Wednesday, November 13, 2019

abortion :: essays research papers

I'm late for my period. I've never had sex willingly. Oh God I hope it wasn't from that night. How can I live with myself or tell some one my secret. No one will believe me, it was my own boyfriend. It's my fault anyway, I should've wanted to have sex, he told me we were going to get married. Where is he now? He said he'll love me forever, I need him by my side. I think I'm going to take the test. I can't be pregnant! How can I explain to the child that I don't want it. I have major plans like college and meeting my Prince Charming. I don't want to have a kid, especially since it's face is going to remind me of the worst night of my life. I can't be pregnant I'm only 18 years old. I have college to go to next year, I'm not even with Bill anymore. "NO! STOP!!! PLEASE STOP!!!!" I cried as this "man" took me into his world, one in which I know I didn't belong. "ATLEAST PUT A CONDOM ON!! WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? PLEASE STOP!!!!" I kept crying and he was in such rage and had such determination that I would succomb to his ways and enjoy the most horrible experience of my life. So, I'm going to take a pregnancy test. I pray I'm not pregnent. I can't imagine telling anyone. They know I don't believe in premarital sex. I still consider myself a virgin. I've never told anyone about that night, so if I just end up pregnant, who is going to believe me? I hope my mom stays by myside, I know she is going to be outraged. I hope Bill will put it his two cents in, should I even tell him? Abortions are legal in my state. It seems like a reasonable thing to do. I don't want to kill my baby or throw him away in the dumpster. I would put it up for adoption, but every morning and night for the next nine months I am going to relive that horrible night. Roe v. Wade was based on this case. In 1973, The state of Texas had outlawed abortions. The Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional, but refused to order an injuction againts the state. On January 22, 1973, The Supreme Court voted the right to privacy including abortions.

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