Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Supreme Court has held that the selection guidelines in the Case Study

The Supreme Court has held that the selection guidelines in the federal governments Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures also apply to performance measurement - Case Study Example Dana accused Mr. McGrory of discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation. The Supreme Court found McGrory guilty for failing to cooperate with the attorney when he was required to provide a performance appraisal plan. Further, the court dismissed his appeal for wrongful dismissal and termed his claims unfounded. Performance management in the US is important in the employment sector as it provides the basis for employee evaluation. The employees are obliged to perform to the standards of the organization if they have to reserve their jobs. Performance management requires transparent guidelines on the measures of employee performance within an organization. As Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright (2011, p. 249) point out, the Supreme Court has held that the selection guidelines in the federal government’s Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures also apply to performance measurement. The idea of the Supreme Court is to ensure that performance management is conducted ethically to avoid issues of discrimination or wrongful dismissal of employees. The human resources must define a standard criterion for measuring performance within its organization to ensure that work assessment is conducted in a transparent manner. In the case above, the court found McGrory guilty of misconduct for his failure to provide a clear basis for regarding Dana as an efficient employee. When questioned by the court, he failed to provide a clear basis for performance management which he used as a reference in measuring the employee’s performance. An unethical issue that emerged in this case is that the McGrory used other employees to assess the performance of Dana, which is against the guidelines provided by the Supreme Court (Lewis, 2013). According to the Supreme Court, employees should be assessed using the same selection guidelines that an organization uses. Therefore, it was probable that the employee complaining against Dana’s performance may have

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effects of Pollution on World Economy Essay Example for Free

Effects of Pollution on World Economy Essay Today, the increase in the world population and the fact that improved lives leads to life in the cities could only mean more pollution and a concern for every one. The daily requirements of the humans have created an unrelenting world where human enterprise would not be ignored. The direct or indirect involvement such has been created by the necessity to survive largely as the major reason. Although, at times the basic force behind that, is the human nature to live comfortable lives by making work easier. Human activities on the face of the earth have affected the natural settings leading to major environmental impacts. Damage to the environment through pollution has always been the overriding result rather than improvement and development. In the recent increase in green house gas emissions have been rampant therefore warranting research, analyses and survey. The green house gases include carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons that cause air pollution chemicals responsible for water pollution water and other metals that cause pollution to land and water (Hill, 2004). The analysis of pollution The graph below illustrates the yearly carbon emissions from different regions from 1800 up to 2000 in Million metric tons of carbon per year. From, this graph it is clear that the most leading countries in carbon emissions rank among the most developed countries. Developing countries and the less developed countries like Africa rank the lowest from this graph. It has been explained that less developed and developing countries is that economic costs of environmental regulation and compliance are small in respect to factors of production inclining more to those that influence comparative advantage (Gallagher, 2004) Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Online, n. d. There is evidence that increase in economic growth leads to an increase in pollution has been authenticated by the research in Mexico by the use of Kuznet curve. What Gallagher in his paper says is that pollution surpasses the economic growth thus the industries must come with strong environment strategies to ensure hat the growth of both are at per. Otherwise pollution leads to loss of profits made by an industry. This means that pollution eats back to what has lead to the accumulation of wealth (Gallagher, 2004). Pollution effects from a negative outlook What do we mean by the term environment? The environment is composed of the natural situations that form the human living space. This means that these are the inputs for nature that man has to turn to at one point of his life for survival or to aid in acquisition of an otherwise important need in his or her life. In economic terms the environment is seen as a scarce good that has its own special attributes (Siebert, 2007). The argument is that environment has two conflicting functions, one being a public consumption good and the other a home for deposition of waste from the consumption and production processes. The transformation of the environment on the other hand has affected the humans and the enterprise leading to a cyclic system; a system that works by triggering form one end and the process comes back trough and from another end. One of the major environmental impacts has been pollution thus this research paper will concern on how pollution affects the world economy from all perspectives. Pollution in the world has seen the increase in carbon dioxide and fixation of nitrogen present in air since the start of industrial revolution. The major reason for this increase is due to human activities changing and recoursing the natural law order of making and degeneration of organic and inorganic substances. Fresh water available sources have been put into human use and millions of birds have gone to extinction due to human activities. It is very clear that the rate of degeneration caused by man is much faster than the way natural order would take to replace back or deal with the amount of excretion. This therefore, means we have a cause to worry because in the quest for dominion of the earth and to improve our lives the other side of the balance is getting heavier. The process of natural replacement requires one to a hundred years to be effective therefore if pollution goes on with the same kind of alarming rate then man has to use his own means to replace the depleted materials to their original levels. This is very costly and affects the world’s economy negatively (Ash Scholes, 2005). It is thus crucial to harmonize the different views on pollution to achieve pragmatism and success in the fight against man’s environment eventual extinction due to his own activities. This statement stems from the fact that pollution rates are different form the position of the country or region in that developing countries have the highest rates of pollution. This is a result of inadequate and many times lack of planning policies for the management of the waste form industries. On the other hand the rampant corruption harbored in these countries contributes immensely to the mismanagement of funds meant for the environment conservation and measures taken to avert the consequences of industrial effluents. However this does not mean that the developed countries are an exempt from this blame. Some of the most developed countries like America have large number of pollution from industries leading to mass destruction of animals especially in rivers lakes. At times these pollutant ranges to national border effects transported by agents like water and wind. Most of the large world economies since 1980’s have adopted the liberalized economy. This involves the right to engage in free trade using the available means of production. This thus, raises the concern of economy from the effect of pollution as a result of different countries applying all their resources to beat their inadequacy. This has translated to pollution taking two major turns. The first is the pollution from production and the second is pollution arising from consumption. In the quest to sustain energy production and sufficient supply of power major economies like China have resulted to using nuclear energy. This source of energy is renewable but has high dangers of leaking emission s to the atmosphere which can be lethal. The fact is that if it is lethal then it upsets the supply of labor if death occurs due to its results (Ash and Scholes, 2005). Labor is a very important factor of production which when terminated can lead to closure of factories besides causing negative growth. A very good example is the Bhopal accident in India that lead to the closure of the pesticide company due to death of 2000 to 8000 workers hours after the accident. Therefore the increased concern in the world environmental management has lead to United Nations concern of a fast fading natural setting world. This can be explained by the Kyoto protocol of 1997 which sought to achieve stabilization of green house gas concentrations in the atmosphere from dangerous levels that cause anthropogenic interference with the climate of the world. Many less developed and developing countries find themselves in situations of lack of enough capital to invest in the business equipment. It is therefore to assign a mammoth task to ask these business firms or industries to assign capital for purposes of preventing pollution. The implication from such kind of scenarios is that the externalities of pollution end up being passed to the society and to the governments indirectly. It is common in these economies to find that strategic industries are exempted from policies that are meant to curb the externalities because governments are not in position to make policies of internalization due to the importance attached (Stellman Bureau, 1998). Pollution has proved to be very costly to countries in terms of health and safety, waste, and clean up costs. Of most crucial point to be noted is the reduced life expectancy especially in developing nations. When pollution either air, water, land, noise or any other has adverse effects to the humans it becomes a major concern to check and rationalize the existence of such a firm or industry. Human life should be first be respected from any angle of perspective. The United Nations millennium goals state that life is a right that is inalienable. Therefore, the slightest notion that life human life is at risk should not be taken lightly. Gravity lies at the core of issues pertaining pollution and disturbance of human life. The greatest damage to the economy would be to destroy human life emanating from pollution. First it is not easy to diagnose the various signs and symptoms resulting from instances of pollution in the environment. This requires specialized personnel, equipments and a variety of high demanding technology to sort out the problem. Nonetheless, some of the effects to human health are life lasting thus the issues of compensation cannot be avoided. The point here is that a long and time exposure to pollution is an expense to the economy of a country. The expenditure in treating and maintaining health of humans caused by pollution is a major drawback to achieving success in the global development especially if the magnitude of such pollution is very prolonged over a long period of time (Limited, 2001). The other way of looking at the effect of pollution to the economy is the customer relation to pollution. From the point of any organization, firm, or business the ultimate final goal is to make profit. This means that form the management of business affairs all means must be employed to remain in the market for a long time and outdo other rival business or firms. This from the business point of view is very encouraging but to look at the other side of the face it has an ugly look. Pollution being a costly project requires planning for efficiency to balance internalities and externalities of a business. The damage that is done to the economy is that this cost is passed to the consumer. Such an economy where the consumer is robbed of the power to buy is a weak economy that is not driven by the market forces. It results to exploitation of the employer to the employee sine he has the means. The employee only works to achieve the basic needs. There is no pleasure derived from work thus the value of work in such an economy is downtrodden (Driesen, 2003). Pollution had had a myriad of problems and affects the economy of the world in a myriad ways. It is therefore, pertinent to mention that it might not be possible to tackle al of them. However, one major effect of pollution to the economy is international trade. The concept of international trade operates form the point of multinational companies moving to transnational border and trade relations between states. The fact that most of the products are transported from their place of manufacture to heir places of consumption means that they offer employment, so when such goods are found to be below standards or then they might be rejected. This means that the number of people who were working from these firms is laid off. This increases the rate of unemployment of such places in such countries. In this context, if such firms are closed the chances to improve are thwarted thus no chance is given to the possibility of innovation (Driesen, 2003). Conclusion In the light of this research paper it is worth to note that the effects of pollution have also a positive side. Already discussed above are the negative effects thus, the following part will try to look at the positive aspect of pollution. It might sound rather unconvincing but the approach will try to authenticate the concern correctly. Pollution being seen from the international trade of states lens can lead to effective prevention. This is possible from the fact that if a certain state identifies a certain product to be a pollutant then measures to control the production of such a product are put in place. This means that the regulations will apply to other state trading with this nation. This means that the overall economies are focused to have products that are acceptable to them and to other member states. This at he same time means that if pollution prevention measures are put in place the firms and manufacturing companies seek the alternative of innovating other methods to produce better goods that are in lime with the regulations on pollution prevention. This means that the products that arise as a result for this new invention are better placed thus they penetrate markets to leap heavily at the expense of the earlier polluting products. This raises the firm’s reputation as well as the market advantage (Driesen, 2003). At the same time, this new invention lead to offer of new employment thus the once aversive pollution firm now becomes the centre of interest by complete change of ideology and repackaging. If a manufacturing firm changes its products from the polluting ones to the zero or less polluting ones there is an increase in the requirement from the market due to the increase in population. This means that industrialization takes human life and aspects to another level of civilization. Thus, if there is no pollution we might be stagnating with obsolete technology that does not help mankind. Tabb argues that an economy grows from the pollution that emanates from the industries. If workers must die from pollution and in the response economy grows, then pollution is might be justified (Tabb, 1992).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Effect Of Government Expenditure Economics Essay

