, I will be able to assess the company's progress regarding profit making. Once I realize that the profits being made are increasing and that there are minimal or no losses occurring repeatedly, then I will know that my leadership skills have developed and that my dreams of becoming a CEO are still valid. I need the following resources to reach my goal: first I consider joining the California University one year after I graduate from my undergraduate degree to study an MBA in financial management. I am saving some money from my current employment which will enable me to pay the school fees. I also interact well with my workmates who I find them as my basis for practicing the leadership skills as they form my platform to exercise my knowledge and skills in financial management (Khan, 2017). I will also need the financial program of the company and the money which is to be budgeted for which will help me set my goals in accordance with the money available versus the needs of the company. My priorities for reaching my goals are: going back to the University for a Graduate Degree in financial management so as to develop my knowledge and the relevant skills. This will not mean that I stop working in the current employment but rather enroll for the MBA online so that I continue working because I will need the job experience as I study so as to apply my skills practically. I also consider working in the firm in a different capacity such as the accountant or the chief economist which will help me diversify my knowledge and application of the skills. This will also help me to be flexible in future when I become a CEO since I will have numerous roles to play in the position. Financial management skills will assist me advice the chief finance officer of the company accordingly in a manner that will contribute to improved record keeping and cost ascertainment for the company. References Brown, K. (2016).CEO, China: The rise of Xi Jinping. London: I.B. Tauris. Press. Bottom of Form Butler, S. B. (2012).Become the CEO of You, Inc: A pioneering executive shares her secrets for career success. West Lafayette, Ind: Purdue University Press. Khan, A. (2017).Where Will You Be in Five Years? Press. Schleckser, J. (2016).Great ceos are lazy: How exceptional ceos do more in less time. Place of publication not identified: Bookbaby. Press.Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Schmidt, W. (2013).From MBA to CEO: The job of the CEO and how you get it. Press. Vaz-Oxlade, G. (2016).CEO of everything. Press. Bottom of Form Webb, M., Adler, C. (2013).Rebooting work: Transform how you work in the age of entrepreneurship. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Press.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Anglo-Saxon Gods Essays - Sir, War Gods, Names Of God, Odin

Anglo-Saxon Gods Anglo- Saxon Gods The Anglo-Saxon period was very interesting. Especially the ancient poems and mythology. While looking around, the Gods captured my attention. Three of them to be exact, Woden, Thunor and Tiw. Woden is known as the most important God of warriors, the God of wisdom and the God of war. This one eyed chief of Gods hung himself from a tree for nine days seeking the forbidden and mystical knowledge of the runes. Woden had the role of selecting who of his men was victorious and who was to die. If they were to die, one would be trampled by a horse and driven through with a spear by the rider. Thunor was the son of Woden. He is considered a God of simple physical strength. He worshipped groves and meadows. Thunor did something strange. He carried a short-handled hammer, which he could use as a held or throwing weapon. To praise him, people wore hammer amulets around their necks. The way we were crosses around our necks. The last God I am noticing is Tiw. An older God whose purpose was to battle and to whom human sacrifices were made. He also stood for law and order. An arrow pointing up was Tiw's sure way to say he wanted a successful battle. The God I find most interesting is Woden. Only because he almost sacrificed his on life by hanging from that tree. Plus he was king of the God's. English Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Integrity

The Man of Integrity There are times in the life of every man who takes his stand on high moral principles when his faith in, and knowledge of, those principles is tested to the uttermost, and the way in which he comes out of the fiery trial decides as to whether he has sufficient strength to live as a man of Truth, and join the company of the free, or shall still remain a slave and a hireling to the cruel taskmaster, Self. Such times of trial generally assume the form of a temptation to do a wrong thing and continue in comfort and prosperity, or to stand by what is right and accept poverty and failure; and so powerful is the trial that, to the tempted one, it plainly appears on the face of things as though, if he chooses the wrong, his material success will be assured for the remainder of his life, but if he does what is right, he will be ruined for ever. Frequently the man at once quails and gives way before this appalling prospect which the Path of Righteousness seems to hold out for him, but should he prove sufficiently strong to withstand this onslaught of temptation, then the inward seducer the spirit of self, assumes the grab of an Angel of Light, and whispers, "Think of your wife and children; think of those who are dependent upon you; will you bring them down to disgrace and starvation?" Strong indeed and pure must be the man who can come triumphant out of such a trial, but he who does so, enters at once a higher realm of life, where his spiritual eyes are opened to see beautiful things; and then poverty and ruin which seemed inevitable do not come, but a more abiding success comes, and a peaceful heart and a quiet conscience. But he who fails does not obtain the promised prosperity, and his heart is restless and his conscience troubled. The right-doer cannot ultimately fail, the wrong-doer cannot ultimately succeed, for "Such is the Law which moves to Righteousness Which none at last can turn aside or stay," and it... Free Essays on Integrity Free Essays on Integrity The Man of Integrity There are times in the life of every man who takes his stand on high moral principles when his faith in, and knowledge of, those principles is tested to the uttermost, and the way in which he comes out of the fiery trial decides as to whether he has sufficient strength to live as a man of Truth, and join the company of the free, or shall still remain a slave and a hireling to the cruel taskmaster, Self. Such times of trial generally assume the form of a temptation to do a wrong thing and continue in comfort and prosperity, or to stand by what is right and accept poverty and failure; and so powerful is the trial that, to the tempted one, it plainly appears on the face of things as though, if he chooses the wrong, his material success will be assured for the remainder of his life, but if he does what is right, he will be ruined for ever. Frequently the man at once quails and gives way before this appalling prospect which the Path of Righteousness seems to hold out for him, but should he prove sufficiently strong to withstand this onslaught of temptation, then the inward seducer the spirit of self, assumes the grab of an Angel of Light, and whispers, "Think of your wife and children; think of those who are dependent upon you; will you bring them down to disgrace and starvation?" Strong indeed and pure must be the man who can come triumphant out of such a trial, but he who does so, enters at once a higher realm of life, where his spiritual eyes are opened to see beautiful things; and then poverty and ruin which seemed inevitable do not come, but a more abiding success comes, and a peaceful heart and a quiet conscience. But he who fails does not obtain the promised prosperity, and his heart is restless and his conscience troubled. The right-doer cannot ultimately fail, the wrong-doer cannot ultimately succeed, for "Such is the Law which moves to Righteousness Which none at last can turn aside or stay," and it...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Family Medical Leave Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Family Medical Leave Act - Essay Example Abuse of Family Medical Leave Act has in turn resulted to morale problems in work places particularly among employees who are called to pick up the tasks of the absent employees. Negative effects of Family Medical Leave Act on employers Workplaces are significant places to study how institutions shape the way Family Medical Leave Act operates in practice (Galinski et al, 2005). Family Medical Leave Act is cited as an external factor that affects employee availability in any organization. Though the Family Medical Leave Act’s aim is upbeat and constructive for most occasions, many organizations’ management trust that it presents an employee with a chance to stay out of their places of work if they have low interest in the job (Burtless, 1995). According to a research done on 36 organizations, it was apparent that Family Medical Leave Act affects employee availability. Ten of the organizations expressed extreme concern with the Family Medical Leave Act impacts, terming th e act a nightmare (Galinsky et al. 2005). Needless to say, this act does not permit managers to punish the employees through relegations or corrective actions. Organizations account that the players have leant how to play the game well. Most of the organizations have claimed that employee unions coach their members to file under Family Medical Leave Act when taking leave to shun nonattendances that may amount to termination of employment or demotion (Burtless, 1995). Most organizations have no dilemma with the act’s stipulations for workers to be given leave to attend to ill relative or a new born child, or to recuperate from a verifiably somber health condition. The primary point of disputation is with the Family Medical Leave Act stipulation that allows workers to be granted irregular leave due to severe illness. The aggravation comes from attempting to apprehend the delineation of severe health condition. Burtless (1995) denotes that it is challenging to verify the effects of particular illnesses such as headaches, gout, aggravation and soft tissue injuries. For this reason, most of the doctors do not decline signing the Family Medical Leave paper for fear of being sued by the worker. In reference to the United States Labor Department, a severe illness refers to a health condition or injury that involves inpatient medical attention or ongoing medical treatment (Irwin & Ralph, 1993). Most of the employers find it challenging in determining a qualifying serious health problem for the worker or worker’s next of kin. Some of the illnesses are difficult to track, and employers must resolve whether to award Family Medical Leave Act’s benefits to workers who report the inception of signs. Though, in some occasions employees abuse Family Medical Leave Act’s benefits, the employer may face federal investigations for failing to grant the worker leave (Armour, 2005). Research has shown that Family Medical Leave Act affects business performa nce and productivity (Burtless, 1995). Most of the employees take leave and thus lead to low labor input that in turn leads to declined productivity. Employers find it challenging in tracking worker’s leave period while getting Family Medical Leave Act’s benefits. Arguably, if the worker takes scheduled leave under the act, there is no minimum leave period needed, thus making it challenging to follow

