Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Vodafone Marketing Analysis

Vodafone Marketing Analysis Marketing, as a discipline, has travelled a long distance in the last four decades. It is a trade of linking the producers of goods with the existing and potential customers. The changes in the consumer behavior, market place, channels of distribution, the merchandizing, display and almost anything have been tremendous in the past few decades. The demand for more sophisticated products has come out almost in every field. Products have today very close similarities. The research has created nearly the same kind of services and customer aids. Today marketers are faced with tough decisions. One wrong decision or delayed decision can completely put business back and give competitors edge over the market place, which in itself is a tough situation to face. Marketing deals with two things 1st identifying human and social needs and 2ndly fulfill them; we can say its Meeting needs profitably (Philip Kotler, 2008) Marketing deals with four things Right product, at right place, at right time and at right price. (Adcock, 2004) Marketing task is to manage demand, just as production and logistics professional are responsible for supply management. For management of demand, Marketing involves comprehensive understanding of product ( goods and services), experiences, events, the consumers, the places, information, Ideas, properties and even its own organization to be able to answer what is right, for whom, where, when and how? .(Adcock,2004) Strategy: Strategy is long term planning to achieve the goal and objectives of any organisation by utilization the different resources in the different environment to fulfil the market need and stakeholder satisfaction. Vodafones strategy: Vodafones strategy is that to give satisfaction to the customer by the utilization of advanced technology and product led to the its purpose the company is continually developing new products. Marketing strategy: Marketing strategy plays a vital role in the development of corporate strategy which has directly concerned to fulfil customers demand and wants and efficiently meeting their requirements. Marketing strategy is also help full in the development of business. Vodafones marketing strategy: Vodafones marketing objective in the UK is to keep market leadership on revenue per customer, network quality and customer satisfaction. Vodafones strategy is customer focused and product led for this purpose the company is continually developing new products and services which utilize the advance technologies. For example, young people think hard about which mobile phone to buy for this purpose they go wide range search for only best services with best value of money. It is very difficult to sell them. In order to keep market leadership, Vodafone has established a set of marketing objectives. Keep the existing customers. Increase infiltration of new data service (i.e. Vodafone live!) Introduce new technologies and best services (e.g. Vodafone live! and mobile internet) Continue to expand the Vodafone brand Attain new customers. Vodafone is achieving these objectives by continually updating the variety of phones and services offered to keep ahead of its competitors. Also, Vodafones distinctive How are you? live! advertising is helping to improve the brand image and saliency to all mobile users. Vodafones at micro and macro level: Vodafone is the one of the leader in the international mobile communication market with over 200 million customers all over the worldwide 25 different countries. To fulfil the requirements of the stakeholders, Vodafones invents brands and products by using the different technologies in the tough competition of the modern market. In 2005, in Kenya, Vodafones did partnership with the safaricom which is the local telecommunication of the Kenya. Vodafone also did partnership with the UK Department of international development and commercial bank of Africa by providing local banking service. In start Vodafone feels that it is not about the new technology, it was about the new application of existing technology. At the first task, Vodafone won  £1m from the financial deepening challenging fund. There are different services available to M-PESA like making loan repayments, making payments from authorised agent and also cash withdrawal as well. Growth of telecommunication brings positive benefit for wider economy development. It increases efficiency of trade at micro level, specifically in the rural areas. More stable economy is helpful to bring benefits for long term business of Vodafone. Methods of marketing research: Quantitative marketing research: Quantitative method usually based on sampling. That sample data is estimated level of accuracy, population or universe which they are drawn. It is classified in the three groups: Market measurements Customer files or segmentation Attitudinal data Qualitative market research: Qualitative market research is classified in the following group: Observation Focus group Depth interviewing Projective interviewing techniques Customer complaints departments: For the effective marketing strategy organization has to give focus on the complaints departments which are more helpful to improve the business. Through this organization also came to know either we are following the right marketing strategy. Customer hotline: Customer hotlines means through using the internet and telephone. On the organisation specific website customer can give feedback, do complaints and many other option are there. This also a best way to know about the condition of the effective marketing strategy. SWOT analysis of Vodafone: Swot analysis shows about the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. through this analysis company came to know about the condition of company. Company can cover their threats by using the opportunities and also threats. (S)trengths: Vodafone have strong diversification according to the location. It is well known organisation in the middle east, Europe, Africa and many other countries as well. this is strong telecommunication company which has cross the boundaries. Vodafone has well developed networking system which construed by modern technology. Vodafone is also emerging in different