The Effect Of Government Expenditure Economics Essay Pakistan stood categorized in the sixties by high rates of growth and it was widely believed that this exclusive preoccupation with growth had resulted in concentration of income in a few rich families. It has been argued that the manufacturing sector received favorable treatment at the hands of government policy thereby redistributing income from agriculture to industrial sector through over-valued exchange rate for industrial Sector, provision of cheap credit, liberal import of capital goods at below equilibrium cost of capital. The relationship between government expenditure and economic growth has continued to generate series of debate among scholars. Government performs two functions- protection (and security) and provisions of certain public goods Protection function consist of the creation of rule of law and enforcement of property rights. This helps to minimize risks of criminality, protect life and property, and the nation from external aggression. Under the provisions of pu blic goods are defense, roads, education, health, and power, to mention few. Some scholars argue that increase in government expenditure on socio-economic and physical infrastructures encourages economic growth. For example, government expenditure on health and education raises the productivity of labor and increase the growth of national output. Similarly, expenditure on infrastructure such as roads, communications, power, etc, reduces production costs, increases private sector investment and profitability of firms, thus fostering economic growth. However, some scholars did not support the claim that increasing government expenditure promotes economic growth, instead they assert that higher government expenditure may slowdown overall performance of the economy. For instance, in an attempt to finance rising expenditure, government may increase taxes and/or borrowing. Higher income tax discourages individual from working for long hours or even searching for jobs. This in turn reduces income and aggregate demand. In the same vein, higher profit tax tends to increase production costs and reduce investment expenditure as well as profitability of firms. Moreover, if government increases borrowing (especially from the banks) in order to finance its expenditure, it will compete (crowds-out) away the private sector, thus reducing private investment. Furthermore, in a bid to score cheap popularity and ensure that they continue to remain in power, politicians and governments officials sometimes increase expenditure and investment in unproductive projects or in goods that the private sector can produce more efficiently. Thus, government activity sometimes produces misallocation of resources and impedes the growth of national economy. Public Finance is to provide information to all arms of government in other to provide useful data as done for the developed nations that transferred Pubic Finance technology to developing countries. However, the public finance technological transfer has not been used in developing countries to develop their economies. One of the assumptions might have been due to culture mingled with public finance information made available to policy makers. The realities have been x-rayed by public finance and practices. Thus, ID omen citied the following: Economic growth represents the expansion of a countrys potential GDP or output. 2. OBJECTIVE: 1. Short run relationship between government expenditure and economic growth of Pakistan. 2. Long run relationship between government expenditure and economic growth of Pakistan. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW: Ranjan KD, Sharma C Examined the effect of government development expenditure on economic growth during the period 1950-2007. The authors discovered a significant positive impact of government expenditure on economic growth. They also reported the existence of co integration among the variables. Easterly and Rebelo (2009) find that public investment in transport and communications in developing countries leads to higher economic growth. Abdullah HA, 2000 analyzed the relationship between government expenditure and economic growth. The author reported that the size of government is very important in the performance of economy. He advised that government should increase its spending on Infrastructure, social and economic activities. In addition, government should encourage and support the private sector to accelerate economic growth. Ogiogio GO Revealed a long-term relationship between government expenditure and economic growth. Moreover, the authors findings showed that recurrent expenditure exerts more influence than capital expenditure on growth. On empirical research using panel data, one can cite (among others) the papers by Devarajan et al. (1996) henceforth DSZ and Gupta et al. (2005) On the composition of government expenditure and growth for a sample of developing countries. DSZ found a negative (positive) and significant relationship between the capital (current) component of public expenditure and per capita real GDP growth for 43 countries over the period 1970-1990, while Gupta et al. (2005) found quite the reverse for 39 countries between 1990 and 2000. Lee et al. (2009), commenting on Islam (2009), observe that slope heterogeneity, even when random, causes major difficulties for estimation in dynamic panels. They contend that potential heterogeneity in growth rates of different countries renders the standard fixed effects panel estimator to be biased. Given the importance of slope heterogeneity as an econometric issue (see, among others, Baltagi (1995), and Pesaran and Smith (1995), we extend the methodology implemented by DSZ by explicitly modelling the potential cross-country heterogeneity in capital and current expenditure. The fixed effects panel estimator used in DSZ assumes that all the slope coefficients, adjustment dynamics and error variances are invariant across all countries. However, these assumptions are unlikely to hold, because countries are not unanimous in their views on the role of government expenditure in fostering growth, and this largely depends on the political stance of the party in power. The importance assigned to capital and current expenditures, i.e., the 1 commitment to spend on viable long-term capital projects vis-a-vis the spending on recurrent types of expenditure like wages and salaries, subsidies and pension arrangements, also vary across countries. The potential cross-country variations in the parameters of the level and composition of public expenditure are consequently modelled as a linear function of country-specific levels of current and capital spending in this paper. Wagner says, (1999:46) That there is a positive relationship between the per capital income of the citizens in a country with government spending such that the income elasticity of government expenditure is always greater than one. However, other researchers have discovered that the relationship is not always certain because there are periods when government expenditure in relations to the national income will decline when the elasticity of income to government expenditure is less than one. Ram Rati (1986) concluded that overall impact of government size and government expenditures on growth is positive. Rostow Musgrave model (1999:46) carried out a research on growth of public expenditure and concluded that, at the early stages of economic development, the rate of growth of public expenditure will be very high because government provides the basic infrastructural facilities (social overheads) and most of these projects are capital intensive, therefore, the spending of the government will increase steadily. The investment in education, health, roads, electricity, water supply are necessities that can launch the economy from the practitioner stage to the take off stage of economic development, making government to spend and increasing amount with time in order to develop an egalitarian society. To illustrate, models with varieties of capital goods is related to technological process corresponds to an expansion of the number of capital goods, the production function Barros (1979) Tax-smoothing hypothesis says that, if the marginal cost of raising tax revenue is increasing the optimal tax rate is a martingale. This implies that changes in the tax rate will be permanent and, given their different effects on growth, under the two types of growth models, very useful in empirically distinguishing between the exogenous and endogenous models. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: According to the Keynesian there is increase in government expenditure, the country will grow, holding other things constant. Y = C + I + G+ (X-M ) Y = GDP C=consumption I= Investment (X-M)=Net exports 4. DATA AND METHODOLOGY: Data is collected on annual basis from the year 1972 to 2008 from various issues of economic survey of Pakistan and IFS (International Financial statistics) for GDP and government expenditure. That is converted into growth form. Oxmatrics software is used for estimation. Model: Y=f (GE) Where GE=Government expenditures The model is specified as Y=ÃŽ ±+ ÃŽ ² (GE) +  µ Where GE=Government expenditures  µ=error term Y = GDP growth 5.Estimation technique: Unit root Test: Both series GDP and GE are unit root. AS ADF greater than critical value so we can further proceed for co integration. Regression model: After regression disequilibrium saved the residuals , further test the residuals for stationary , so the residual is stationary it means co integration is exist between GDP and government expenditures. Unit root for disequilibrium: As ADF is less than critical value so the series is stationary and co integration exists. ERROR CORRECTION MODEL: Now check the long run relationship between government expenditures and GDP growth by ECM. This is error correction model Dgdp = + 0.9029*DLgov 0.8551*deq_1 So the value of dis equilibrium is negative and lies between 0 to 1 there exists long run relationship between two variables. 6. Policy implications: The results suggest that the economic growth can be achieved by increasing government expenditures. As we know that increase in government expenditures has also other implications for the economy and this study is limited in scope. So we suggest that government expenditures hike will increase GDP keeping other things constant.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells Essay -- Papers Willi