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Planning an event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Planning an event - Essay Example Health and safety programs are also necessary for legal, financial and moral reasons. Health and safety management is the organization of efforts and procedures for the purpose of identifying hazards in the workplace, minimizing occurrence of accidents and reducing exposure to harmful materials and conditions (MANUELE, 2008, pg.6). Health and safety management involves personnel training on prevention of accidents, response to disasters, preparedness for emergencies, and the usage of protective gears and equipment. Healthy and safety management is a crucial factor in events since most events are likely to bring together a large number of people. The safety of these people is a critical issue since a single accident in the event can lead to severe injuries and even death of the people present. Healthy safety management in events helps in ensuring total safety of the particular event is maintained so that as far as realistically attainable, those people tasked with setting up the event, and those in attendance of the event are not in a situation where their health and safety is at risk. Health and safety management involves setting up of appropriate management systems for each phase of the event, thereby ensuring control of health and safety risks. Such management systems include safety precautions before and during the event. Although people maybe fewer, higher risk activities are carried out during the buildup, load-in and load-out (PORTER, 2011, pg.81). Healthy and safety management programs are crucial in events for ensuring cooperation among the workers, and appropriate coordination of all work activities carried on the site (INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE, 2009, pg.40).These are possible through the use an overall phased program of work that takes into consideration the risk assessments of the contractor and communicates them to all the appropriate parties. Healthy and safety management program, therefore, provides employees with the relevant information

Monday, November 18, 2019

Curriculum Design Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Curriculum Design Project - Research Paper Example It is due to such aims that an inclusive curriculum design principally takes into consideration the targeted audiences’ or learners’ cultural, educational and social backgrounds as well as experiences (Morgan & Houghton, 2011). Emphasizing these characteristics of an effective curriculum, a curriculum design for K-12 level course will be planned in this project. The design of an efficient curriculum for the K-12 level course needs to reflect a fundamental understanding and acknowledgement to the altering nature of the 21st century society. As the audiences in this level tend to be the early learners, i.e. pupils in Kindergarten and high schools, the curriculum also should be simple, precise, easily comprehendible and interesting to suffice the psychological development needs of the learners. In this similar concern, an effective curriculum design can be duly considered as one of the significant constituents, which possesses strong abilities to instill the rudimental sig ns of a responsible person. The development of a comprehensive curriculum design project for the K-12 education level would also facilitate the societal development process to a substantial extent, by strengthening the roots of its educational system (ACARA, 2009; Kennedy & Archambault, 2012). The various attributes of an effective curriculum design, especially when concentrating on the needs of K-12 education level, should typically comprise creativeness and a clear purpose so as to effectively connect with the educational needs of the pupils (AAAS, n.d.). In today’s globalized economic purview, quality of education standards is regarded as one of the key strategies to gain developmental opportunities (The White House, n.d.). In this regard, the effectiveness of K-12 curricula can be regarded as an obligatory constituent, particularly in the US educational setting (California K12 Books, 2013). Apart from effective organizing and planning, implementing a focused, strategicall y aligned and structure execution process is also mandatory to ensure complete benefits of the K-12 curriculum. Thus, teachers, who are the main executers of the K-12 curricula, must also be trained with suitable skills along with knowledge in order to generate the highest possible advantages from the designed project (Carl, 2009). With this concern, this paper intends to develop a comprehensive curriculum design for the K-12 course. In this regard, a detailed analysis of the subject area or the course of Language Arts/English within the K-12 education environment has been chosen. This particular course is readily accessible in every educational institution of the US attached within K-12 educational system or environment. The course is intended for targeting the younger kids with the attributes of developing their comprehension, phonics, reading and writing fluency. Phase One Curriculum Outline/Learning Structure: Past to Future The curriculum encompassing Language Arts/English cour ses, in the K-12 level will aid the students to develop their writing and reading skills and most importantly, inspires them to inculcate a love for literature. It can be observed that this particular curriculum or course typically focuses upon incorporating classic works in the learning phase. Correspondingly, it emphasizes the values of writing as a procedure and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Intercultural Views With Appiah And Kimmel Cultural Studies Essay

Intercultural Views With Appiah And Kimmel Cultural Studies Essay Have you ever agreed with two pieces that were the same but so different? These are the type of feelings one may have after reading the Piece Moral Disagreement by Kwame Anthony Appiah and the piece Gender Class, and Terrorism by Michael S Kimmel. Appiahs article is very open minded and grounded. Appiah (2006) focuses on moral theory within culture. Appiah argues that formative denotation of culture is ultimately preceded by the intellectual interchange. Kimmels piece focuses on gender and culture. He looks at the small details in gender and terrorism that are similar. I believe that Both Kimmel and Appiah give valid points on intercultural ethnic understanding, cultural diversity and historic taboos to back up arguments on culture; however Appiahs philosophy is more useful on the aspect of understanding culture than Kimmels. Both Kimmel and Appiah focus their piece on intercultural arguments. Kimmel talks about Timothy McVeigh, a racist white supremacist and the Taliban policy that he believes both have intercultural taboos. He said Their anger often fixes on others-women, members of minority groups, immigrants, gay men and lesbian (p. 451). Kimmel believes theses terrorist want to re-masculinize men and feminize women. Appiah focuses on the cosmopolitan view of different cultures and societies. He talks about taboos within our cultures and our gender. Appiah is very realistic on his philosophy that cultures may never agree but we need to understand them. Appiah expects disagreements within intercultural communication; for example, he says, and the most fundamental level of disagreement occurs when one party to a discussion invokes a concept that the other simply doesnt have (p.380). Kimmel is trying to pinpoint evidence, and he gives an example of intercultural tactics that could explain the motivation of terrorist acts. For example, Kimmel links Timothy Mcviegh and the terrorists of September 11 in the same class. He says, Virtually all were under twenty-five, educated, lower middle class or middle class, downwardly mobile (p. 451). Kimmel gives his reader intercultural resources and information to help pin point what to look for in a terrorist through culture. Appiah has a more open mind with culture. He uses the concepts thick and thin: thick means detailed and thin represents universal. Appiah would most likely recommend to Kimmel that we will never realize or understand all of the different taboos within culture. Kimmel and Appiah have a realistic understanding of cultural diversity. Appiah uses emphasis on cross-cultural conversation as a mean of promoting mutual understanding. Appiah uses a realistic example: to apply the concept of rudeness, for example, you have to think of the act youre criticizing as a breach of good manners or as lacking the appropriate degree of concern for the felling of others. I say, thank you ironically, when you accidentally step on my foot, implying that you did it deliberately. Thats rude. Thanking a person, without irony, for something that hes done for you isnt (p. 380). Kimmel argues that cultural diversity that opposes globalization and the spread of western values can lead to violence. He quotes, the resulting anger is naturally directed first against their rulers, and then against those whom they see as keeping those ruler in power for selfish reasons (p. 452). Both authors could agree that we have a lot of differences within our humanity. Appiah shows historic examples of taboos within his Ghanaian background, while Kimmel gives the reader valid sources of taboos within culture. For instance, Appiah shares the different family kinship in the Akan society in Ghana. He says, Consider the abusua, this is a group of people related by common ancestry (p.381). Appiah then explains that your membership in the abusua depends only on who your mother is, your father is irrelevant. This is a great example of the many cultural differences that would be weird or un-moral to western culture; however, I believe that Appiah would want his reader to try to understand there is no right or wrong way. Kimmel gives examples of the hate that is brought in by anti-globalization politics. He quotes Peter Mardsden, has observed that the Taliban is a desperate attempt to keep out that other world, and protect Afghan women from influences that could weaken the society from within (p.452). Both Appiah and Kimmel show great examples of cultural d ifferences. Overall both authors have strong arguments, however I believe that Appiah philosophy is more useful for one to understand culture. Kimmel and Appiah both point out a lot of differences within cultures, but Kimmel focuses on small details within cultures to pinpoint or understand terrorist acts with globalization. Appiah shows the reader examples of the differences between cosmopolitans and Universalist. He says cosmopolitans suppose that all cultures have enough overlap in their vocabulary of values to begin a conversation. But they dont suppose, like some Universalists, that we could all come to agreement if only we had the same vocabulary (p. 387). Appiah then backs up his argument by showing an example of a journalist interview. He says a journalist interviews a foreign dictator, someone who is known for his abuses of human rights. (Journalist) She speaks differentially, frequently calling him your Excellency (p. 387). He then sums his point up by saying is this politeness or is i t a craven abdication of the journalist obligation to press for the trust? Can it be both? If it is politeness, is it appropriate, in these circumstances, to be polite? Appiah successfully uses strong examples to back up his argument stating that politeness, morals and taboos differ for us all; while Kimmel uses a universal approach that Appiah would categorize as thin. Appiah has a stronger piece with stronger evidence that makes his piece more understandable for the reader, while Kimmel has some evidence that is weak. A Kimmel quote, (Mohammed Atta) was he gay? Was he a repressed homosexual, too ashamed of his sexuality to come out? Such innuendoes are based on no more than a few circumstantial tidbits about his life. He was slim, sweet-faced, neat, meticulous, a snazzy dresser (p.452). Such allegations are irrelevant because there is no strong evidence to prove any homosexuality. He also brings an example of Adolf Hitler he quotes He argues that any of Hitlers policies-such as the killing of longtime colleague and avowed homosexual Ernst Rohm, or even the systematic persecution and execution of gay men in concentration camps-were, in fact prompted by a desire to conceal his own homosexuality (p.453). Again there is no concrete evidence to prove any homosexuality with Hitler. Hitler was a sick disturbed terrorist whom kill thousands that were not gay so how could we know any difference of his killings. Overall both authors brought different arguments from a different prospective on culture. Being that Appiah is a philosopher, he brings knowledge, values, and wisdom, within fundamental problems in his argument. Kimmel, a sociologist, he argued with the study of human behavior. I would recommend both pieces to any reader who would like to look at different theories, but I would highly recommend Appiahs piece because it is reasonable and clear on human intercultural civilization.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

