Friday, August 9, 2019

Orthodox Judaism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Orthodox Judaism - Research Paper Example An article published on (2008-2011) established that Orthodox Judaism was originated through innovations in the Jewish practice introduced by the Reform movement in the mid 19th century in Central Europe. According to this said source, religious observances of Orthodox Jews include; daily worship, traditional prayers, the study of the Torah, dietary laws and gender segregation in the synagogue. In addition, the Hebrew language is essential in the Orthodox religious practices and they are very strict when observing the Sabbath. A number of Orthodox sects have risen from Orthodox Judaism over the years. One primary distinction within the Orthodox happens to be social engagement. Particular sects of Orthodox Judaism believe that; as people of God, they should live isolated from Gentiles whilst other sects believe that they can keep the Torah and live in a secular world at the same time. Basic Principles/Tenets of Orthodox Judaism Despite the multitude of Orthodox sects in Ju daism, all Jews share basic beliefs and principles which act as guidelines or rules which influences their actions or thoughts. These principles are grouped together as the Rambam’s â€Å"13 principles of faith†. ...Believe with perfect faith that God is one and there is no unity that is in anyway like his. Believe with perfect faith that God doesn’t have a body-physical concept don’t apply to him. Believe with perfect faith that God is first and last. Believe with perfect faith that it is only right to pray to God and no one else. Believe with perfect faith that the words of the prophets are true. Believe with perfect faith that the prophecy of Moses is absolutely true-he is the chief of all prophets both before and after him. Believe with perfect faith that the entire Torah that we now have is what was given to Moses. Believe with perfect faith that the Torah we now have will not be changed and there’ll never be another one given by God. Believe with perfect faith that God knows all of man’s deeds and thoughts. Believe with perfect faith that God rewards who keeps His commandments and punishes those who transgress Him. Believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah. Believe with perfect faith that God will resurrect the dead†. Beliefs on Life and Death The Jewish laws acknowledge that the human soul exists long before it is born. But ‘life’ begins at the time of birth when the child is more than halfway emerged from the mother’s body. (Tracy R Rich, 1995-2011) Naturally, anything that has a beginning has an end-so when does ‘life’ end according to the Orthodox Judaism religion? Another article published by Tracy R Rich dictated that traditional Jews believe that death is not the end of the human existence.

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