Sunday, February 2, 2014

Economics - Econ11026 Short Answer Questions

NameUniversityCourseTutorDateQuestion 1 (a . Scarcity : Scarcity is an economic term referring to crabby availability of resources partd to produce goods and serve . These scarce recourses argon referred to as economic goods (McTaggart et al 2007 , meaning they have to be drift ensembleocated in the proceeds of most needed goods and services . cutting is , for instance , a scarce resource because there is infinitesimal and less of it as demands keeps on rising . World draw has to thereof prioritize on resource utilization - by using oil for transport and less on electrical energy deed . Economists refer to scarceness as the m opposite of all innovation . Entrepreneurial innovators work on slipway of reduce scarcity and get huge profits in recidivate . The scarcity of oil resources is driving entrepreneurs into des igning machinery (including beat back cars ) that use less oil products in the process as of get bying the scarcity problem . As a content economics studies how individuals address scarcity problem by eyesight how scarce resources atomic number 18 allocated in various(prenominal) ware processes . The problem of scarcity is exactly addressed finished annexd fruit of goods and services and effective allocation of economic resources (b ) i . Production Possibilities Curve : The production possibilities curves are used to beautify how resources used in the production of different goods or services can be efficiently allocated . Production possibilities curve withal illustrates the prospect cost of increase production . For instance , as shown in the figure under , Australia is taken to be in the production of two products - bitch and fleecelen . Resources have to , therefore , be allocated efficiently amidst the two products for maximum revenue . currently , the pr oduction possibilities marge illustrates th! at Australia produces 2 units of wool and 22 units of gripe . Increasing the takings of angiotensin-converting enzyme product would normally go forth to decline in the other s takings . In this sense , increasing the production of wool by one unit , to 3 units would result to lessening of recoil widening by two units , to 22 units . Further increase in wool output to 3 units would see a reduction of beef output to 20 units . 4 wool units matches with 16 beef units , 5 wool units with 11 beef units , and 6 wool units with 5 beef units . Relevant Australian producers should nevertheless increase wool production marginally , that is to the point where change magnitude revenue is larger than losings made by decrease in beef output (ii . Improvement in the wool production applied science would fade to decrease in related costs . This would result to increase in the opportunity cost of producing wool . In other words , Australian farmers would be losing a lot if they exact to increase beef production at the expense of wool . This would , however , be the case only in the scant(p) run because wool prices exit still be naughty and not many an(prenominal) farmers would enter on increasing wool acreage immediately . In the long run , many more farmers would plant the change crop , considering the accessibility of technology (iii . In the case a drought that reduces by one-half the amount of beef that can...If you want to get a entire essay, order it on our website:

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