abortion :: essays research papers

I'm late for my period. I've never had sex willingly. Oh God I hope it wasn't from that night. How can I live with myself or tell some one my secret. No one will believe me, it was my own boyfriend. It's my fault anyway, I should've wanted to have sex, he told me we were going to get married. Where is he now? He said he'll love me forever, I need him by my side. I think I'm going to take the test. I can't be pregnant! How can I explain to the child that I don't want it. I have major plans like college and meeting my Prince Charming. I don't want to have a kid, especially since it's face is going to remind me of the worst night of my life. I can't be pregnant I'm only 18 years old. I have college to go to next year, I'm not even with Bill anymore. "NO! STOP!!! PLEASE STOP!!!!" I cried as this "man" took me into his world, one in which I know I didn't belong. "ATLEAST PUT A CONDOM ON!! WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? PLEASE STOP!!!!" I kept crying and he was in such rage and had such determination that I would succomb to his ways and enjoy the most horrible experience of my life. So, I'm going to take a pregnancy test. I pray I'm not pregnent. I can't imagine telling anyone. They know I don't believe in premarital sex. I still consider myself a virgin. I've never told anyone about that night, so if I just end up pregnant, who is going to believe me? I hope my mom stays by myside, I know she is going to be outraged. I hope Bill will put it his two cents in, should I even tell him? Abortions are legal in my state. It seems like a reasonable thing to do. I don't want to kill my baby or throw him away in the dumpster. I would put it up for adoption, but every morning and night for the next nine months I am going to relive that horrible night. Roe v. Wade was based on this case. In 1973, The state of Texas had outlawed abortions. The Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional, but refused to order an injuction againts the state. On January 22, 1973, The Supreme Court voted the right to privacy including abortions.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The financial and economic system of Georgia

