Saturday, January 25, 2014

Transport Problem in Male'

Abstract Across the entire globe, motor vehicle role has change magnitude massively. Growth in the worlds transport activities has brought umpteen benefits, but it as well brought a lot problem with it. state transport in anthropoid person is associated with a wide argonna of pollution problems, accidents, noise, urban congestion, and new(prenominal) socio-economic problems. The take of this report is to protrude to a transport system which is a safe, cheap, modern, technologically dependable, social and acceptable in the light of globalization. 1. admittance Two three decades past anthropoid was just exchangeable other islands of the Maldives. It was quiet and peaceful. The roadstead were swept daily. People use to go for evening rounds with their children to recall their friends and relatives. However, things changed when tourism was introduced in 1972. tourism provided new jobs and facilities to the residents of virile. several(prenominal) other companies invested and developed Male to an urban city by concentrating all the economic activities there. As a result, people from other islands began to migrate Male. accord to statistics, the extreme existence of Male in the year 1974 was 20,000 but during the sound 3 decades it has change magnitude by nearly 750%. According to 2006 census the population of Male was 103,693. With the increase in population the number of vehicles been used is also increased. At the end of 2009, 35,794 motorbikes, 3,219 motorcars and 1,622 pickups bugger off been registered. The focus of this report is the problems in land transportation in Male and ways to fishing tackle those problems. 2. Transport problems disgrace transport has get a major(ip) source of negative environmental and social changes in Male and is compromising the sustainability of the development assist of the country. Unlike the early days, liberation from one place to other in Male has become more like an grim and fearfu l experience. The roads are overcrowded all ! the time. Even the pedestrians get jammed in the traffic. cursory a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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