The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells In the novel, The Rise of Silas Lapham, William Dean Howells makes a particular point about the morals of an individual in the business world. His point is that an individual, such as Silas, must check their morals at the door if they have any plans to make it in the business world. The novel has always been popular, partly because it presents Lapham's financial and social failure as "consciously and deliberately chosen" when he has to decide whether he shall cheat and stay on top in business or tell the truth and fail irrecoverably (Gibson 283). The Rise of Silas Lapham is a novel that deals with the potential moral corruption of a man by money. The outward signs of Silas Lapham's corruption are his attempts to buy his way into social acceptance with a costly house and to buy his way out of moral responsibility through the deliberately unwise loan to a former partner and victim. The loan, made with money that his wife prevented him from spending on the house, is a complication that is neither accidental nor trivial. His eventual "rise" is a moral one resulting from the rejection of a legally sound but purely materialistic standard. It is accompanied by a corresponding adjustment in his understanding of the meaning of social differences, and a return to the "tradition" which had given his own family life solidity and dignity (Bennet 150). By using setting, symbolism and characterization, William Dean Howells writes about the conflicts of an individual and the world of big business, in the 19th century. The setting is a crucial part of the story. The Rise of Silas Lapham is set in the city of Boston, Massachusetts in the late 19th century. If the story where set anyw... ...terature. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Vol. 3. Marshall Cavendice Corporation: New York, 1991. 932-945. Kirk, Clara Manburg. W.D. Howells and Art In His Time. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1965. Petry, Alice Hall. "William Dean Howells." Critical Survey of Long Fiction. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Vol. 4. Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press, 1983. 1,368-1,379. Pizer, Donald. "The Ethnical Unity of The Rise of Silas Lapham." Critics on William Dean Howells. Ed. Paul A. Eschholz. Coral Garden: University of Miami Press. 80-83. "Portrait Of An American." William Dean Howells: The Development of A Novelist. Ed. George N. Bennet. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959. 50-51, 80-81, 150-161. Scudder, Horace E. "Recent American Fiction." Critical Essays On William Dean Howells, 1866-1920. Ed. Edwin H. Cady and Norma W. Cady. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1983. 37-57

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Evaluation of Subway’s Branding and its SWOT analysis Essay

NAMEA brand is a combination of name, term, sign, symbol and design intended to identify the goods or services of one seller, which helps him/her to differentiate from those of competitors (Kotler 2006, 269). Subway is first known as Pete’s Super Submarine in 1965. The name was shortened to Subway and it is also then, the first franchised unit was opened in 1974 in Connecticut (Subway 2008). Perhaps, the founder of subway – Fred DeLuca and Dr. Peter Buck – realized the importance of developing a good brand name. There are several desirable qualities for a brand name. It should (i) suggest about the product’s benefits and qualities, (ii) be easy to pronounce, recognize and remember, and (iii) distinctive. Subway has fulfilled all these qualities. Its slogan ‘Eat Fresh† suggests the freshness of the ingredients used for the submarine sandwiches. Also, as Subway offers a wide assortment of products like sandwiches, salads, cookies, potato chips etc, making every visit a fresh one for its consumers. The colour green and the use of tomatoes in the logo symbolize the healthier aspect of Subway’s food products. Subway has a high degree of brand awareness; consumers are able to associate Subway with its submarine sandwiches that are filled with fresh vegetables. The brand name is not offensive; it did not create any inappropriate excitement like French Connection’s provocative slogan – FCUK, which has resulted in many controversies in countries including Singapore. Brand name is very important as a good one can add greatly to a product’s success (Kotler 2006, 273). SUBWAY’S OVERALL STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES StrengthsSubway has successfully market itself as a healthier alternative to traditional greasy fast food. In the press release on 18 November 1999, Subway has listed the seven low-fat subs with 6 grams of fat or less menu offering convenience and good nutrition food products for consumers’ fast-paced lives. This has made Subway as the best fast food choice for consumers who are concerned about eating right; counting calories or trying to eat healthy. Also, according to the press release, Subway is conscious of the dietary needs of vegetarian consumers and offer options for them – Veggie Delite, which is simply a salad sandwich. At Subway, consumers are able to personalize their own submarine sandwich by choosing the type of ingredients, condiments and salad  dressing they wish to have for their sandwiches. The choice of getting the sandwich toasted is available too. This personalized service is not common in most of the fast food restaurants. Besides, unique sides like freshly baked cookies and potato chips are offered instead of the usual mash potatoes, French fries or coleslaw. Generally, the portion served is relatively in comparison to normal burgers. Overall, Subway’s sandwiches are loaded with fresh ingredients that differentiate Subway from its competitors. WeaknessesSubway’s sandwiches tend to become soggy after kept for a period of time without consuming. This will affect the overall tastiness of the sandwich. Such situation happens most frequently to people who do take-away. In addition, Subway’s sandwiches only come in Six-inch or foot-long sizes. This may be considered a relatively large portion to consumers whom may have smaller appetites, especially for the tweens and those younger. Also, Subway’s sandwiches are not Halal Certified. ‘Halal’ is an Arabic word which means lawful or allowable. Any food or drink that falls under this category is permitted for consumption. (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore 2008) Since subway’s products are not Halal Certified, the affected people would mainly be the Muslims. As a result, Subway may lose such potential consumers, where actually there could be opportunities to tap a global Halal food market of about 1.4 billion people. Hence, stalls with Halal Certification will have a competitive advantage over Subway. (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore 2008) RECOMMENDATIONS 1.To prevent Sandwiches from becoming soggy easily, Subway can separate Sandwich’s dressing for take-away orders. Thus, the taste of the Sandwiches will not be affected. 2.To overcome the weakness of Sandwiches being a relatively big portion to people with smaller appetites, Subway can introduce smaller sizes of sandwich. Also, even though Subway Singapore does provide kids meal to cater to the tweens and younger crowd, known as â€Å"Kids’ Pak†, when compared to kids meal available in McDonald’s and Burger King, Kids’ Pak is relatively unknown. The image of Kids’ Pak. (Official SUBWAY Restaurants’ Web Site 2008)Kids’ Pak ®, a specially designed meal package for children that includes a  sandwich prepared on a 4-inch round deli-style roll, a fruit roll fruit snack, a 100% juice box and a toy premium. (Subway Singapore 2008) (Is it possible for this paragraph to shift to beside the above pic?)Hence, Subway Singapore should widely advertise on the availability of such kids meal to gain more consumer awareness of the product. This can be done through posters and TV advertising, especially on Kids Central – Singapore’s local channel for kids, where children are the main viewers. This way, it will appeal greatly to them and parents will see the meal as a great option for a healthier meal as fats contained within the Subway’s Kids’ Pak – similar to Subway Fresh Fit for Kids is much lesser than in Kids’ Meal offered by McDonald’s and Burger King. (Subway Fres h Fit n.d.) The Image of Halal Certification (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore 2008)However, presently, Subway is not able to obtain Halal Certification due to various market, regulatory and business issues. However, Subway still does cater to customers who need a non-pork menu. Subway obliges by recommending them what is suitable in the menu and would change to a fresh pair of gloves to prepare the sandwiches. (Subway Singapore 2008) IN GENERAL, GIVE 5 EXAMPLES OF PACKAGING OR BRANDING WHICH SERVES A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE FOR A FIRM Coke: The packaging of coke not only offers convenience to consumers, but also helps consumer to identify the product easily through its shape and colour – red and white, of the bottle. In addition, the branding of Coke has facilitated the promotion of all same-brand products. Examples are Coke Zero, Coke Light and Vanilla Coke. McDonalds’: The logo ‘M’ is well recognized worldwide which helps speed consumer purchases by identifying the firms’ product. The colour combination of the logo – red and yellow also acts as a tool in identifying its product. Apple: The logo of Apple denotes product quality and a form as status and self-expresion as apple has successfully brand and market itself. According to Gobe, M., â€Å"The power of their branding (Apple) is all that keeps them alive†, where brands have established deep, lasting bonds with their customers. (Kahney 2002) This foster of brand loyalty serves as a competitive advantage over rival firms. KFC: The acronym of Kentucky Fried Chicken makes it easier for consumer to say and spell. It also denotes the product that it’s selling and differentiates the quality of it chicken sold from competing firms. Moreover, the use of ‘Colonel Sanders’ as a mascot/logo further helps in identifying KFC’s product. (Armin. 2006)Nike: Nike has effectively brand itself using a ‘tick’ as its logo. The incorporating of the simple ‘tick’ onto the design of its products makes it distinctive from rival firms. In general, all these brands are widely recognized, where consumers are simply able to relate the brand name and its products. (Need to write conclusion?)Reference List1.Kotler, P., S. Adam, L. Brown, and G. Armstrong. 2006. Principles of Marketing. Australia. Pearson Education Australia. 2.Subway 2008. n.d. About Subway : History. (accessed October 2, 2008). 3.Singapore. Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore. 2008. Halal Main Page: Basic Principles. Islamic Religious Council of Singapore. (accessed October 5, 2008)4.Singapore. Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore. 2008. Halal Certification: Halal Certification Benefits. Islamic Religious Council of Singapore. (accessed October 5, 2008)5.Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore [Image]. 2008. (accessed October 5, 2008)6.Subway Singapore. 2008. About us: Subway FAQ’s. Singapore. 2008. Frequently Asked Questions. SUBWAY Restaurants’ Web Site [Image]. 2008. Fresh Fit. n.d. Fit Kids: Nutritional Information.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Use the Spanish Preposition A