Since the 1990s, Georgia as practically all of the post-communist states started its ain way of economic reforms. Unlike the other states, nevertheless, the procedure turned particularly hard for Georgia because of economic – and more significantly – non economic factors such as 20 old ages of loyal and civil wars, an utmost rise in offense nation-wide, energy and conveyance encirclements and a revolution. It was constructing both an independent economic system and an independent province at the same clip. Through this background, it is natural that the chance of right execution of economic reforms was rather low, particularly when none of the states in the universe had the relevant experience. Previously, the Constitution of Georgia stated that the state was constructing a â€Å" societal market economic system † , but since 2003, Georgia ‘s economic reforms have become significantly â€Å" aggressive † and today the economic reforms are based upon broad and libertarian political orientations. Georgia achieved high rates of economic growing during last old ages although the Russian-Georgian war – and particularly, the planetary fiscal crisis – has caused a crisp diminution in the growing rates whilst the job of economic stabilisation and farther growing still persists.3.1. The Course of Economic Reforms of GeorgiaFrom Independence to the Rose Revolution After declaring its independency Georgia has launched the building of its province ; Georgian governments officially acknowledged that the execution of economic reforms would get down. Unfortunately nevertheless, neither the professional experience, nor the local environment provided the chance for implementing the economic reforms. The first old ages of economic reforms had tragic effects for Georgia. The putsch of 1991-92 together with economic and political encirclements, a deficiency of relevant professional staff, high corruptness, a serious condemnable state of affairs and populist motions badly hampered the execution of a consistent and stable policy of economic reforms. Georgia at the same time started fiscal stabilisation, monetary value liberalisation and the decrease of budget shortage, the execution of a rigorous recognition policy every bit good as an debut of a moderate revenue enhancement system and the decrease of province outgos. However, several of import factors were non taken into consideration. Government in general, did n't hold existent macroeconomic tools and its ain pecuniary system or existent levers to implement a tax-budgetary policy ; and alternatively of set uping such tools it started to implement new political relations without any due readying. Because of the above mentioned grounds together with belligerencies, conveyance, economic and energy encirclements, it had no important consequence in the state ‘s development. And since Georgia had no currency of its ain and, severally, no emitter, it would hold failed to take steps necessary for reforms. Neither its single experience nor its fiscal province enabled Georgia to transport out these procedures independently, therefore it applied to international fiscal organisations for aid ; in peculiar, to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and the World Bank ( WB ) , which mostly contributed to state ‘s policy formation. As a consequence, the province started to believe over a limitation of the monopolizer activities, although merely managed to set the anti-monopolist statute law into force several old ages subsequently. Despite the aid of international organisations, Georgia have failed to implement an effectual pecuniary policy as despite the â€Å" Cold War † with Russia during that period ( which in 2008 exploded into existent belligerencies every bit good as suspending diplomatic and other dealingss between these two states ) , it was still the dominant power for the economic system. Money supply in Georgia depended on Russia ‘s cardinal bank and, hence, one of the cardinal levers of the state ‘s economic development remained in its custodies ( Papava, 1996 ) . Although the Georgian Government was occupied with faulting Russia for its ain jobs – and such acquisitions were frequently really just – it did non anticipate that it would be unable to have currency notes from Moscow. And when eventually Russian governments suspended money supplies to Georgia in April 1993, the Georgian governments were forced to set the voucher of the National Bank of Georgia, as a impe rmanent currency note into circulation. The voucher was put into circulation as a representative of Russian ruble and was declared as the lone legal payment instrument, after Russia withdraw the disintegrated Soviet Union ‘s rouble from circulation in July-August 1993. Coupon shortly failed to execute its pecuniary maps, as its uncontrolled recognition emanation caused hyperinflation processes. The graduated tables of utilizing the Russian ruble were increasing whilst the USD besides started to increase in Georgia under conditions of a rapid lessening in the buying power of the rouble. In fact, the voucher was merely suited for paying subway menus and purchasing rationed staff of life. In 1994 a new phase of economic reforms was followed by regenerating the cooperation with international fiscal organisations together with acceptance of the anti-crisis plan. A certain success was achieved at the really get downing. The international fiscal organisations actively began to help the Georgian governments in the successful execution of the post-communist transmutation ( Papava, 2002 ) . From spring 1994, uncontrolled recognition emanation was ruled out and in fall 1994, the National Bank of Georgia abolished the limitations on taking hard currency from Bankss. As a consequence, hard currency and non hard currency money were drawn much closer. In September 1994, the monetary values on gas and electricity increased up to an international degree, while the monetary value of staff of life increased by 285 times. The metro menu besides increased significantly. The wages of public functionaries and pensions besides increased although the rate of their growing meaningly dragged behind the growing rates. These developments were followed by a important strengthening of the Georgian voucher rate. If before the addition in the monetary value of bread one dollar was equal to 5.3 million vouchers, after the addition one dollar equaled 2.4 million vouchers. This procedure continued. By the terminal of 1994, the monetary value of staff of life increased by 40 per centum which was the consequence of more stabilising the voucher rate, when one dollar was equal to 1.3 million vouchers and with this rate maintained until the terminal of its being. The procedure of the simplification of the bing licensing mechanism began from January 1995, when the quota system was abolished whilst licensing was maintained merely on little scope of merchandises. This promoted the constitution of a broad trade policy and the restriction of a corrupted environment. Together with this, it laid for the constitution of existent market dealingss in which come ining or go forthing the markets no longer depended upon any functionary. The procedure of â€Å" vaucherisation † was launched in Georgia in 1995. This can be considered as a traditional measure in the denationalization procedure which has been carried out in many post-communist states. This procedure played a farther negative function in respects to economic resurgence. Fabrication and production was non transferred to those who would be able to present and supply for the betterment of technological procedures in industry and stimulate production. Alternatively, workss and mills were given to those who were non able to pull investings for seting them into operation. Important stairss have taken towards the formation of independent economic system in Georgia in 1995. A legal model relevant to market economic rules was created, a two-tier banking system, revenue enhancement and imposts services were established ; fiscal stabilisation was achieved and eventually the national currency was introduced ; order and subject were restored, the procedure of â€Å" little denationalization † was fundamentally completed and monetary values, trade and foreign economic dealingss were liberalized. These led to the creative activity of a concern environment – finally necessary for advancing the development of entrepreneurship in Georgia – which in bend, provided farther accelerated development of the state ‘s economic system. The successful execution of pecuniary and financial reforms started with presenting Georgian national currency – the lari – in September 1995. The lari was introduced with a fixed exchange rate of 1 lari equal to 1 million vouchers, as 1 USD equal to 1.3 lari. The pecuniary reform did non reiterate the same errors as in the period of vouchers. No arrogation step was used during the reform which promoted assurance edifice amongst the people the lari gained its foothold really quickly. A month after presenting the national currency, the lari ‘s rate increased at the Tbilisi Interbank Currency Exchange from 1.3 to 1.25 against the USD. As a consequence of a flexible policy, Georgia managed to get the better of the multi-rate pattern and completed currency rate fusion. Unfortunately, 1998 was marked with certain holds in the procedure of the execution of economic reforms which reduced economic growing rates and resulted in the start of a period of stagnancy for the Georgian economic system. However, the 2003 Rose Revolution brought an terminal to this period with economic procedures, including reforms, get downing to develop really rapidly. Economic Reforms after the Rose Revolution From the beginning of 2004 Georgia had been set uping the institutional base for market economic system ordinance which was similar to those in other European provinces. Georgia has experienced extremist economic reforms which were often expressed by the abolishing of ordinance mechanisms by the province. Several province bureaus were abolished in 2004, including the Road Fund, The Ministry of Communication, Transport and Post ; the Ministry of Urbanization and Construction ; the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Economic Relations ; the Ministry of State Property Management ; the Service for Food Expertise and Monitoring ; the Service for Plant Protection, Livestock Pedigree Department of Georgia ; Precious Stones and Metals Department ; the State employment Service, Food Safety Inspection ; Phyto-Sanitary Control and the Transport Regulatory Commission, amongst others. Simultaneously, building processs were besides significantly simplified. The list of those activities which re quired licensing in Georgia besides decreased significantly from 900 activities to merely 114. Size and weight control, licence and license on veterinary activity every bit good as licence on production and trade in pesticides were abolished. An analysis of the structural alterations which were carried out in Georgia during last seven old ages shows that the end of these alterations has been full economic deregulating. A expression through the history of the development of independent Georgia ‘s economic establishments shows that National Bank of Georgia has been one of the most successful regulative establishments. The fact, that Georgia has a national currency, which maintains its places, and that the Georgian banking system has managed to get the better of a great trade of troubles is one of the virtues of the National Bank. It is highly of import to further open up the state ‘s economic policy so that investors are willing to put in Georgia. Those enterprises, which were unveiled by the President of Georgia last October, are efforts to develop events in this way.Analysis of Macroeconomic IndexsBefore the decomposition of the Soviet Union, Georgia had one of the highest criterions of life. Later, in 1990, the economic state of affairs significantly worsened. Georgian economic system had a 21.9 per centum diminution in 1991as compared to 1990. The procedure of decomposition of the Soviet Union continued in 1992, accompanied by the most serious socio-economic, condemnable internal political and other negative developments in Georgia. As a consequence the existent GDP farther decreased by 44.9 per centum as compared to 1991 and amounted to 43.47 per centum as compared to 1990. It should besides be noted that the procedure of economic diminution became irreversible from 1989. The state of affairs did n on alteration in 1993 when Georgia passed through an highly hard period of armed struggle in Abkhazia, a conveyance encirclement, the uncontrolled emanation of vouchers, hyperinflation and a farther diminution of GDP by 29.3 per centum. Finally, the GDP amounted to merely 30.73 per centum as compared to 1990. In 1990, the degree of employment reached 100 per centum in Georgia. In 1991, the official figure of unemployed was 3,500, it increased 32 times and amounted 113,000 individuals in 1992 and rose farther by 60 per centum and amounted to 180,000 individuals in 1993. Harmonizing to the current functionary informations, there are 330,000 unemployed individuals in Georgia. Harmonizing to the same official statistical informations, the rising prices rate exceeded 7,840 % in 1994, while after a 3.5 fold lessening in GDP during 1989-1993 it decreased by 10.4 per centum once more and equaled to a backward diminution by 25-30 old ages. In 1995, farther production outgo was stopped and GDP was achieved to increase by 2.6 per centum. And what is more of import, from 7,841 per centum rising prices, as it was in 1994, in 1995 it amounted 157.4 per centum merely. Particularly high rates of development is socio-economic domain was achieved in 1996-1997, when GDP increased about by 24 per centum. More convincing consequences were achieved during 1996-1997 sing rising prices, whose parametric quantities significantly determine the cardinal consequences of a state ‘s economic development. In peculiar, the rate of rising prices was 13.5 per centum in 1996 and 7.3 per centum in 1997 which was 1.1 per centum and 0.6 per centum per month, severally. All of these had a positive consequence upon set uping a favourable economic environment for concern development.Table 1. Key Macroeconomic Parameters19961997199819992000200120022003GDP at Market Prices ( million GEL )3 868,54 554,95 022,15 668,76 043,16 674,07 456,08 564,1GDP per capita ( GEL )827,6999,21 114,81 268,21 362,51 516,31 705,61 972,1GDP per capita ( USD )655,6770,2800,7629,6689,7731,8777,3919,0GDP million USD3 064,63 510,73 606,92 814,13 059,13 221,03 397,83 990,8Exchange rate ( GEL USD )1,26231,29741,39242,01441,97552,07202,19442,1459Economic Growth110,5103,1102,9101,8104,8105,5111,1GDP deflator 106,5 106,9 109,6 104,6 105,3 106,0 103,3200420052006200720082009GDP at Market Prices ( million GEL )9 824,311 620,913 789,916 993,819 074,917 948,6GDP per capita ( GEL )2 276,72 689,13 133,13 866,94 352,94 092,8GDP per capita ( USD )1 187,61 483,51 763,52 314,62 921,12 450,1GDP million USD5 124,76 411,07 761,710 171,912 800,510 744,7Exchange rate ( GEL USD )1,91701,81271,77671,67071,49021,6705Economic Growth105,9109,6109,4112,3102,396,1GDP deflator 108,1 107,9 108,5 109,7 109,7 98,0 State Debt of Georgia ( million GEL ) 4,155.5 3,509.0 2,954.2 3,015.3 4,407.4 5,927.4 Beginning: National Statistics Office of Georgia In 1998-2002, the rates of economic growing decreased to an mean 2 per centum per twelvemonth. However, despite the most hard state of affairs, in 2003, the economic growing rate exceeded 10 per centum. In the undermentioned old ages, if we do non see the period 2008-2009, the economic growing rates were highly high. As a consequence of the Russian aggression in August 2008, the state ‘s economic system still increased by 1.9 per centum, but the undermentioned twelvemonth – 2009 was distinguished by the economic lessening of 3.9 per centum for the first clip since 1995. It should be noted that province and private givers pledged 4.5 billion USD by which significantly reduced the extent of the economic recession.4Chart 1. Dynamicss of Key Macroeconomic ParametersBeginning: National Statistics Office of Georgia Monetary values were more or less stable from 1995. As for the exchange rate, if before 1995 the voucher exchange rate was equal to 1 USD against 5.3 million vouchers, the lari has been characterized with a important stableness. The inclination of the addition in its rate was seen in 2004, although the exchange rate started to fall once more from 2007.Table 2. Exchange RatessUSD/GELEUR/GELRUB/GELEnd of period Middle of period End of period Middle of period End of period Middle of period20012,0600 2,0720 1,8188 1,8573 0,0683 0,071020022,0900 2,1944 2,1763 2,0735 0,0658 0,070020032,0750 2,1459 2,5920 2,4237 0,0704 0,070020041,8250 1,9170 2,4850 2,3813 0,0658 0,066520051,7925 1,8127 2,1245 2,2600 0,0623 0,064120061,7150 1,7767 2,2545 2,2290 0,0651 0,065420071,5916 1,6707 2,3315 2,2859 0,0649 0,065320081,6670 1,4902 2,3648 2,1886 0,0567 0,060120091,6858 1,6705 2,4195 2,3307 0,0557 0,0529 Beginning: National Statistics Office of Georgia Despite theGrowth and External PerformanceEconomic recovery is acquiring stronger, with existent GDP growing of 6.6 per centum in the first half of 2010. This follows a contraction of 3.9 per centum in 2009 because of the dazes of the August 2008 struggle and the planetary economic crisis. Real economic activity is deriving strength in 2010, with growing in exports, worker remittals, existent estate minutess, building licenses and vehicle enrollments. Compared with the last twelvemonth, VAT turnover increased by 7 per centum and amounted 27 per centum. During the first half of 2010 exports were up to 40 per centum while imports amounted merely 12 per centum. At the same period private investings have benefited from a pickup in bank landing, while FDI influxs are still below pre crisis degrees, but betterments are expected. The economic system is predicted to turn by 4-5 per centum during 2011-2013, where growing is expected to come from higher exports and private investing supported by a pickup in bank loaning. Exports will be chiefly with metal merchandises, vinos, fruits and nuts, besides repaired and re-exported autos and expected to play a cardinal function in its recovery – from 29.8 per centum of GDP in 2009 to 38 per centum during 2011-2013 ; As for the services side conveyance and touristry will besides play a important function ( World Bank, 2010 ) .4. Finance and the Role of BankingIn Georgia fiscal system is chiefly based on the banking sector, which is reflected with the mobilisation of the fundss and their forma tion into investing beginnings by agencies of the banking establishments. Harmonizing to this, banking system plays an of import function in increasing the gait of Georgian economic system. The Bankss operate in conformity with modern market theoretical account in every regard. An active engagement of the Georgian Bankss helps the little and average sized concern development in the state. Georgia have done lost of success in developing its fiscal sector during last old ages after its independency, nevertheless external factors have hampered states development to some extent late, which reflected on Georgia ‘s economic system and accordingly on its fiscal sector. Nowadays, positive alterations are being implemented which gives us the possibility to assume, that the fiscal system will farther develop and advance county ‘s economic development.Development of the Financial System in GeorgiaFor the last 10 old ages, the fiscal system of Georgia has experienced important alterations. After declaring its independency, really from zero, began creative activity of fiscal substructure. The National Bank of Georgia ( NBG ) has been created ; the national currency – Georgian Lari ( GEL ) has been issued ; the commercial Bankss have been certified ( At the same clip the figure of Bankss was decreased 10 times ) . Except banking system, the fiscal system includes other fiscal establishments. In 2010 in Georgia 19 Commercial Bankss operated, from which 16 are runing with the foreign capital engagement. As for non-banking depositary establishments, there are 47 microfinance organisations ( MFO ) , 18 recognition brotherhoods ; 1,334 exchange agency ; 24 money remittal service suppliers ; 16 insurance companies ; 6 pension financess and 1 stock exchange. Among these fiscal establishments most profitable and of import for fiscal sector is the banking system.Banking in GeorgiaIn order to make the conditions for the right operation of the banking sector NBG cares about the execution of demands set by the Euro directives and Basel rules. Besides, for the straight-forward development of the banking sector, the changeless betterment of the different hazards administration mechanisms by the market participants – commercial Bankss is besides indispensable. As a whole, the present state of affairs provides maximal chances for implementing new ba nking merchandises. Banking system, sing its gait of development and inclinations, could be regarded as dynamically developing system. Compared to other sections of fiscal sector of Georgian economic system, the banking system is instead more developed. Nowadays, recognition is allocated on market footings, and the authorities does non have commercial Banks. Hence, the competition in banking domain is strong plenty. Banks try to offer as big spectrum of services as possible. The fiscal system is get downing to mend. Refer about systematic hazard has been diminished. And overall loaning conditions have started to better. We have already seen a significant sum of accommodation in our fiscal system. Leverage has declined. Banks are funding themselves more cautiously. These are necessary alterations, and there is more reconstituting in front for the fiscal sector as a whole. But a significant portion of the accommodation procedure is now behind us. Fiscal establishments constitute an of import portion of Georgian economic system.AbbreviationsNBG the National Bank of Georgia GEL Georgian Lari MFO Microfinance Organizations VAT Value Added Tax FDI Foreign Direct Investment IMF International Monetary Fund WB World Bank

