Thursday, September 26, 2019

Low job Satisfaction at Disney Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Low job Satisfaction at Disney - Research Paper Example Its great and main involvement is to sell vacation packages to people from all over the world who wish to visit the ‘magic Disney land’. Disney World Travel Agencies is a subsidiary company of the greater World Disney Company. Their ever crowded jam park in its many Disney lands is a reflection of their customer satisfaction. This company allows visitors to book their vacations in their parks online through their heavily trafficked website. In addition, all this Disney parks have call centers where customers can call with in their enquiries, whether for Disney Land, Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris or Disney land Hong Kong (Gittin, 2010). Problem Statement If the crowded Walt Disney Parks is anything to go by, one would expect that the job satisfaction for the employees in this company is high. As much as this company is greatly accredited to a great customer satisfaction, it continues to habitually leave employees wages low and stall promotions. (Watt, 2013). Being a multinational company, the company is not treating the employees as it should be. The rate of employee turnover in this company is very high, which directly translates to a low job satisfaction. There is tons of ambition, desire, and magic from each cast member only to be put down by management when someone has an idea (non-solicited ideas are not allowed by cast members). This course project will help Identify several changes needed to be made within the company structure of WTDC in order to get morale back to its previous heyday when Walt Disney himself ran the company. Literature Review Job satisfaction refers to how content an employee is with his or her job. It can be taken to be that aspect where one analyses the number of people who would say, â€Å"I love my job’. (Cranny et al, 1992).Job satisfaction can be in form of affective job satisfaction or cognitive job satisfaction. These two concepts are very different from each other yet they are closely related as they both deal with an employee’s relationship with his or her work. Affective job satisfaction refers to the emotions that one has towards their job. Are they happy and content? How much pleasure do they derive from their daily activities? Cognitive job satisfaction refers to employees feelings towards different aspects of their job, which might include maternity leave, pay or salary, management of the company among others. (Wang, Yang and Wang, 2012) These two concepts are usually applied when studying the organizational behavior, attitudes and actions of employees. The results are thereafter used to determine the overall job satisfaction of employees (Cranny, 1992). Frederick Herzberg, in his Two Factor Theory notes that motivation and hygiene are the two main factors that lead to either satisfaction or dissatisfaction of employees. Motivation factors are said to encourage and motivate an employee (Sultan, 2012). Examples of such factors include chances for a promotion, being c omplemented for work well done, achievement recognition awards among others. With these, the employee will have a higher level of job satisfaction. The hygiene factors include aspects such as favorable company policies, a good pay and other terms that are favorable and appealing to the employees. Frederick argues that these are the main factors that lead to either the satisfaction or the dissatisfaction of an employee. The Affect Theory, however states different reasons for the satisfaction

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