Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Lee Harvey Oswald: Killer or Scapegoat? :: history

Lee Harvey Oswald: Killer or Scapegoat? On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, "the Crime of the Century" took place. President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza while touring through the city in his open-roof limousine. After the shots were fired, police began looking for suspects. One hour after the shooting, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for murdering a police officer. One hour after that he was charged with killing the President. Was Lee Harvey Oswald the real killer, or was he merely the scapegoat hired by some agency outside of the United States, to take the blame. There are a lot of known and unknown facts about this case. Many people believe that there were more people than Lee Harvey Oswald firing the shots even though the Warren Commission will deny any possibility that there was more than one assassin. The purpose of this paper is to state the facts about this case and let you decide for yourself whether or not Lee Harvey Oswald was quilty. Early in the morning, on November 22, 1963, Julia Ann Mercer was driving past the Texas School Book Depository on her way to work. Just past the Depository, about half-way from the railway overpass, she saw a green truck parked illegally on the side of the road. Because it was blocking traffic, she had to stop and wait for the other lane to clear before she could go. She noticed that there were two men in the truck. The back of the truck said "Air-conditioning. The passenger of the truck got out and pulled out of the toolbox, located on the back of the truck, what appeared to be a gun case. The many pulled the gun case out and started walking towards the grassy knoll just up the hill. As she drove on, she noticed three policemen standing a little ways down the road talking apparently not seeing the man with the gun case. Miss Mercer wrote out a full report on what she saw and gave it to the Warren Commission, however, none of it was spoken of or even mentioned in the Warren Commission's Report. There is the possibility that the gun case was empty, but the policemen should have taken more precaution considering that they know the President would be visiting the city that day. That same day, a Mr. Lee Bowers Jr., a railroad tower man for the Union Terminal Company, was on duty and had the best view of the area directly behind the fence on the grassy knoll. Lee Harvey Oswald: Killer or Scapegoat? :: history Lee Harvey Oswald: Killer or Scapegoat? On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, "the Crime of the Century" took place. President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza while touring through the city in his open-roof limousine. After the shots were fired, police began looking for suspects. One hour after the shooting, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for murdering a police officer. One hour after that he was charged with killing the President. Was Lee Harvey Oswald the real killer, or was he merely the scapegoat hired by some agency outside of the United States, to take the blame. There are a lot of known and unknown facts about this case. Many people believe that there were more people than Lee Harvey Oswald firing the shots even though the Warren Commission will deny any possibility that there was more than one assassin. The purpose of this paper is to state the facts about this case and let you decide for yourself whether or not Lee Harvey Oswald was quilty. Early in the morning, on November 22, 1963, Julia Ann Mercer was driving past the Texas School Book Depository on her way to work. Just past the Depository, about half-way from the railway overpass, she saw a green truck parked illegally on the side of the road. Because it was blocking traffic, she had to stop and wait for the other lane to clear before she could go. She noticed that there were two men in the truck. The back of the truck said "Air-conditioning. The passenger of the truck got out and pulled out of the toolbox, located on the back of the truck, what appeared to be a gun case. The many pulled the gun case out and started walking towards the grassy knoll just up the hill. As she drove on, she noticed three policemen standing a little ways down the road talking apparently not seeing the man with the gun case. Miss Mercer wrote out a full report on what she saw and gave it to the Warren Commission, however, none of it was spoken of or even mentioned in the Warren Commission's Report. There is the possibility that the gun case was empty, but the policemen should have taken more precaution considering that they know the President would be visiting the city that day. That same day, a Mr. Lee Bowers Jr., a railroad tower man for the Union Terminal Company, was on duty and had the best view of the area directly behind the fence on the grassy knoll.

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