Friday, November 8, 2019

6 Ways To Use the Spanish Preposition En

6 Ways To Use the Spanish Preposition En If you were told that en is a Spanish preposition and were asked what it means, you most likely would guess in or on. And youd be right in both cases. But en can also be translated as at, about, by, on top of, upon, inside of, and other ways, so its use isnt as straightforward as it may appear. The Spanish Preposition "en" The Spanish preposition en frequently means in or on when referring to physical locations.En can also be used to mean in in certain time expressions.En is so used in phrases and following certain verbs with translations that arent always predictable. These idioms and verb phrases must be learned individually. Fortunately, when en doesnt mean on or in, you can usually tell by the context what is meant. Like some other prepositions, en can seem quite versatile to the foreigner. Here are the most common uses: Using En for Locations and Meaning 'In' When it is used in describing locations, en can mean in or inside of. As in the third and fourth examples here, en can also be used this way figuratively. El dinero est en la caja. (The money is in the box.)Vivo en Espaà ±a. (I live in Spain.)La crisis sà ³lo est en la mente de las personas. (The crisis is only in the minds of people.)Hay cien cantavos en un dà ³lar. (There are 100 cents in a dollar.) Using En in Time Expressions En can be used in time expressions much as it is in English with periods of time other than days of the week. Llegamos por tren en una hora. (We arrive by train in one hour.)Trabajarà © en el verano. (I will work in the summer.)Esperan aprobar la ley en dos semanas. (They hope to pass the law in two weeks.) With days of the week, a preposition isnt needed: Llegamos el lunes. (We arrive on Tuesday.) Using En for Locations and Meaning 'On' En is frequently used to meet on in the sense of meaning on top of or placed on. El dinero est en la mesa. (The money is on the table.)Fijà ³ los carteles en la pared. (He put the posters on the wall. Note that the preposition a also could have been used here: Fijà ³ los carteles a la pared.)Las manchas en la cara pueden aparecer por diversos motivos. (Blemishes on the face can appear for various reasons.) Using En in Expressing Values Although not particularly common, en is sometimes used instead of por when referring to costs or similar values: Vendià ³ el carro en $2.000. (He sold the car for $2,000.)Comprà ³ el mà ³vil en un buen precio. (She bought the cellphone for a good price.)Tenemos el cojà ­n ideal para ti en sà ³lo $349.00 pesos. (We have the ideal cushion for you for only 349 pesos.) En in Miscellaneous Expressions Numerous phrases or idioms use en. Most of these need to be learned as phrases rather than simply translating word for word: en broma, as a jokeen busca de, in search ofen cambio, on the other handen casa, at homeen espaà ±ol, in Spanishen honor de, in honor ofen la actualidad, presentlyen la radio, on (the) radio; en la televisià ³n, on (the) televisionen lugar de, instead of, in place ofen secreto, in secreten seguida, immediatelyen serio, seriouslyen todas partes, everywhereen vez de, instead ofen vilo, anxiously awaitingen vista de, in view ofen vivo, live (as in live TV)en voz alta, in a loud voice; en voz baja, in a soft voice. Using En With Certain Verbs When used with many verbs, en is translated as in or on: ayudar en algo, to help in doing somethingcompeter en, to compete inconcentrarse en, to concentrate onconcurrir en, to concur inconfiar en, to trust in; creer en, to believe in; esperar en, to trust inempeà ±arse en, to persist in;insistir en, to insist onintervenir en, to participate inpersistir en, to persist inreflejar en, to reflect onresultar en, to result in. But it can have other translations as well: actuar en consecuencia, to act accordinglyadentrarse en, to get intoadvertir en, to noticeaplicarse en, to devote oneself tocaerle en suerte, to get luckycoincidir en que, to agree thatcomprometerse en, to get involved withconcurrir en, to meet atconsentir en, to agree toconsistir en, to be composed ofconvenir en, to agree toconvertir(se) en, to change intoequivocarse en, to be mistaken aboutextenderse en, to spread overfijarse en, to noticeingresar en, to be admitted toinscribirse en, to register forjuntarse en, to meet atmolestarse en, to bother bypensar en, to think aboutquedar en que, to agree thatreparar en, to noticevacilar en, to hesitate to.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Definition of Gadsden Purchase