How To Use the Spanish Preposition A The Spanish preposition a is often thought of as the equivalent of to - but in fact it has far more uses. A can also be the equivalent of on, at, from, by or in, among others. And in many cases it is not translated at all. Rather than learning how to use the Spanish a by its translation, it is probably best to learn the purposes for which a is used. The following list doesnt cover all its uses, but it does show the uses you are most likely to come across at the beginning stages of learning Spanish. Where a is translated, the translation is indicated in boldface. Using A To Indicate Motion or Location Almost any verb indicating motion, and even nouns, can be followed by a before a destination. It can also be used with some other verbs to indicate where the verbs action takes place. Llegamos a Argentina. (We arrived in Argentina.)Se acercà ³ a la casa. (He approached the house.)Cayà ³ al piso. (It fell to the floor.)Ofrecemos servicios especializados para facilitar su visita a Disneyland. (We offer specialized services to facility your visit to Disneyland.)Esa es la puerta al baà ±o. (That is the door to the bathroom. Al is a contraction of a el, usually meaning to the.)Me siento a la mesa. (I am sitting at the table.) Using A Before an Infinitive A is often used to connect a verb with an infinitive that follows. This use is especially common when indicating the start of an action. In these cases, a is not translated separately from the infinitive. Empezà ³ a salir. (She began to leave.)Entrà ³ a hablar contigo. (He came in to talk to you.)Él se negà ³ a nadar. (He refused to swim.)He venido a estudiar. (I have come to study.)Comenzà ³ a bailar. (She began to dance.) The most common usage following this patter is using ir a infinitive to form the a type of future tense  known as the periphrastic future. Si no jugamos bien no vamos a ganar. (If we dont play well we arent going to win.)Voy  a  cantar.  (I am going to sing.)Tenemos que aceptar que tal vez no nos vayan a entender. (We have to accept that sometimes they arent going to understand us.) Using A To Indicate Manner or Method Numerous expressions begin with a followed by a noun to indicate how something is done. The phrase starting with a functions as an adverb and is sometimes translated as one. Vamos a pie. (We are going on foot.)Hay que fijarlo a mano. (It is necessary to fix it by hand. Note that a mano also could have been translated as manually, an adverb.)Estoy a dieta. (I am on a diet.)Escribo a lpiz. (I am writing with a pencil.)Andan a ciegas. (They are walking blindly.)Llegamos a tiempo. (We are arriving on time.)La internet evoluciona a cada instante. (The Internet is changing constantly.)Lee el libro a escondidas. (She is studying the book covertly.) Introducing an Object With A Before a direct object, a is used before name or noun that represents a person in a usage known as the personal a. The preposition in these cases usually is not translated. A can also introduce an indirect object. Conozco a Pedro. (I know Peter. In this and the next two examples, the name functions as a direct object.)Encontrà © a Fido. (I found Fido.)Verà © a Marà ­a. (I will see Mary.)Le doy una camisa a Jorge. (I am giving a shirt to George. In this and the next three examples, George is an indirect object. Note how the translation of a varies with the verb.)Le compro una camisa a Jorge. (I am buying a shirt for George.)Le robo una camisa a Jorge. (I am taking a shirt from George.)Le pongo la camisa a Jorge. (I am putting the shirt on George.) Using A in Time Expressions A is sometimes used in specifying times or days. Salimos a las cuatro. (We are leaving at four.)A la una de la noche escuchamos maullar. (At 1 in the morning we heard meowing.)Estamos a lunes. (Today is Monday. Literally, we are at Monday.)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Romanticism and the Supernatural in Edgar Allan Poes Ligeia

Romanticism and the Supernatural in Edgar Allan Poe's Ligeia Although the movement began more than 130 years ago, readers today are still trying to define the highly complex genre known as  American Romanticism. Understanding the meaning of the literary period is challenging. Romanticism in America consisted of several common themes that questioned earlier ideas of  literature,  art, and philosophy. This feature will discuss Edgar Allan Poes Ligeia (1838) to demonstrate how one writer uses  supernatural themes than the more traditional, classical themes of the 18th century. Ligeia's Unusual Beauty Not only does Ligeias unusual beauty represent a reoccurring theme throughout the story, but the text portrays Poes method of rejecting the ordinary, a common theme in past literature, while still promoting the ideas of Romanticism. One example of this is how Poe repeatedly points out how flaws in the classical appearance of Rowena, the fair-haired, the blue-eyed, by comparing her to Ligeia whose features were not of that regular mould which we have been falsely taught to worship in the classical labors of the heathen. Poe explains through the narrator how more exalted and meaningful Ligeias beauty is specifically because she exhibits more natural features instead of the classical features. Poe clearly rejects classical beauty by killing off Rowena and having Ligeia, the heroine and the personification of Romantic beauty, live on through Rowenas body. The narrator describes his beautiful spouse almost like a ghost: She came and departed as a shadow. He also thinks her beauty, more specifically her eyes, as a strange mystery. Her eyes make her seem unreal or superhuman because of her large expressive eyes that the narrator cannot explain except that they are far larger than the ordinary eyes of our own race. The rejection of the classical values and the welcoming of the supernatural through unusual, mysterious beauty indicates Poes bias towards Romantic themes particularly since the narrator describes her eyes and voice further as which at once so delighted and appalled meby the almost magical melody, modulation, distinctness, and placidity of her low voice. In this statement, Ligeia almost frightens the narrator because of her grotesque and supernatural qualities. He cannot explain what he sees, but in Romanticism, many times the writers threw out the rational and replaced it with the irregular and unexplained. When Did We Meet? Another contradiction of the narrators relationship with Ligeia is how he cannot explain how he knows her, or when and where they met. I cannot, for my soul, remember how, when, or even precisely where, I first became acquainted with the lady Ligeia. Why is it that Ligeia has taken away his recollection? Consider how unusual this episode is since most people can remember the smallest details of meeting their true love. It seems that she almost has control over him. Then, her love for him demonstrates more Romantic themes of the supernatural since she returns from the dead through Rowena. Often, Romanticist literature tried to disconnect itself with past literary styles by adding a theme of unusual remoteness concerning time and space. For example, Ligeias identity has no clear beginning or end. This fact clearly demonstrates another example of this excessive, irregular, and unexplained style of writing commonly found in Romanticist literature. We never know how the narrator meets Ligeia, where she was after she dies, or how she is capable of resurrecting herself through another woman. All of this is in strict defiance of Restoration literature and a rejection of 18th-century writers philosophies. By challenging what 18th-century writers labeled as appropriate themes, Poe writes Ligeia to promote his belief in Romanticist theories and ideas. His originality, specifically the use of the supernatural, is a consistent example of the innovation projected throughout Romantic literature.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Endangered Species Issue in the United States