countries like. (W)eakness: Vodafone have very low return on the assets which includes BT group. AAT group and many other assets as well. In the US business cannot run properly like this. This is not strong enough. More than 80 percent of the business is running in the Europe. There is also weakness that there is no network coverage in the rural areas. (O)pportunities: Vodafone have opportunities of cost reduction scheme. Vodafone is trying to get return on the assets. Vodafone is the largest revenue company in the Europe. Vodafone has opportunities to use new modern technology. There is also development in the research and development method as well. Vodafone have also chance of reasonable tariff service with the iPhones. Vodafone have also best any time service for the customer. (T)hreats: Vodafone have highly marking competition in the market. Vodafone have many competitors in the market which is the great threat for Vodafone. In Europe, There is competition of prices as well. There is high rate of penetration of prices in the market. PORTFOLIO is the Collection of Products, Services, or Brands that are offered for sale by a company. PORTFOLIO MODEL  means a companys strategy for allocating different organization resources between various units of business. Product portfolio is the best example of portfolio model. In building up a product portfolio model a company can use different analytical methods and techniques including. B.C.G. Boston Consulting Group-Analysis Contribution Margin Analysis GE General Electric. Multi Factorial Analysis B.C.G. Analysis is a 1st method used in Brand marketing, Product management and Strategic management to help a company decide what products to add to its product portfolio. Products rating includes in it according to their relative Market Share and Market Growth rate. The products are then planed on a two dimensional map. Cash cows: Cash cows are market leader which shows that high market growth and high market shares. They get more return on the assets. They help to cover administrative cost, funds, corporate debts and also many other things as well. Starts: Star has high growth of market shares and high generation of cash. They are directly related to the market. if stars maintain their reputation means keep maintain their situation then they can turn into the cash cows. Dogs: Dog includes low market share and low market growth. They cannot generate cash and cannot consume cash. Dogs dont have enough potential to generate any cash. Question marks: Question marks include low market share so they consume low cash. A question mark is known as problem child. If a question mark does not successful to become a leader then it will turn into the cash cow. BCG matrix shows Vodafone condition in the market either it falls in the cash cows, dogs, stars or in question mark. Vodafone have market shares but it have aloe of competitors in the market. BCG Matrix BCG Matrix with Cash Flows G.E. Multi Factorial Analysis is 2nd method or technique used in brand marketing and product management to help an organization what types of product(s) to add to its product portfolio. One dimension includes nine industry attractiveness measures and other comprises includes twelve internal business strength measures. Contribution Margin Analysis is a 3rd method or technique used in brand marketing and product management to help an organization what types of product(s) to add to its product portfolio. Calculations includes additional revenues, additional costs, effects on other products in the portfolio (referred to as cannibalization), and competitors reactions. Marketing Strategic alternatives: Vodafone is one of famous organization and big telecommunication company in the UK. There are three major group to which Vodafone provide the services that are private individual, small and large business and the organization. Vodafones strategy is to become a leader in the market. Vodafone take care of the customers needs, demand and want. Customer demands new up to date products and seek added value new packages with the modern technology. Marketing mix: A long term planning is helpful to make effective strategy which will take towards the successful marketing strategy. Marketing mix includes four Ps. Product Price Place Promotion Product: a product provide different facilities like to chat with others, play games, exchange ring tomes, sending and receiving pictures, capturing pictures and making video call, send up to date news about weather and news as well and there are many other services as well. Vodafone give live information the every move and up to date service as well. Price: Vodafone wants to extend their business as much as they can to the youngsters, mature persons, executives, professional people and to also to the senior citizen. Vodafones have different price package which is suitable to the every age group of customers and these different packages are added value which fulfill the requirement of the customers. Vodafone is offering monthly price plan package and also pay as you go package. Vodafone has provided online top up facility as well. Vodafone also giving NECTER benefiting by using the text messages, sending picture and many other things as well. Place: There are more than three hundred stores in the UK which is beneficial for the customer for the easy accessibility. Vodafone also sell their mobile phones and also independent to the other retailers like car phone ware house. Customer can come to the stores and check out their favorite mobiles and deals which is reasonable for them. Due to easy accessibility, customers are able to see and handle the products as they are purchasing the different products. In the different stores, there are well experienced customer service representatives are required which explained each and every thing to the customers and also give information about the coming new mobiles and the new packages. Through this way customer can be satisfy. Promotion: Vodafone have connection and communication with the famous icons like David Becham which increase its value. Best ways of promotions which is adopted by the Vodafone is adverting on TV, billboards, magazines, media out lets and also on the internet which has helped effectively and promoted Vodafone