Definition of Gadsden Purchase The Gadsden Purchase was a strip of territory the United States purchased from Mexico following negotiations in 1853. The land  was purchased because it was considered to be a good route for a railroad across the Southwest to California. The land comprising the Gadsden Purchase is in southern Arizona and the southwestern part of New Mexico. The Gadsden Purchase represented the last parcel of land acquired by the United States to complete the 48 mainland states. The transaction with Mexico was controversial, and it intensified the simmering conflict over slavery and helped to inflame the regional differences that eventually led to the Civil War. Background of the Gadsden Purchase Following the Mexican War, the boundary between Mexico and the United States set by the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ran along the Gila River. Land to the south of the river would be Mexican territory. When Franklin Pierce became president of the United States in 1853, he backed the idea of a railroad that would run from the American South to the West Coast. And it became apparent that the best route for such a railroad would run through northern Mexico. The land to the north of the Gila River, in United States territory, was too mountainous. President Pierce instructed the American minister to Mexico, James Gadsden, to purchase as much territory in northern Mexico as possible. Pierces secretary of war, Jefferson Davis, who would later be the president of the Confederate States of America, was a strong supporter of a southern rail route to the West Coast. Gadsden, who had worked as a railroad executive in South Carolina, was encouraged to spend up to $50 million to buy as much as 250,000 square miles. Senators from the North suspected that Pierce and his allies had motives beyond simply building a railroad. There were suspicions that the real reason for the land purchase was to add territory in which slavery could be legal. Consequences of the Gadsden Purchase Because of objections of suspicious northern legislators, the Gadsden Purchase was scaled back from the original vision of President Pierce. This was an unusual circumstance where the United States could have obtained more territory but chose not to. Ultimately, Gadsden reached an agreement with Mexico to purchase about 30,000 square miles for $10 million. The treaty between the United States and Mexico was signed by James Gadsden on December 30, 1853, in Mexico City. And the treaty was ratified by the U.S. Senate in June 1854. The controversy over the Gadsden Purchase prevented the Pierce administration from adding any more territory to the United States. So the land acquired in 1854 essentially completed the 48 states of the mainland. Incidentally, the proposed southern rail route through the rough territory of the Gadsden Purchase was partly the inspiration for the U.S. Army to experiment by using camels. The secretary of war and proponent of the southern railway, Jefferson Davis, arranged for the military to obtain camels in the Middle East and ship them to Texas. It was believed the camels would eventually be used to map and explore the region of the newly acquired territory. Following the Gadsden Purchase, the powerful senator from Illinois, Stephen A. Douglas, wanted to organize territories through which a more northern railroad could run to the West Coast. And the political maneuvering of Douglas eventually led to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which further intensified tensions over slavery. As for the railroad across the Southwest, that was not completed until 1883, nearly three decades after the Gadsden Purchase.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Technology and Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Technology and Business - Essay Example These features make the Blu-ray discs capable of storing not only data intensive, high intensive movies, but also endow them with the ability for more special features (Crompton. 2008). The Blu-ray discs are more expensive than the standard DVDs and require special Blu-ray players, which are also expensive, at almost $400 a player. Yet the feature packed Blu-ray disc is expected to garner a large portion of the $1.1 billion high-definition movie market this year. Competition for Blu-ray was expected to come from the HD DVD format being developed by Toshiba Corporation. However, in February 2008 Toshiba Corporation announced the termination of the competing HD DVD format. This announcement is believed to stem from the inability of the HD DVD format to match the features offered by the Blu-ray discs. This has left Blu-ray discs as the only format for high-definition movies, enabling the companies involved in the manufacture of Blu-ray discs to exploit the large high-definition movie market (Crompton.

Saturday, November 2, 2019


THE BEHAVIOUR OF YOUNGSTERS TOWARDS LUXURY PRODUCTS - Essay Example Increasing disposable income, information explosion and changing lifestyles have put personal grooming high on the priority list for youngsters worldwide. The present paper discusses what motivates youngsters to purchase luxurious products. The paper takes a literature review approach where the major theories of buyer behavior are discussed in the context of youngsters buying decisions. Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of the ultimate consumer. A firm needs to study the consumer buying behavior because the buyer's reactions to a firm's marketing strategy have a great impact on the firm's success. Consumer behavior is interdisciplinary in nature, since it is based on the concepts and theories about people that have been developed by scientists in such diverse disciplines as psychology, sociology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, and economics. According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2003), "the process of consumer decision-making can be viewed as three distinct but interlocking stages: the input stage, the process stage, and the output stage". Brands are never cheap and treated as by-word of luxury for many, especially among youngsters. Many feel that brands are image creators and they enhance buyers' prestige and social status. This is one the belief that only the rich and upper-class can afford them as brands have become part of their lifestyle. The basic difference between a brand and a non-brand is a feeling of "trust" that consumers derive when they buy a product. A brand is generally a wholesome approach-it reveals the price, quality, origin, technology and so on. In a wholesome approach, consumers not only trust the brand but also associate lot of things with it like price, image, quality, origin, durability, etc. It has been observed by researchers that the awareness of brands will also have effects on the decisions to purchase certain products within a group of youngsters (Keller, 1993; Hoyer and Brown, 1990). However, well-established brands are purchased using heuristic principle (decision rule) as remarked by Roselius (1971) and Jacoby et al (1977). It is not necessary always that customer spends a lot of time for purchasing in their day-to-day busy schedule. This has been proved in a research by Hoyer (1984). He observed that the average number of item examination (search) is made in a store was only 1.2 before the final decision is made, a study on pre-purchase of laundry powder. But, for items such as toothpastes, coffee etc, consumers take only 12 seconds on an average to take a decision after they have been searched for in the shelf Dickson and Sawyer (1986). It has also been researched that consumers apply 'buy the brand I have heard of' rule of thumb to purchase certain brands to m inimize their cost of purchasing such as time, effort etc. This behavior is apparent in case of brands which are very popular and that needs less efforts to purchase the items (Hoyer and Brown 1990; and Mackay, 1990). 3.0 The role of changing life styles Consumers often choose products, services and activities over others because they are associated with a certain lifestyle. For this reason, lifestyle marketing strategies attempt to position a product by fitting it into an existing pattern of consumption. The relationship of the product used by the consumers has been extensively studied in the past. According to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Supreme Court has held that the selection guidelines in the Case Study

The Supreme Court has held that the selection guidelines in the federal governments Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures also apply to performance measurement - Case Study Example Dana accused Mr. McGrory of discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation. The Supreme Court found McGrory guilty for failing to cooperate with the attorney when he was required to provide a performance appraisal plan. Further, the court dismissed his appeal for wrongful dismissal and termed his claims unfounded. Performance management in the US is important in the employment sector as it provides the basis for employee evaluation. The employees are obliged to perform to the standards of the organization if they have to reserve their jobs. Performance management requires transparent guidelines on the measures of employee performance within an organization. As Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright (2011, p. 249) point out, the Supreme Court has held that the selection guidelines in the federal government’s Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures also apply to performance measurement. The idea of the Supreme Court is to ensure that performance management is conducted ethically to avoid issues of discrimination or wrongful dismissal of employees. The human resources must define a standard criterion for measuring performance within its organization to ensure that work assessment is conducted in a transparent manner. In the case above, the court found McGrory guilty of misconduct for his failure to provide a clear basis for regarding Dana as an efficient employee. When questioned by the court, he failed to provide a clear basis for performance management which he used as a reference in measuring the employee’s performance. An unethical issue that emerged in this case is that the McGrory used other employees to assess the performance of Dana, which is against the guidelines provided by the Supreme Court (Lewis, 2013). According to the Supreme Court, employees should be assessed using the same selection guidelines that an organization uses. Therefore, it was probable that the employee complaining against Dana’s performance may have