Endangered Species Issue in the United States In the past, widespread federal and private poisoning almost led to the extinction of the gray wolf in the United States (Goodall Hudson, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Endangered Species Issue in the United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After it was listed among the endangered species in northern America, the government and animal conservationist spent millions of dollars in ensuring that this endangered species regained its initial population size. The North America’s gray wolves have played a vital role in the ecosystem (Goodall Hudson, 2009). With the extinction of these carnivores in the North American habitats, trophic cascades in the ecosystem will undergo considerable changes (Cain, 2008). The alteration of trophic cascades affects the diversity and functioning of plants’ population. Due to the increase in ungulates’ population, plants’ biomass will reduce and a ffect soil and water availability. Normally, plants’ roots hold the soil together and prevent soil erosion. With their destruction, soil erosion will be unavoidable. Correspondingly, the alteration of the soil composition through soil erosion results in the modification of biotic and a-biotic resources causing changes in habitats (Cain, 2008). The presence of wolves in an ecosystem controls the distribution, conduct and foraging manner of the existing ungulates. In a research conducted in Yellow Stone National Park, the reintroduction of gray wolves resulted in behavioral change of most ungulates (Reiter, 2003). The research established that most ungulates reduce the time they spend browsing woody vegetation upon the introduction of wolves in the national park. In this regard, the woody vegetation increased. Conversely, with the extinction of the gray wolves in the ecosystem, ungulates will have ample time to browse the woody vegetation. This will lead to a decline in their n umber and may eventually become extinct. Likewise, the presence of wolves in a particular ecosystem can determine the behavior of scavengers. With the wolves’ extinction, the population of scavengers will decline as those unwilling to adapt and hunt on their own will starve and die (Swinburne Brandenburg, 1999).Advertising Looking for essay on ecology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The existence of wolves in an ecosystem helps to eliminate the weak, diseased, injured and less fitting prey. In this regard, wolves ensure the sustenance of future generations of most ungulates through the passage of desired genes from the healthy and environmentally fitting preys (Reiter, 2003). Thus, the extinction of wolves in our ecosystem will results in an increase in the ungulates population comprising of unhealthy and undesired preys. With the presence of unhealthy members of the prey, disease threats will compromise the future population (Reiter, 2003). Wolves’ population determines an ecosystem’s mechanism, process and structures. Commonly, wolves influence the profusion of ungulates in an ecosystem (Mech, 1970). In this regard, plants’ composition and population is indirectly affected. With more wolves in an ecosystem, the number of ungulates will reduce. This will lead to an increase in the plants’ biomass and diversity. Conversely, the extinction of the wolves’ population will result in an increase in the ungulates population resulting in the reduction and maybe extinction of some of the plant biomass and diversity (Mech, 1970). Similarly, the extinction of gray wolves will result in an increase in the number of their competitors. These include the brown and black bears. The brown bears population will increase due to the sufficient presence of prey with the extinction of the grey wolves. In addition, the black bears population will ultimately increase althou gh the two species rarely compete over the same prey. Since gray wolves usually kill black bears’ cubs, their extinction means that the black bears population will increase. References Cain, M. L. (2008). Ecology. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Endangered Species Issue in the United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Goodall, J., Maynard, T., Hudson, G. E. (2009). Hope for animals and their world: how endangered species are being rescued from the brink. New York: Grand Central Pub.. Mech, L. D. (1970). The wolf: the ecology and behavior of an endangered species, ([1st ed.). Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the American Museum of Natural History by the Natural History Press. Reiter, C. (2003). The gray wolf. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Books. Swinburne, S. R., Brandenburg, J. (1999). Once a wolf: how wildlife biologists fought to bring back the gray wo lf. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Australian Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Australian Economy - Essay Example This  context  illustrates how successful the Australian Government and the Reserve Bank of Australia have been in running the Australian economy. It also describes and evaluates the  main  macroeconomic policies used by the Australian Government and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). A). How Successful have the Australian Government and the Reserve Bank of Australia been in Running the Australian Economy over the last two years? In the last two years, Australia has had a  sound  economic  running. Australia’s  constructive  outlook  is maintained  by its strong financial position. A continued  phase  of Government  budget  spares has allowed the Australian Government, and  several  state levels Government to  retreat  vast quantities of Government arrears. Net Government arrears  were eradicated  in 2005-06 making Australia a net creditor. In May 2008, the Australian Government obligated to a  budget  spare  equal  to 1.8 pe r cent of GDP, some $21.7 billion. Australian’s self-regulating central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), is  accountable  for  financial  policy, in  fastidious  to  keep  user  price  increase  between two and three percent, on standard, over business phases (Foley, 2009: 1). Australia has advanced  fiscal  structure. Australia possesses a  sound  and  realistic  structure  of  economic  regulations and organizations that provides  assurance  for  commerce  and is  open  to savings without unnecessary delay. There is a  tough, transparent,  commercial  governance  scheme  together with business-oriented  commercial  regulation  and  bankruptcy  managements. Australia’s long and  wide  period  of  financial  development  has  broadened its infrastructure  competence  to the edge. Identifying the potential  competence  restraints consequential from this crisis, the Go vernment devoted in 2008 to making an  organization  named Infrastructure Australia, to  offer  a  fresh, national  method  to planning, supporting and implementing the future infrastructure needs of the nation. Safe,  steady  and  successful, Australia is a progressively more attractive  heart  for global and local  commercial  operations (Glynn, 2010: 1). The population of Australia is changing, not only the  expansion  and  general  size of the population, but  significantly  where people reside and the structure of the  population  in terms of skills, age and  literary  background. In order to  adjust  to change and  form  sustainable societies, people  are supposed  to incorporate environmental,  communal  and economic factors to  offer  present  and upcoming generations with the  chance  to  lead  strong  and  satisfying  lives. The manner in which  government  plans and programs  facilit ate  to  shape  and react to changes in the population will be a  vital  element in attaining a more sustainable Australia.  In the 2010 election, the Government of Australia reaffirmed its  obligation  to the growth of a Sustainable Population Strategy. This is important because the Australian Government was able to  manage  its economy with reference to the population of Australia. Good Australian’s Governance has helped in the development of economy in Australia in the last two years. Lives have significantly improved, as there is a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Is China's rise an opportunity or a threat to world Essay

Is China's rise an opportunity or a threat to world - Essay Example Munakata (2003) has discussed the impact of China’s rise from a Japanese perspective. He points out that China is viewed as an economic threat because of the high level of imports from China, the rise in foreign direct investment and the inexhaustible supply of low cost hard working laborers, as well as educated engineers and researchers. However, it also provides an opportunity for Japan, because it is the fast growing export market, the profitability of Japanese investments in China has improved considerably, and increased mergers between Chinese and Japanese companies have resulted in a financial windfall for Japan, thus this author concludes that China’s rise is more of an opportunity rather than a threat. According to Lampton (2007), the United States is not making an accurate assessment of China’s rise, since it is focusing on China’s military might. It views China as an emerging military power because the country is too big to compel cooperation, however this could result in unnecessary squandering of resources. Lampton (2007) suggests that instead of viewing China’s rise mainly in terms of its growing strength, there is a need to pay attention to its growth in the economic and intellectual domains. He suggests that the U.S. should focus on ways to improve cooperation and ally with China instead of entering into conflict. Restall(2007) is of the view that China’s military build up is not of a magnitude as to be a source of concern to the United States. The important aspect of this growing military strength is that China is taking on the role of providing military protection to smaller Asian States, which was once the U.S. role. As a result, China poses a threat to the United States hegemony in Asia. It is also entering into pragmatic partnerships with Asian countries and capitalizing on the desire among Asians for self reliance and freedom from outside interference. Therefore China appears poised to play a

Chronic Condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Chronic Condition - Essay Example ferrals the patient needs. The goals of this are established to ensure a thorough assessment of chronic diseases and their impact on patient’s physiology, as well as their psychology. Body End-stage renal disease, according to Patel (2009) is the â€Å"complete, or almost complete, failure of the kidneys to function. The kidneys can no longer remove wastes, concentrate urine, and regulate many other important body functions†. This disease can come about when the kidneys are no longer able to carry out their normal function. It is often seen with the kidneys functioning at less than 10% of normal functions (Patel, 2009). This disease is known to worsen within 10-20 years, before reaching end-stage levels. Patients at this stage require dialysis or a kidney transplant. Mostly, this disease is caused by diabetes and hypertension. In end-stage renal disease, the urine volume may decrease or may even stop, and patients afflicted with this disease require tests to assess the levels of the following: potassium, sodium, albumin, phosphorous, calcium, cholesterol, magnesium, complete blood count, and electrolytes (Patel, 2009). These tests would help establish the general condition of the patient and establish the necessary remedies which must be undertaken to ensure adequate care. Experience of your patient compared with the typical lived experience of those with this condition Donna, 37 years old, was first admitted two years prior to her current admission, with complaints of insomnia and frequent headaches. She expressed that she often woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble getting back to sleep soon after. She also experienced increasing bouts of headaches which could not be relieved by pain relievers. She also described feeling generally weak and easily exhausted. She also complained of hiccupping frequently, sometimes burping frequently, even when she has not eaten anything. Her husband also noted that she seemed to be darker as compared to before when she had lighter skin. She then sought consult with her GP who ordered some initial tests including blood work and urinalysis. Her initial results, prompted more tests to be undertaken until repeated confirmatory tests indicated that she had high creatinine levels which strongly indicated a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. She was later admitted for AV Fistula (AVF) surgery in preparation for her dialysis. A month after her AVF, she was scheduled for dialysis. A kidney transplant was also recommended for her. Initial cross-matching tests from immediate relatives revealed no organ matches. In the meantime, her name was entered in the waiting list for patients needing new kidneys. Meanwhile, she was required to have weekly injections of erythropoietin, as well as daily medications for a variety of drugs which are meant to manage her potassium, sodium, as well as blood pressure. After one year from her initial consultation, her creatinine levels increased to levels re quiring dialysis.

