Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Your More Than A Label Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Your More Than A Label - Essay Example In an attempt to get the labels off their children, parents try things like changing children’s school or shifting to a different city. Any decision they take costs them a lot of time, effort, and also money. As children grow up with the labels, their irritation and repulsiveness toward the labels recedes and they start to unintentionally accept the labels. Labels bother them no more. They accept the labels as a fundamental part of their identity. This serves as a sign that reflects that the child has been mentally tortured and psychologically harmed to the extent where he/she does not sense the gravity of the label as something negative. Although this happens gradually and unintentionally, yet its effects reflect in the behavior of the children as they grow up. If a child is given a certain label because of being diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and ADD, the child understands that he/she is integrally linked with alcohol in people’s perception. Drinking and becoming alcoholic is much easier for such a labeled individual as compared to others that are not expected to do such things. The labeled individuals easily endorse and adopt roles and behaviors that are expected of them according to their label. In this way, these individuals not only put their own health and life in risk, but also pose risks to the safety of others around them. A potential example of this is the accidents caused because of drunk driving. Pastor Joel Osteen puts forth a wonderful example of how powerful can labeling be if people accept the labels they are assigned and yet how fake it can be if people do not get rid of the labels they are assigned, â€Å"Albert Einstein’s teacher told Einstein’s father, â€Å"No matter what Albert does, he will never be successful†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦friends, people don’t determine our destiny, God does† (Osteen cited in â€Å"Pastor Joel Osteen†). Neither

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