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effects of Pollution on World Economy Essay Example for Free

Effects of Pollution on World Economy Essay Today, the increase in the world population and the fact that improved lives leads to life in the cities could only mean more pollution and a concern for every one. The daily requirements of the humans have created an unrelenting world where human enterprise would not be ignored. The direct or indirect involvement such has been created by the necessity to survive largely as the major reason. Although, at times the basic force behind that, is the human nature to live comfortable lives by making work easier. Human activities on the face of the earth have affected the natural settings leading to major environmental impacts. Damage to the environment through pollution has always been the overriding result rather than improvement and development. In the recent increase in green house gas emissions have been rampant therefore warranting research, analyses and survey. The green house gases include carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons that cause air pollution chemicals responsible for water pollution water and other metals that cause pollution to land and water (Hill, 2004). The analysis of pollution The graph below illustrates the yearly carbon emissions from different regions from 1800 up to 2000 in Million metric tons of carbon per year. From, this graph it is clear that the most leading countries in carbon emissions rank among the most developed countries. Developing countries and the less developed countries like Africa rank the lowest from this graph. It has been explained that less developed and developing countries is that economic costs of environmental regulation and compliance are small in respect to factors of production inclining more to those that influence comparative advantage (Gallagher, 2004) Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Online, n. d. There is evidence that increase in economic growth leads to an increase in pollution has been authenticated by the research in Mexico by the use of Kuznet curve. What Gallagher in his paper says is that pollution surpasses the economic growth thus the industries must come with strong environment strategies to ensure hat the growth of both are at per. Otherwise pollution leads to loss of profits made by an industry. This means that pollution eats back to what has lead to the accumulation of wealth (Gallagher, 2004). Pollution effects from a negative outlook What do we mean by the term environment? The environment is composed of the natural situations that form the human living space. This means that these are the inputs for nature that man has to turn to at one point of his life for survival or to aid in acquisition of an otherwise important need in his or her life. In economic terms the environment is seen as a scarce good that has its own special attributes (Siebert, 2007). The argument is that environment has two conflicting functions, one being a public consumption good and the other a home for deposition of waste from the consumption and production processes. The transformation of the environment on the other hand has affected the humans and the enterprise leading to a cyclic system; a system that works by triggering form one end and the process comes back trough and from another end. One of the major environmental impacts has been pollution thus this research paper will concern on how pollution affects the world economy from all perspectives. Pollution in the world has seen the increase in carbon dioxide and fixation of nitrogen present in air since the start of industrial revolution. The major reason for this increase is due to human activities changing and recoursing the natural law order of making and degeneration of organic and inorganic substances. Fresh water available sources have been put into human use and millions of birds have gone to extinction due to human activities. It is very clear that the rate of degeneration caused by man is much faster than the way natural order would take to replace back or deal with the amount of excretion. This therefore, means we have a cause to worry because in the quest for dominion of the earth and to improve our lives the other side of the balance is getting heavier. The process of natural replacement requires one to a hundred years to be effective therefore if pollution goes on with the same kind of alarming rate then man has to use his own means to replace the depleted materials to their original levels. This is very costly and affects the world’s economy negatively (Ash Scholes, 2005). It is thus crucial to harmonize the different views on pollution to achieve pragmatism and success in the fight against man’s environment eventual extinction due to his own activities. This statement stems from the fact that pollution rates are different form the position of the country or region in that developing countries have the highest rates of pollution. This is a result of inadequate and many times lack of planning policies for the management of the waste form industries. On the other hand the rampant corruption harbored in these countries contributes immensely to the mismanagement of funds meant for the environment conservation and measures taken to avert the consequences of industrial effluents. However this does not mean that the developed countries are an exempt from this blame. Some of the most developed countries like America have large number of pollution from industries leading to mass destruction of animals especially in rivers lakes. At times these pollutant ranges to national border effects transported by agents like water and wind. Most of the large world economies since 1980’s have adopted the liberalized economy. This involves the right to engage in free trade using the available means of production. This thus, raises the concern of economy from the effect of pollution as a result of different countries applying all their resources to beat their inadequacy. This has translated to pollution taking two major turns. The first is the pollution from production and the second is pollution arising from consumption. In the quest to sustain energy production and sufficient supply of power major economies like China have resulted to using nuclear energy. This source of energy is renewable but has high dangers of leaking emission s to the atmosphere which can be lethal. The fact is that if it is lethal then it upsets the supply of labor if death occurs due to its results (Ash and Scholes, 2005). Labor is a very important factor of production which when terminated can lead to closure of factories besides causing negative growth. A very good example is the Bhopal accident in India that lead to the closure of the pesticide company due to death of 2000 to 8000 workers hours after the accident. Therefore the increased concern in the world environmental management has lead to United Nations concern of a fast fading natural setting world. This can be explained by the Kyoto protocol of 1997 which sought to achieve stabilization of green house gas concentrations in the atmosphere from dangerous levels that cause anthropogenic interference with the climate of the world. Many less developed and developing countries find themselves in situations of lack of enough capital to invest in the business equipment. It is therefore to assign a mammoth task to ask these business firms or industries to assign capital for purposes of preventing pollution. The implication from such kind of scenarios is that the externalities of pollution end up being passed to the society and to the governments indirectly. It is common in these economies to find that strategic industries are exempted from policies that are meant to curb the externalities because governments are not in position to make policies of internalization due to the importance attached (Stellman Bureau, 1998). Pollution has proved to be very costly to countries in terms of health and safety, waste, and clean up costs. Of most crucial point to be noted is the reduced life expectancy especially in developing nations. When pollution either air, water, land, noise or any other has adverse effects to the humans it becomes a major concern to check and rationalize the existence of such a firm or industry. Human life should be first be respected from any angle of perspective. The United Nations millennium goals state that life is a right that is inalienable. Therefore, the slightest notion that life human life is at risk should not be taken lightly. Gravity lies at the core of issues pertaining pollution and disturbance of human life. The greatest damage to the economy would be to destroy human life emanating from pollution. First it is not easy to diagnose the various signs and symptoms resulting from instances of pollution in the environment. This requires specialized personnel, equipments and a variety of high demanding technology to sort out the problem. Nonetheless, some of the effects to human health are life lasting thus the issues of compensation cannot be avoided. The point here is that a long and time exposure to pollution is an expense to the economy of a country. The expenditure in treating and maintaining health of humans caused by pollution is a major drawback to achieving success in the global development especially if the magnitude of such pollution is very prolonged over a long period of time (Limited, 2001). The other way of looking at the effect of pollution to the economy is the customer relation to pollution. From the point of any organization, firm, or business the ultimate final goal is to make profit. This means that form the management of business affairs all means must be employed to remain in the market for a long time and outdo other rival business or firms. This from the business point of view is very encouraging but to look at the other side of the face it has an ugly look. Pollution being a costly project requires planning for efficiency to balance internalities and externalities of a business. The damage that is done to the economy is that this cost is passed to the consumer. Such an economy where the consumer is robbed of the power to buy is a weak economy that is not driven by the market forces. It results to exploitation of the employer to the employee sine he has the means. The employee only works to achieve the basic needs. There is no pleasure derived from work thus the value of work in such an economy is downtrodden (Driesen, 2003). Pollution had had a myriad of problems and affects the economy of the world in a myriad ways. It is therefore, pertinent to mention that it might not be possible to tackle al of them. However, one major effect of pollution to the economy is international trade. The concept of international trade operates form the point of multinational companies moving to transnational border and trade relations between states. The fact that most of the products are transported from their place of manufacture to heir places of consumption means that they offer employment, so when such goods are found to be below standards or then they might be rejected. This means that the number of people who were working from these firms is laid off. This increases the rate of unemployment of such places in such countries. In this context, if such firms are closed the chances to improve are thwarted thus no chance is given to the possibility of innovation (Driesen, 2003). Conclusion In the light of this research paper it is worth to note that the effects of pollution have also a positive side. Already discussed above are the negative effects thus, the following part will try to look at the positive aspect of pollution. It might sound rather unconvincing but the approach will try to authenticate the concern correctly. Pollution being seen from the international trade of states lens can lead to effective prevention. This is possible from the fact that if a certain state identifies a certain product to be a pollutant then measures to control the production of such a product are put in place. This means that the regulations will apply to other state trading with this nation. This means that the overall economies are focused to have products that are acceptable to them and to other member states. This at he same time means that if pollution prevention measures are put in place the firms and manufacturing companies seek the alternative of innovating other methods to produce better goods that are in lime with the regulations on pollution prevention. This means that the products that arise as a result for this new invention are better placed thus they penetrate markets to leap heavily at the expense of the earlier polluting products. This raises the firm’s reputation as well as the market advantage (Driesen, 2003). At the same time, this new invention lead to offer of new employment thus the once aversive pollution firm now becomes the centre of interest by complete change of ideology and repackaging. If a manufacturing firm changes its products from the polluting ones to the zero or less polluting ones there is an increase in the requirement from the market due to the increase in population. This means that industrialization takes human life and aspects to another level of civilization. Thus, if there is no pollution we might be stagnating with obsolete technology that does not help mankind. Tabb argues that an economy grows from the pollution that emanates from the industries. If workers must die from pollution and in the response economy grows, then pollution is might be justified (Tabb, 1992).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Effect Of Government Expenditure Economics Essay