Childcare Education as a Entrance to the Society Assignment

Childcare Education as a Entrance to the Society - Assignment Example In this specific case, I would consider a child who has received impartial warmth and affection from his parents and family. The child is the victim of ignorance, and therefore his overall influence and participation in the social and family affairs is minimum. Under Circle of Courage Philosophy, it is important to incorporate belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity in the child. The child shall have a sense of association and belonging, this will make a child more responsible and adaptable towards the society. The sense of leadership is an important trait of personality, and the child shall be trained to lead and play a significant role in the activity. It is important that child shall act independently; the emotions and actions of the child should be independent and should be based upon his personal understanding (Larry, 2005). It is important that under no circumstances, the child shall get under the influence of another person except for parents. The mentoring of parents is instrumental in inflicting the sense of leadership. ... It is important that the child is protected from the social injustice, alienation, vanity, and conviction (Larry, 2005). At the very early stage of his early, the mind of the child is the fluid form which takes the shape of the bowl it is poured into; therefore it is important to be careful in the treatment of such child. It is important that such child shall be protected from the troubled and difficult situation. Often parents put their children in a troubled situation to assess their reaction and approach. This is an incorrect approach, it is recommended never to put the child to any test. With reference to this specific case of a neglected child, it is important that the child shall be given love and affection, rather such child shall be the hub of love and affection from all the family members, in particular, the parents (Frederick, 2008).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fallacy arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fallacy arguments - Essay Example This was also the time when Lindsey decided to go to university. The fallacy that the speaker commits here is the oversimplified cause fallacy. First, the speaker believes that since the relationship went downhill at the same time that Lindsey went to university, then the university thing must have been the reason behind the failure of the relationship. However, these may have only been a coincidence, and that nobody could really actually say that two events happening together in close succession would be both a cause and an effect. Second, the speaker falsely labels Lindsey’s decision to go to university as something that violates the traditional female role. Perhaps, the speaker equates female tradition with submission to the male gender or prioritizing one’s boyfriend instead of going to school. Either way, the meaning of â€Å"traditional female role† is vague. The fallacy is therefore committed as the speaker labels this decision of Lindsey’s to go to university as something that violates the traditional female role, and somehow hastily ascribing to this abandonment of the traditional female role as the cause of the failure of a relationship. 2. Mayor Ford: Reporters from the Toronto Star, and Globe and Mail newspapers have claimed that I use crack cocaine, and that my brother dealt drugs in the 80’s. But those reporters are just a bunch of maggots. So, nobody should listen to those little sleaze bags. Premise 1) The reporters of certain newspapers claim that Mayor Ford uses cocaine and implicates his brother in this. 2) These reporters are a â€Å"bunch of maggots† and â€Å"little sleaze bags.† Conclusion: Nobody should listen to them, or what they are saying is not true. Fallacy: Ad hominem According to the mayor himself, the reporters of the various newspapers whom he named were accusing him of using drugs and even implicate his brother in this. However, instead of stating whether these accusations are t rue or not, or instead of giving his statement on the matter, the mayor decided to resort to committing the fallacy of ad hominem by calling these reporters a â€Å"bunch of maggots† and â€Å"little sleaze bags† – which are extremely derogatory terms. These bad names were used by the mayor in order to discredit these reporters and to somehow make the reader feel that these reporters do not deserve to be heard at all. Thus, the tendency of those who will believe the mayor’s statement will be to refuse to believe the reporters. The mayor is perhaps committing this fallacy deliberately in order to evade the true issue, or perhaps the possible truth that he really was a crackpot. 3. Keesha: I’ve just started using Weight Watcher’s weight loss program. You should really try it. Martin: Why Weight Watchers? Aren’t there lots of different weight loss programs out there? Keesha: Well maybe, but I know Weight Watchers is the best because the sales associate at Weight Watchers told me that their program is the only way to lose weight safely and effectively. Premise 1) The sales associate at Weight Watchers told Keesha that their program is the only way to lose weight safely and effectively. 2) Weight Watchers is the best. Conclusion: Keesha has started using Weight Watcher’s weight loss program. Fallacy: Inappropriate Appeal to Authority According to Keesha, the Weight Watchers weight loss prog

Middterm essY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Middterm essY - Essay Example With regards to the exemplification of the first economic principle, consumer choice, this can relatively be defined in terms of the fact that the consumer continually wants more than he/she can provide. In essence, a desire exist within the current market for French fries; even though it is true that this food is very harmful to the health and weight of the individual in question. Yet as a clear and evident outgrowth of the fact that consumer demands know no bounds, the article references the fact that a clear and unmet demand exists for â€Å"low fat† French fries; something that none of the main fast food chains have moved towards supplying to the market. In this way, the article goes on to explain how Burger King seeks to lead the market by providing what consumers have been demanding. It is likely to assume that the move by Burger King to fill this shortage in supply of a commodity that consumers have actively been seeking will provide a level of profitability that other firms operating within the same markets have not had the presence of mind to fulfill (O’Connor 1). An additional economic principle that is referenced within the article in question is with regards to the fact that the consequences of consumer choice of live in the future. Whereas it is unfair to state that this economic principle has not been appreciated within the past, it can necessarily be seen could be more relevant with regards to the current situation and the way in which consumers are unequivocally more concerned with regards to the health and safety of the food products that they consume. Recent levels of environmentalism and the focus upon organic foods has led consumers to demand high-quality with regards to products they regularly integrate with. Likewise, seeking to tie this back in with the economic principle of the consequences lying in the future, the reader can easily discern the fact that continuing to assume French fries that are high in fat ultimately has a detrimental impact with regards to the future health and longevity of the individual in question. Within such a way, Burger King has leverage this understanding and seeks to utilize this level of forethought and planning as a means of selling an entirely new product; likely at a slightly higher rate than be alternatively less healthful traditional fries. Although the examples that have thus far been pointed out may seem as somewhat trite, the fact of the matter is that firms such as Burger King are intimately aware of the decision making structure and impetus that encourages the consumer to integrate with their product. In this way, seeking to understand these environmental factors and the recent push towards engaging anymore healthful lifestyle, firms are ultimately faced with two decisions. They can either continue to offer the product that they have offered in the past, to a great deal of commercial success, or they

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Childcare Education as a Entrance to the Society Assignment

Childcare Education as a Entrance to the Society - Assignment Example In this specific case, I would consider a child who has received impartial warmth and affection from his parents and family. The child is the victim of ignorance, and therefore his overall influence and participation in the social and family affairs is minimum. Under Circle of Courage Philosophy, it is important to incorporate belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity in the child. The child shall have a sense of association and belonging, this will make a child more responsible and adaptable towards the society. The sense of leadership is an important trait of personality, and the child shall be trained to lead and play a significant role in the activity. It is important that child shall act independently; the emotions and actions of the child should be independent and should be based upon his personal understanding (Larry, 2005). It is important that under no circumstances, the child shall get under the influence of another person except for parents. The mentoring of parents is instrumental in inflicting the sense of leadership. ... It is important that the child is protected from the social injustice, alienation, vanity, and conviction (Larry, 2005). At the very early stage of his early, the mind of the child is the fluid form which takes the shape of the bowl it is poured into; therefore it is important to be careful in the treatment of such child. It is important that such child shall be protected from the troubled and difficult situation. Often parents put their children in a troubled situation to assess their reaction and approach. This is an incorrect approach, it is recommended never to put the child to any test. With reference to this specific case of a neglected child, it is important that the child shall be given love and affection, rather such child shall be the hub of love and affection from all the family members, in particular, the parents (Frederick, 2008).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Middterm essY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Middterm essY - Essay Example With regards to the exemplification of the first economic principle, consumer choice, this can relatively be defined in terms of the fact that the consumer continually wants more than he/she can provide. In essence, a desire exist within the current market for French fries; even though it is true that this food is very harmful to the health and weight of the individual in question. Yet as a clear and evident outgrowth of the fact that consumer demands know no bounds, the article references the fact that a clear and unmet demand exists for â€Å"low fat† French fries; something that none of the main fast food chains have moved towards supplying to the market. In this way, the article goes on to explain how Burger King seeks to lead the market by providing what consumers have been demanding. It is likely to assume that the move by Burger King to fill this shortage in supply of a commodity that consumers have actively been seeking will provide a level of profitability that other firms operating within the same markets have not had the presence of mind to fulfill (O’Connor 1). An additional economic principle that is referenced within the article in question is with regards to the fact that the consequences of consumer choice of live in the future. Whereas it is unfair to state that this economic principle has not been appreciated within the past, it can necessarily be seen could be more relevant with regards to the current situation and the way in which consumers are unequivocally more concerned with regards to the health and safety of the food products that they consume. Recent levels of environmentalism and the focus upon organic foods has led consumers to demand high-quality with regards to products they regularly integrate with. Likewise, seeking to tie this back in with the economic principle of the consequences lying in the future, the reader can easily discern the fact that continuing to assume French fries that are high in fat ultimately has a detrimental impact with regards to the future health and longevity of the individual in question. Within such a way, Burger King has leverage this understanding and seeks to utilize this level of forethought and planning as a means of selling an entirely new product; likely at a slightly higher rate than be alternatively less healthful traditional fries. Although the examples that have thus far been pointed out may seem as somewhat trite, the fact of the matter is that firms such as Burger King are intimately aware of the decision making structure and impetus that encourages the consumer to integrate with their product. In this way, seeking to understand these environmental factors and the recent push towards engaging anymore healthful lifestyle, firms are ultimately faced with two decisions. They can either continue to offer the product that they have offered in the past, to a great deal of commercial success, or they

