Friday, July 19, 2019

Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay example -- Education Teaching E

Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy My desire to become a teacher began while I was in junior high school however; my family, friends, and coaches basically turned me against it. They said it was a jobless market with no future. At that age, those people were very impressionable on my decisions, and because of this I became disillusioned about my career, and at that point I just knew I wanted to attend college. Once in college, I found my niche in the social sciences. I love reading and learning about history, psychology, religion, politics, government, social issues, and diverse cultures. I was able to double major in the fields of history and geography while gaining a minor in political science. My intention was to attend law school. Then I meet the woman that would become my wife. She has changed my life. My wife will be an elementary school teacher and she opened my eyes to the joy and appreciation of teaching. If there has been an inspiration in my decision to become teacher, my wife has been it. A lawyer makes the money, but where is the integrity. I wanted to do something in life that I could be proud of doing. Teaching makes a difference in society, and is definitely a noble profession. The purpose of public education is preparing the student for life. Rousseau says, â€Å"We are born with a blank slate and life is a constant learning experience.† Throughout a life time the human mind is constantly filled with information. As educators we must believe that we are making an impact on a life; that we are making a difference. We must pass on knowledge to a younger generation so they can improve society. Education is the key to success, and all teachers are a contributing factor to an individual’s succ... ...lthough middle school age requires special attention because that is a time of so many changes in the child’s life, I still am prepared for the challenge. If I can help children gain knowledge I have succeeded regardless of age. Eventually, I would like to gain a doctorate in history or theology. I think partly because of a thirst for knowledge, and partly because I come from a family of ministers. Religion has been an interest and a large part of my life. Perhaps, I could even become a part-time college professor. For now, I think secondary social studies needs me more. Teachers play a large role in a child’s life. They must fulfill many roles. The role of a teacher is not just to educate. A teacher has the opportunity to be a positive role model. I want to have a positive effect on as many students as possible, but even just a few can be reward enough for me.

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