Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sociology Notes on Culture

CULTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE 1)LEARNT A societys finale has to be genetic to eaach succeeding multiplication by the instituitions of society. PEOPLE MUST distinguish HOW TO BEHAVE WHEN THEY are BORN 2)SHARED ·systems consist of negotiated jeerments ·members must agree to relationships amidst a word, demeanor etc ·no person can bilk entirely from his culture 3)TRANSMITTABLE kitchen-gardening comes down from the past and is not created by any champion person or generation and continues beyond the lifespan of the individual. individually generation must pass it on to the next; if not, the culture will die 4)ADAPTIVE In array to survive, culture must lodge to changes in the society 5)DYNAMIC market-gardening is variable (likely to change frequently) 6)SYMBOLIC must stick to meaning to things or behaviours FUNCTIONS OF CULTURE 1) Culture gives humans standards for distinguishing between what is amend and dispar duration (norms), beautiful and unpleasant (values), reasonable and unreasonable 2)Culture provides methods for genteelness children to carry (socialization) in certain ways generally considered appropriate morphologic & CULTURAL UNIVERSALISM Structural Universalism refers to issues that MUST be addressed if a society is to survive and evolve. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
They pertain to the basic problems of human existence. pagan Universalisms are values, norms or other cultural traits, items (eg. religion, language) that are sensory(a) up everywhere in every culture. Shared common traits including: ·communi cating with a verbal language ·using age a! nd gender to discriminate people ·raising children in a family setting ·sexual division of wear upon . eg. men do this, women do that ·a concept of privacy ·distinguishing between life-threatening and bad ·making jokes and playing games ·rules to regulate sexual behaiviour · ready ornament ·leadership roles GLOBALIZATION Because of globalization, societies around the world arrive at more contact...If you postulate to get a full essay, company it on our website:

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