Genres of Literature Essay Example for Free

Genres of Literature Essay Genres of literature are important to learn about. The two main categories separating the different genres of literature are fiction and nonfiction. There are several genres of literature that fall under the nonfiction category. Nonfiction sits in direct opposition to fiction. Examples from both the fiction and nonfiction genres of literature are explained in detail below. This detailed genres of literature list is a great resource to share with any scholars. Types of Nonfiction: Narrative Nonfiction is information based on fact that is presented in a format which tells a story. Essays are a short literary composition that reflects the author’s outlook or point. A short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. A Biography is a written account of another person’s life. An Autobiography gives the history of a person’s life, written or told by that person. Often written in Narrative form of their person’s life. Speech is the faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to express one’s thoughts and emotions by speech, sounds, and gesture. Generally delivered in the form of an address or discourse. Finally there is the general genre of Nonfiction. This is Informational text dealing with an actual, real-life subject. This genre of literature offers opinions or conjectures on facts and reality. This includes biographies, history, essays, speech, and narrative non fiction. Nonfiction opposes fiction and is distinguished from those fiction genres of literature like poetry and drama which is the next section we will discuss. Genres of Fiction: Drama is the genre of literature that’s subject for compositions is dramatic art in the way it is represented. This genre is stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical performance, where conflicts and emotion are expressed through dialogue and action. Poetry is verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that evokes an emotional response from the reader. The art of poetry is rhythmical in composition, written or spoken. This genre of literature is for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. Fantasy is the forming of mental images with strange or other worldly settings or characters; fiction which invites suspension of reality. Humor is the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical. Fiction full of fun, fancy, and excitement which meant to entertain. This genre of literature can actually be seen and contained within all genres. A Fable is a story about supernatural or extraordinary people Usually in the form of narration that demons trates a useful truth. In Fables, animals often speak as humans that are legendary and supernatural tales. Fairy Tales or wonder tales are a kind of folktale or fable. Sometimes the stories are about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children. Science Fiction is a story based on impact of potential science, either actual or imagined. Science fiction is one of the genres of literature that is set in the future or on other planets. Short Story is fiction of such briefness that is not able to support any subplots. Realistic Fiction is a story that can actually happen and is true to real life. Folklore are songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a person of â€Å"folk† that was handed down by word of mouth. Folklore is a genre of literature that is widely held, but false and based on unsubstantiated beliefs. Historical Fiction is a story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting. Horror is an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by literature that is frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting. Fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the reader. A Tall Tale is a humorous story with blatant exaggerations, swaggering heroes who do the impossible with an here of nonchalance. Legend is a story that sometimes of a national or folk hero. Legend is based on fact but also includes imaginative material. Mystery is a genre of fiction that deals with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets. Anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown. Mythology is a type of legend or traditional narrative. This is often based in part on historical events, that reveals human behavior and natural phenomena by its symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods. A body of myths, as that of a particular people or that relating to a particular person. Fiction in Verse is full-length novels with plot, subplots, themes, with major and minor characters. Fiction of verse is one of thegenres of literature in which the narrative is usually presented in blank verse form. The genre of Fiction can be defined as narrative literary works whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. In fiction something is feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story. The Oxford English Dictionary is a great place to consult for any further definitions of the different genres of literature explained here.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Origins Of English Figurative Idioms English Language Essay

The Origins Of English Figurative Idioms English Language Essay Idiom is the combination of lexical items and has its own meaning which is different from the particular individual lexical items and this figurative expression is usually understood by the native speakers because figurative idiom expression is likely to be named as the conventional scene in the their mind that serves in the speech community. Similarity, idioms are consisted as a special set of lexical items due not only to their structure elements, but also they specify a unique set of behavior when used in very language discourse. Fernando argues that the concreted phrases and the arrangement pairs in idiomatic are recognized by the usage and with its stabilized structure and limited variation. To expand the explanation, idioms can be formed a word such as nevertheless, a phrase such as in favor of, and also a sentence such as the coast is clear. According to Boers definition of figurative idiom, whose meaning is barely inferred by its literal meaning of its constituent elements. T herefore, from the semantic point of view, the expression of a figurative idiom cannot be understood from its individual parts. Structurally an idioms usually includes a series of words, any parts of its meanings cannot be replaced. Figurative idioms, it is a matter of extraordinary rather than ordinary languages. Base on Lakoff and Johnson explanation, idioms are also known as the metaphor that serves as a device of poetic imagination and the rhetorical flourish dedicates for most languages. Moreover, figurative expressions are not merely bundles of word combination; however it is a phrase that ordinarily invented to one situation that inferred to another, making an implicit comparison. Another scholar Tang explains figurative idioms unsurprisingly have been coined with the name of its meaning. Ultimately, the figurative interpretation of every idiom evokes the metaphorical expressions. As the manifestation of conceptual metaphor was introduced, Z. Kovecses conceptualizes metaphors are realized in other than linguistic ways. For example, literary works are constructed in their fully in term of conceptual metaphors such as Chaucers The Cantebury tales, Buyams The Pilgrim Progress or Frosts poem The Road not Take n are associated around the LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor. As result, although there is always a difference in every definition of figurative idiom, yet they all have the similar description to explain idioms have the obvious characteristics of semantic incorporated and structural stability. 2.1) Culture context Language structure is the most typical feature of cultural aspects that such relationship particularly found in the lexicon. As Wierzbicka lists out the best evidence for reality of cultures can associate the meanings of words that eventually provides ways of living, speaking, thinking, and feeling which are broadly shared in every particular society. In addition, the Polish anthropologist Malinnowsky is the first founder of the context theory thinks that discourse and context are mutually hanging closely together, the language environment is essential to understand language.(à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) Meanwhile, Boers and Stengers declare the significant of cultural figurative expression has been emphasized much recent research. Gibbs study claims that idioms are established in all languages and several types of idioms are cultural elements. Wierzbicka states that most of figurative idioms are cultural artifacts, reflecting the aspects the creation of figurative idioms which are formed by cul tural elements. Inchaurralde mentions particular lexical units are linked with cultural lexical scripts, which are associated to a certain cultural background. Furthermore, Lennon points out language and culture are important to idioms because it could reflect the transformation in conceptualization of the universe and the relationship between the universe and the mankind. The Chinese Linguist Hu Zhunaglin has divided the cultural context into three types: linguistics context, situational context, and cultural context. Most importantly, the cultural context refers the involvement of social, economic, cultural, political background, and religions contexts occur in communities that would value the standard of a certain language. Dobrovolskij and Piirainen comes out with an idea to describe the different types of cultural phenomena are interrelated with conventional figurative units. This means that culturally marked lexis has focused on cross-cultural similarity and the variation across in the conceptualization of emotions. Another issue that Lakoff and Johnson discuss about whether all cultures have the same conceptual of the world. Base on Issac simplification, every figurative expression has a certain class of metaphors seems to be universal. However some cultural specifications also occur in conceptual metaphor, in other word, different culture have a different set of value systems that might result in different interaction to certain expression from others cultures. For example, in Shakespeares period, the food egg is to characterize people behavior or attitude, for instance, She is a good egg means that she is a nice person. In Chinese, there is record in the literature work egg transcript to mandarin Dan also symbolizes to a person behavior and attitude. The Mandarin word huai dan signifies as bad person. These two different cultural context has shared the same particular meaning of the phrase is directed and extended to describe people who seen to be decent person. Although English and Chinese utilize the food egg to imply the same target expression, on the other hand, the English expression good egg is to indicate a nice person, however the Chinese expression to indicate a nice person no longer utilizes egg to imply the meaning rather than change the whole word into hao ren instead of hao dan. 2.2) Idiom and culture Language has been always the carrier of culture and most important idioms that almost invariably to have their roots in a particular language. Another researcher Ronald Langacker argues that language is instrument and module of culture, speakers take part in a discourse situation, their cultural aspects are related to their acts of behavior and conversation. Moreover, Paul Friedrich calls the connection between language and culture as linguaculture. The conceptual of linguaculture is described as a domain of experience that fuses and intermingles the vocabulary, many semantic aspects of grammar, and the verbal aspects of culture; both grammar and culture have underlying structure while they are constantly being used and constructed by actual people on the ground. (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) As an important part of language and culture, particular source domain of metaphorical expression may not be equally salient across cultures. (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) Meanwhile, few researches have been introduced on the cultural features in the present study that lead Boers and Stengers to investigate on the composition of idiom and culture. They explore weather domain that track most in English figurative idioms. The weather domain is commonly associated to English figurative idioms because talking about the weather is a very basic and frequently topic in Britain because it is notoriously variable and unpredictable. However, the weather lexical units can be implemented through meaning extension to other domains such as economy and feeling, for example, when a financial storm struck down Wall Street, traders sought shelter in the dollar and Alex feels the chill of economic downturn. As result, the sentence illustrates the weather domain to a situation and feeling to indicate the seriousness on how Englishmen see weather as well as the economic phenomena. Boers, Demecheleer, and Eyckmans suggest that there are two complementary methods to estimate the two linguistic communities differ with respect to relate salience of a source domain. One method is to investigate the comparison of both languages such as English and Dutch idioms, that English idioms has much broader selection of expressions converted from card games and gambling such as to over play ones hand, to play with stacked deck, the chips are downà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Another much more straight forward example is the domain of sports, popularity of certain sports may coin widely across cultural aspects. Baseball for instance, is much more popular in the United States than in European, for sure it is evidently that American produces more baseball figurative expression such as I had a date with Alice yesterday night, unfortunately I cant even get to first base with her; Three strike and youre out. Similarity, British English hold a source domain in cricket such as Bat on a sticky wick et, Hit someone for six. Besides, Englishmen also like to have horse racing eventually contributes to figurative expressions as well such as A dark horse, Hear it from the horse mouth. The another method is to detect cross-cultural variation done by researcher Alice Deignan results that the source domain of sailing is reflected more often in English than in French discourse. For examples, Running tight ship, Talking the wind out of someones sails, when you ship comes in, clear the decks, and many more. Boers and Demecheleer suggests that French figurative discourse is more likely flavoured by the source domain of food and cooking. Alice Deignan concludes that the cultural aspects and figurative idioms are considered indirect ones in the sense that cultures of the past and present reflect most of idioms and Boers sums up that even native speakers lack of awareness towards the origin of the idiom they use. 2.3) Origins of English Figurative Idioms According to Smith (1971), generally universal origins of idioms can be divided into four main cultural aspects. 2.3.1) From daily life Smith suggests that most idioms develop from daily life are linked with particular occupations such as many phrases that related to navy have been invented by the sailors as well as the athletes use phrases related to sports. Most of the idioms were invented and they are concise, oral dialect and vivid, and are closely associated to our life. Soon enough those idioms were used by the people in the daily life to indicate certain expressions. Such figurative expressions are useful and eventually it has been evolved from common dialogue to conventional language which those idioms are commonly use such as to share and woe, strike the iron whole it is hot, a pot of money, to take the bread out of someones mouth and many more. 2.3.2) From ancient myths, legends and fables Some English figurative idioms were influenced by the Ancient Greek and Roman civilization. From example, idioms such as Midas touch, the apple of discord, sour grape, pandoras box, trojon horse, etc are derived from Greek myths and legends which are widely used in writing. 2.3.3) From religion Religion stands an important role in contributing the source of idioms. In early western countries, traditionally, Christianity has always been the main religion, many sources of idioms are regularly used in verbal dialogue are mainly came from the bible such as judass kiss, olive branch, much cry and little wool, turn the other cheek, cast peals before swine, and writing on the wall. 2.3.4) From classical literature