The Effect Of Government Expenditure Economics Essay Pakistan stood categorized in the sixties by high rates of growth and it was widely believed that this exclusive preoccupation with growth had resulted in concentration of income in a few rich families. It has been argued that the manufacturing sector received favorable treatment at the hands of government policy thereby redistributing income from agriculture to industrial sector through over-valued exchange rate for industrial Sector, provision of cheap credit, liberal import of capital goods at below equilibrium cost of capital. The relationship between government expenditure and economic growth has continued to generate series of debate among scholars. Government performs two functions- protection (and security) and provisions of certain public goods Protection function consist of the creation of rule of law and enforcement of property rights. This helps to minimize risks of criminality, protect life and property, and the nation from external aggression. Under the provisions of pu blic goods are defense, roads, education, health, and power, to mention few. Some scholars argue that increase in government expenditure on socio-economic and physical infrastructures encourages economic growth. For example, government expenditure on health and education raises the productivity of labor and increase the growth of national output. Similarly, expenditure on infrastructure such as roads, communications, power, etc, reduces production costs, increases private sector investment and profitability of firms, thus fostering economic growth. However, some scholars did not support the claim that increasing government expenditure promotes economic growth, instead they assert that higher government expenditure may slowdown overall performance of the economy. For instance, in an attempt to finance rising expenditure, government may increase taxes and/or borrowing. Higher income tax discourages individual from working for long hours or even searching for jobs. This in turn reduces income and aggregate demand. In the same vein, higher profit tax tends to increase production costs and reduce investment expenditure as well as profitability of firms. Moreover, if government increases borrowing (especially from the banks) in order to finance its expenditure, it will compete (crowds-out) away the private sector, thus reducing private investment. Furthermore, in a bid to score cheap popularity and ensure that they continue to remain in power, politicians and governments officials sometimes increase expenditure and investment in unproductive projects or in goods that the private sector can produce more efficiently. Thus, government activity sometimes produces misallocation of resources and impedes the growth of national economy. Public Finance is to provide information to all arms of government in other to provide useful data as done for the developed nations that transferred Pubic Finance technology to developing countries. However, the public finance technological transfer has not been used in developing countries to develop their economies. One of the assumptions might have been due to culture mingled with public finance information made available to policy makers. The realities have been x-rayed by public finance and practices. Thus, ID omen citied the following: Economic growth represents the expansion of a countrys potential GDP or output. 2. OBJECTIVE: 1. Short run relationship between government expenditure and economic growth of Pakistan. 2. Long run relationship between government expenditure and economic growth of Pakistan. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW: Ranjan KD, Sharma C Examined the effect of government development expenditure on economic growth during the period 1950-2007. The authors discovered a significant positive impact of government expenditure on economic growth. They also reported the existence of co integration among the variables. Easterly and Rebelo (2009) find that public investment in transport and communications in developing countries leads to higher economic growth. Abdullah HA, 2000 analyzed the relationship between government expenditure and economic growth. The author reported that the size of government is very important in the performance of economy. He advised that government should increase its spending on Infrastructure, social and economic activities. In addition, government should encourage and support the private sector to accelerate economic growth. Ogiogio GO Revealed a long-term relationship between government expenditure and economic growth. Moreover, the authors findings showed that recurrent expenditure exerts more influence than capital expenditure on growth. On empirical research using panel data, one can cite (among others) the papers by Devarajan et al. (1996) henceforth DSZ and Gupta et al. (2005) On the composition of government expenditure and growth for a sample of developing countries. DSZ found a negative (positive) and significant relationship between the capital (current) component of public expenditure and per capita real GDP growth for 43 countries over the period 1970-1990, while Gupta et al. (2005) found quite the reverse for 39 countries between 1990 and 2000. Lee et al. (2009), commenting on Islam (2009), observe that slope heterogeneity, even when random, causes major difficulties for estimation in dynamic panels. They contend that potential heterogeneity in growth rates of different countries renders the standard fixed effects panel estimator to be biased. Given the importance of slope heterogeneity as an econometric issue (see, among others, Baltagi (1995), and Pesaran and Smith (1995), we extend the methodology implemented by DSZ by explicitly modelling the potential cross-country heterogeneity in capital and current expenditure. The fixed effects panel estimator used in DSZ assumes that all the slope coefficients, adjustment dynamics and error variances are invariant across all countries. However, these assumptions are unlikely to hold, because countries are not unanimous in their views on the role of government expenditure in fostering growth, and this largely depends on the political stance of the party in power. The importance assigned to capital and current expenditures, i.e., the 1 commitment to spend on viable long-term capital projects vis-a-vis the spending on recurrent types of expenditure like wages and salaries, subsidies and pension arrangements, also vary across countries. The potential cross-country variations in the parameters of the level and composition of public expenditure are consequently modelled as a linear function of country-specific levels of current and capital spending in this paper. Wagner says, (1999:46) That there is a positive relationship between the per capital income of the citizens in a country with government spending such that the income elasticity of government expenditure is always greater than one. However, other researchers have discovered that the relationship is not always certain because there are periods when government expenditure in relations to the national income will decline when the elasticity of income to government expenditure is less than one. Ram Rati (1986) concluded that overall impact of government size and government expenditures on growth is positive. Rostow Musgrave model (1999:46) carried out a research on growth of public expenditure and concluded that, at the early stages of economic development, the rate of growth of public expenditure will be very high because government provides the basic infrastructural facilities (social overheads) and most of these projects are capital intensive, therefore, the spending of the government will increase steadily. The investment in education, health, roads, electricity, water supply are necessities that can launch the economy from the practitioner stage to the take off stage of economic development, making government to spend and increasing amount with time in order to develop an egalitarian society. To illustrate, models with varieties of capital goods is related to technological process corresponds to an expansion of the number of capital goods, the production function Barros (1979) Tax-smoothing hypothesis says that, if the marginal cost of raising tax revenue is increasing the optimal tax rate is a martingale. This implies that changes in the tax rate will be permanent and, given their different effects on growth, under the two types of growth models, very useful in empirically distinguishing between the exogenous and endogenous models. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: According to the Keynesian there is increase in government expenditure, the country will grow, holding other things constant. Y = C + I + G+ (X-M ) Y = GDP C=consumption I= Investment (X-M)=Net exports 4. DATA AND METHODOLOGY: Data is collected on annual basis from the year 1972 to 2008 from various issues of economic survey of Pakistan and IFS (International Financial statistics) for GDP and government expenditure. That is converted into growth form. Oxmatrics software is used for estimation. Model: Y=f (GE) Where GE=Government expenditures The model is specified as Y=ÃŽ ±+ ÃŽ ² (GE) +  µ Where GE=Government expenditures  µ=error term Y = GDP growth 5.Estimation technique: Unit root Test: Both series GDP and GE are unit root. AS ADF greater than critical value so we can further proceed for co integration. Regression model: After regression disequilibrium saved the residuals , further test the residuals for stationary , so the residual is stationary it means co integration is exist between GDP and government expenditures. Unit root for disequilibrium: As ADF is less than critical value so the series is stationary and co integration exists. ERROR CORRECTION MODEL: Now check the long run relationship between government expenditures and GDP growth by ECM. This is error correction model Dgdp = + 0.9029*DLgov 0.8551*deq_1 So the value of dis equilibrium is negative and lies between 0 to 1 there exists long run relationship between two variables. 6. Policy implications: The results suggest that the economic growth can be achieved by increasing government expenditures. As we know that increase in government expenditures has also other implications for the economy and this study is limited in scope. So we suggest that government expenditures hike will increase GDP keeping other things constant.