Tuesday, August 27, 2019

S6W1Dqs 1256 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

S6W1Dqs 1256 - Assignment Example In addition, due to participation of other players in such efforts, there is likely to be a fear on one side of negatively affecting the other hence long-term strategies may not be viable (Carlsnaes, Risse & Simmons, 2012). As a result, the nations have always held the belief that the uncertainty created by the stated factors may hinder the progress of their peace-keeping missions, for instance, and hence the need to have short term goals as the situation is being monitored. However, this might hinder their efforts of nation building in the affected countries because it is through long term and realistic goals that such efforts may be effective. There is need for a more unified approach in tackling this issue so that peacekeeping and nation building in the identified conflict zones are highly prioritized for long-term sustainability. A2. According to the author, ‘fungibility’ of force refers to the ability of a country’s military force to peacefully influence othe rs. This can be through the winning of battles with other military forces or through indirect influence to decisions that are bound to be made at international levels to their favor. According to him, this ability may have great benefits compared to forceful use of military power. There are two effects of this ability according to the writer (Art & Waltz, 2004). First, the military influence of a country has a ‘spill over’ effects that might influence policy making to its benefit. Secondly, having a strong military asset base and therefore superior force may be of great importance to a country in terms of conflict resolution. This is because the country’s bargaining power is enhanced because of its perceived power. Art &Waltz (2004) therefore have held that just like in the economic sense, currencies may have different values, military power can also be wielded in a peaceful way to enable nations achieve their aspirations. By using the analogy of flooding, they s tate that when military force is used in, say one battle, the other nations are likely to feel the effects of it by judging from the aftermath that may be characterized by destruction. Fungibility therefore is an important aspect that may determine a country’s effectiveness in handling conflict resolution. When nations look at their power in terms of fungibility instead of the number of enemies destroyed in battles, there is likely to be peace in conflict zones. This is because bloodshed that results in military operations spread a lot of animosity among the parties involved hence making it difficult for peacekeeping and reconciliation efforts. A3. The United States is an example of a nation that has been able to exert influence through its power assets across the globe. This is despite the observation by the writer in his ‘democratic peace theory’ framework that democratic powers are likely not to favor this position. By overcoming the challenges of the power ba lance doctrines, the United States has been able to survive this condition (Rosato, 2003). First, the US has a policy of forming a partnership with the other military powers. A good example is the Afghanistan war that it involved other countries like Britain. Even though the United States was the major power in the initiation of that war, the involvement of

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