Sunday, October 13, 2019

John Walker :: essays research papers

John Walker Lindh, the American accused of fighting alongside the Taleban, has been formally indicted on 10 charges of conspiring to kill fellow Americans. The US is a country of laws, not of men... Walker Lindh only recognised the law of brute force US Attorney General John Ashcroft The indictment, which was handed down by a grand jury in eastern Virginia, formalised the six charges filed against him last month and added four more. The 10-count charge sheet represents the next step in the case against the 20-year-old Californian Muslim. He faces multiple life sentences if convicted. Asked at a press conference whether the government would ask the grand jury to charge Mr Walker with treason, US Attorney Paul J McNulty said: "As far as other charges, we have the opportunity or right to have a superseding indictment if the evidence justifies that." 'Trained terrorist' Announcing the indictment at the US Justice Department, Attorney General John Ashcroft said it described Mr Walker as "an al-Qaeda-trained terrorist who conspired with the Taleban to kill his fellow citizens." He said the indictment was based in part on voluntary statements made Mr Walker. The new charges are: Conspiracy to contribute services to al-Qaeda Contributing services to the network Conspiracy to supply services to the Taleban Using and carrying firearms and destructive devices during crimes of violence Mr Walker had already been charged with: Conspiracy to murder US citizens or US nationals Two counts of conspiracy to provide material support and resources to designated foreign terrorist organisations Two counts of providing material support and resources to terrorist organisations Supplying services to the Taleban Mr Ashcroft said the indictment presented a timeline of Mr Walker's involvement with terrorism. The charge sheet said that in early summer 2001, Mr Walker was in an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. Later, as the network made their alleged preparation for the attacks of 11 September, Mr Walker was "forging ever deeper bonds" with al-Qaeda and met America's foremost suspect, Osama Bin Laden, Mr Ashcroft said. Mr Ashcroft said that on the day of 11 September, Mr Walker was fighting alongside the Taleban in Afghanistan, and in the weeks after the attack he remained with his fighting camp, despite knowing about the suicide attacks and being aware that additional attacks were planned. Walker's father is standing by his son

Saturday, October 12, 2019

College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay -- It’s Not Time to Pay Stud

Waking up before the sunrise is a daily routine. Early morning film sessions, class, then practice, which dominates the day. There are few moments in between for food and socializing, but the life of a student athlete is anything but ordinary. Sleep, eat, practice and school are all an athlete knows, and with the pressures of campus life it becomes even more difficult. No time for much of anything, let alone getting a job. Like most students, these athletes need money, but do not have a spare moment to work. Without any source of income, athletes are put at a major disadvantage. Their full-time job is athletics, in addition to rigorous college-level courses. The possibility of becoming a professional athlete and making millions becomes very appealing. This course of action leads to student athletes making money illegally, dropping out of school, or leaving school early without a degree in an often futile attempt to play at the professional level. Waking up before the sun is a daily routine. Early morning film sessions, class then practice, which dominates the day. There are a few moments in between for food and socializing, but the life of an athlete is anything but ordinary. Sleep, eat, practice and school are all an athlete knows, and with the pressures of campus life it becomes even more difficult. No time for much of anything, let alone getting a job. However, now that student athletes are compensated, they no longer need to worry about money. They can fully focus on school and sport. They can achieve success in both areas without worrying about money. Graduation rates are higher, academic grades are higher. Later in life, players more successful in their respective professional fields because of the ma... ...ommentary: Should NCAA should get rid of Amateurism for its Athletics.† Morning Edition (NPR). 07 May 2013. Points of View. Ebscohost. 05 Jan. 2015. Greenlee, Craig T. â€Å"College Athletes deserve some equity.† Black Issues in Higher Education. 27 Apr 2014. 62 (1). Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. Jackson, Derrick. â€Å"Op-ed: It’s Time to Pay Student Athlete.† Interview with Lynn Nery. NPR Talk ok the Nation. 06 June 2013. Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. King, Bill. â€Å"The Junkyard Blawg: Play for Pay?† The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. 03 May 2012. Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. Maisel, Ivan. â€Å"Don’t expect athletes to be paid anytime soon.† Sporting News 10 Oct. 2014. 52 (1). Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hippocrates and the Four Humors

Balancing the four humors The Greeks and Romans viewed madness and sickness as an affliction from the gods. Greek physicians, most notably Hippocrates, believed these afflictions we from an imbalance of what he called the four humors. These included blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. In many cases many treatments prescribed to balance the humors could be considered precursors to psychotherapy. Hippocrates had his patients’ discuss their dreams to gain insight into their ailments.From these discussions, he would then prescribe such things as rest and relaxation as well as a change of climate, scenery, or diet. Hippocrates believed that removing a mentally ill patient from a tumultuous family life could restore the patient’s mental health. . Most of these theories can be seen later on as suggestive cures for Freud’s patients even though Freud viewed the causes much differently. Physical ailments were treated with a much different approach when compared to mental health problems.To balance the humors, physicians chose a variety of procedures many of which would be considered questionable by today’s standards. If a patient was thought to have an excess amount of blood, the physician would bleed the patient to remove the excess amount. When a patient was thought to have too much phlegm and was lethargic, physicians would prescribe a diet high on citrus fruits. Even today elderly patients who have chronic fatigue are given shots of vitamin B-12 which can be found in citrus fruits and chronically ill people are suggested to increase their vitamin C intake which also can be found in citrus fruits.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Jewellery Sector in West Bengal

The main purpose of this study was to examine the migration profile of the workers in the Gold and Jewellery Sector of West Bengal and also to study the process of skill formation of the workers in this sector. The entire study was based on a primary survey conducted on a sample size of 60 individuals spread over 4 different regions of West Bengal – Sinthi, Bowbazar, Basirhat and DomJur. In the first part of my study, I examined the pattern of migration of the Jewellery artists in these areas. I also cited the existence of a large number of in-migrants, circular and return migrants in this ector.In the next part, I studied in details the process of skill formation of the workers and showed how the period of apprenticeship was crucial in the career of a jewellery artist. I also explained the wage vriation between the skilled, unskilled and semiskilled workers in Basirhat and also attempted to establish a link between skill, income and migration of the workers. In the last part of my analysis, I attempted give a comparative study analysis of these areas with respect to the nature of the migrant workers, conditions of work, income and pattern of migration.Acknowledgements I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Swati Ghosh, Department of Economics, Rabindra Bharati University, who was extremely helpful and offered invaluable assistance, support and guidance. Her willingness to motivate contributed tremendously to the succesful completion my project. Deepest gratitude is also due to Prof. Sukanata Saha without whose knowledge and assistance this study would not have been successful.To the Jewellery workers and shop-owners of Sinthi, Bow Bazaar, Basirhat and DomJur, I whole heartedly thank you for your kindness, co-operation and patience. Without your support, this project would not have materialized. I would like to exp ress my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Kaushik Mukherjee (Bowbazar), Mr. Subhash Sarkar ( Atoshi Jewellers, Basirhat ) for their valuable help and guidance during my survey. And last but not least, special thanks also to all my class-mates, for sharing the literature and providing invaluable assistance during the survey.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Reflecrion paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflecrion paper - Essay Example Despite these changes the Larry King case is an absolute tragedy that reflects that the new reality of the gay movement in America. In the past teenagers were hesitant to come out of the closet and reveal their feelings until there were matured enough to deal with society’s pressures and discriminatory forces against. At the earlier they came was late in high school or early in college. This has drastically changed due to exposure and perception of social acceptance of gays by television programming that has gay characters such as Ellen, Gossip Girl and Ugly Betty (Setoodeh, 2008). There is nothing wrong with any of these programs, but a ten year old may fall into the erroneous assumption that being openly gay at such age is a safe move when in reality can place a child in danger. Young Larry King was gunned down in classroom by another 14 year old called Brandon Mclnerney. Larry was going through some tough times such as being separated by social services from his parents due to allegations from Larry that his dad was abusing him. He was openly gay since the age of 10, but now his behavior was more erratic and even started dressing up as girl in school. The school had their hands tight up and could not do anything about the cross dressing due to hate-crime laws against gender discrimination. Larry was taunting Brandon in public because he liked him, but Brandon felt embarrassed and harassed Larry romantic motives. The situation got out of control and ended up in the tragic death of child. The second story studied Where old is still gold, not cold by David Lavoie deals with society’s perception of the elderly in a foreign nation. In this story a man travels to Malaysia and realizes after a diving class that in this part the hemisphere the fact that he is a senior citizen of 64 years old is seen by society as a reason to show greater respect to him. The elderly are seen as holders of knowledge and wisdom. The author of the story