successfully. This is known as above the line promotion. Below the line promotion is to offer different package which do promotion of the company and also increase the annually sales of the company by using the attracting sales posters inside the stores to buy. In the marketing mix, promotions include Vodafones stores, staff and its different offer which increase its brand image. Vodafones also have good public relationship in the U.K by using the press release and up to dated articles and by using new source or media. Marketing mix of the Vodafone is the best way to explain about the different price offers which are reasonable foe every one. Promotion of the Vodafone Company gives shape a successful strategy. Different products of the Vodafone are reliable because of their quality and brands. Vodafone stores are located on those place which customers can access easily at the time of need. Climate change of Vodafone: At global level, there are different challenges from which climate change is one of them. Vodafone is also facing the climate change. Climate has great affect on the product and service. Vodafone has made a strategy to reduce the climate affect. There are three basic points of the strategy. One is minimizing the climate affect, Vodafone is delivery thy products to the consumers and businesses. Second is that Vodafone is trying to minimize the emission from the operations. Third is providing new technology to control the emission. What is change management? Change management is accept, control and manage the situation in the organisation and need to bring change in the organisation has effective management is called change management. Different analysis has to do to see the change and managed by well planned strategy. If any organisation has needed to do change then different valid models are made for effective management of change. Some proactive techniques are used to bring and adjust the change in the external and internal performance of the organisation. There is making some effective strategy to plan step by step change. Change management also keep in eye current and modern issues which can affect the change process. There are some solid reasons when change is required. Change management should have up to date knowledge about the of situation surrounding issues. Change process: There are many reasons due to change is done. That reason can be internally and can be internally. Change process means journey of source of change to the adopting the change is change process. Why change has done? Which type of changes has done either it is cultural, organisational behaviour, organisation policies. These changes can be related to different department of organisation and every department is related to change process and change process is related to the organisation strategies. Marketing environment and implementations: For the marketing environment of the Vodafone firstly there should be PESTEL analysis of the Vodafone which will about the environment of the company. At politically level, Vodafone has support and also developed in marketing level as well. At the economical level, Vodafone has extended its business. That has positive effect on the economical level. It has reasonable packages for calls, texts and internet as well. At the social level, Vodafone have positive response from the people and stakeholder. It saves the time and also it has cover the distance between the people and places. Vodafone have partnership with different companies and have new technology system for the development of network system. Vodafone has legal rights as well. Vodafone is working according to the legal rules and regulations. After the PESTEL analysis, we can examine marketing environment of the Vodafone. There is positive response from the stakeholder but Vodafone did many changes in the strategy of the marketing. For the changing, there is a process and some point which is kept in mind. For changing in the strategy of marking, there will keep on eye on the financial condition of the Vodafone, response of the staff because some time they show negative response and not happy with the changes, there is also some staff issues as well like it become difficult to adjust with the new marketing system, Vodafone also has to do media analysis which new source of media is going on and customers can be attract to the which source or media that can be a TV advertisement, magazine outlets and many other sources as well. After analysis all these points, we can plan a marketing strategy which will be helpful in the development of business and also in extension as well. Vodafone is well known telecommunication company in the worldwide. so, planning the and implementation of the strategy should be careful and keep in mind all the aspects as well. Conclusion: Vodafone is the successful telecommunication company which has developed networking system. In every company, have different department and have different responsibility. Vodafone also have different department from which marketing is one of them. Marketing is the main department of any organization. There is properly a strategy is constructed. Before doing anything there is need of making strategy. So there is also specific strategy of Vodafone as well which explains about the customer care and reasonable prices to customer as well. There is also examine of Vodafone at micro and macro level which explains about the importance if Vodafone at global and local. Next section is about the SWOT analysis of the Vodafone which explains about the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the Vodafone. SWOT analysis is the best way to know about internal condition of any organization. After that, there is Boston Consultancy Group Matrix which explains about the Vodafones market growth rate and market share rate. Marketing mix is the important part of the marketing strategy which includes 4 ps which are price, product, promotion and place. Marketing mix is the best way to know about the competitors and where company is standing. It also helps to be market leaders. Vodafone has climate affect on the company. For controlling this Vodafone is taking help of new technology. At the end , Vodafone is successful organization in the world.

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